So I was posting a question today that was obviously enough about SQL.
At the bottom I saw the little "Suggested Tags" widget trying to be helpful, recommending Sql-Server and MySQL.
And then it hit me. That's why so many new users tag their SQL questions with both Sql-Server
and MySQL
, which I assure you, causes no small measure of frustration among those of us who are experts in one of the two, but not both. Count how many comments have something like "Which is it? SQL Server or MySQL? It can't be both" if you're feeling ambitious/bored.
Can we please stop this? Maybe just suggest the SQL tag?
I've already seen this question, and the duplicate it points to. I understand the reason why we offer both of these tags, trying to get the poster to focus their question to their specific RDBMS, but it's back-firing and causing them to use a shotgun instead of a laser. Nice idea, but it didn't work, IMO. Time to put it to pasture, please?
NB: The "Suggested tags" appear to be sent back from the Server in the response to (along with other functionality such as draft saving and returning the list of "Questions that may already have your answer")
An example screenshot (of an entirely fictitious question) is below
for the name, I think most people pick it because they thinkmy sql server/database
not realizing that's not what it means.