I was very close to failing this audit review in the First Posts queue. I passed by pressing No Action Needed, but had I not realized it was an audit I would have flagged it as too broad.
The question is about how to handle moderation of multiple revisions in a system built using Ruby on Rails. The actual question sentence is:
How to implement this?
No code. Nothing tested so far. No specific part of the implementation that the OP is stuck on. As I have understood it, questions that are about the best approach to do something quite large and complex is not on-topic. Sure, this one had attracted 15 upvotes and no downvotes, but I suspect that is due to the presence of a bounty. The question is also interesting and well written, which might have helped it gain upvotes, but it doesn't make it any more on-topic.
Am I right in that this question is too broad? Should I flag it? And no matter what the answer to that is, since it is an edge case, could it be removed from the audit list?
EDIT: The question is now put on hold as too broad, and I assume that means it is no longer used as an audit.