The question asked:
I want to delete all files and folders in a folder by system call.
The answer said:
net stop wuauserv
DEL "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.*" /s /q
rmdir /s /q "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\"
net start wuauserv
Which not only answers a question but answers the question. But don't try that at home, it might have unwanted side-effects.
When an answer looks like it answers a question, Not An Answer flags are not the correct action to take. Down votes and comments are much more effective because that enables 20K-ers to delete vote such answers.
Moderators don't know if answers are good or incorrect. The moderator who deleted the answer knows a bit about Python but don't expect them to know if disabling Windows Update service is okay. Moderators declined your flag to signal to you the wrong use of your flag.
You might read the Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer? to understand when NAA is the correct flag to raise. And also When to flag an answer as "not an answer"?
tl;dr don't use it for answers that seem incorrect.