As we continue the celebration of 10 million questions on Stack Overflow, we want to give away more stuff!

We’ve already received some awesome stories about users going above and beyond for others, but before we give away more swag we need something from you.

We want some stories about how Stack Overflow has helped you or how it made you a better programmer. It could be that your participation:

  • changed your career
  • helped you succeed in school
  • or some other way it helped you

As an example, I’ll use my own experience:

I was working on a project that needed to convert an Microsoft Access application written from VBA to a Winforms C# application with a SQL Server backend. I had never touched either of those programming languages before, so I turned to Stack Overflow.

I was able to solve most of my problems using either existing questions and answers, or from the help of the users. Through my use of the site, I learned that I loved SQL and loved answering those questions, but realized quickly I had a lot to learn. I used the site to strengthen my SQL skills which eventually lead to several database developer jobs and ultimately changed my career path. Without Stack Overflow, I wouldn’t have had the same exposure to SQL. The site helped advanced my career and everyday I’m grateful for finding it.

I’ll stop gushing and get to the good stuff.

What swag can we get?

  • A Stack Overflow branded ruled notebook, with a pocket in the back and quality, acid-free paper (actual brand will depend on availability)
  • A Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's cut) along with some stickers
  • Pens & retractable sharpies
  • A mug or BPA-free water bottle (Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange) depending on availability


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can with an emphasis on how the site helped you.
  • Submission deadline is September 11, 2015
  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline
  • 10
    @BhargavRao This is different from the previous question posted by Tim. This is more about how Stack Overflow helped you, not necessarily how another user helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:22
  • 7
    @BhargavRao As long as you make an effort to answer the question in the way we are asking and you're not solely trying to get free stuff... then yes.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:25
  • 4
    @BhargavRao, Shh you're asking too many questions. ;)
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:50
  • 7
    @Trobbins I had 10,000,000 more questions. If I ask them all then we can have a 10m-milestone for meta also! :D Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:51
  • 1
    Are stories from other SE sites welcome?
    – Anko
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:22
  • 4
    @Anko This is a celebration of Stack Overflow, so the story should be about how Stack Overflow helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:24
  • 27
    After this celebration can we just get a store to buy SO shirts, etc. please?
    – TylerH
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 14:07
  • 1
    How are the winners picked?
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:01
  • 6
    @DavidG If a good faith answer that follows the rules (2+ paragraphs) with a story about how SO helped you, then yay you'll get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:04
  • 6
    @bluefeet Wowzer! That's super generous of you guys. Lets hope you don't get 100k answers and bankrupt yourself!
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:06
  • 2
    I would like to hear the same story from staffs or moderators of sof as well :) Why did you participated in sow and how have you experienced or learnt from the career.
    – kenju
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 7:16
  • 2
    @McAdam331 When it hits September 12 you will no longer be entered.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:31
  • 5
    The email went out today (September 18, 2015) regarding the swag. If you posted an answer but didn't receive an email (we got at least one undeliverable), post a comment or shoot me an email and we'll investigate.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:54
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is no longer accepting answers.
    – enderland
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 18:21
  • 5
    @enderland People could still post answers they just might not get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 19:19

141 Answers 141


When I began to get into programming, I found that learning the ropes was really hard... especially when you can't find the ropes, or when you do, they're falling apart.

Between the mess of W3Schools, Yahoo Answers, and barely understandable obsolete blog posts, it was really hard.

However, as my Google-fu improved, the more Stack Overflow began popping up in my search results, and I began noticing a pattern:

  • The solutions worked.
  • The questions were understandable (mostly, but hey, what're ya gonna do?)
  • I could find solutions to just about anything on there, and if I couldn't, there was always that big 'Ask Button' in the corner.

Sure, Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange are a little daunting at first, but once you learn the ropes, you start growing and learning crazy fast.

After a little while on Stack Overflow, I began to really understand what I was writing, and how not to abuse functions and features, but how to actually use the functions and how to write code that wasn't mistaken for Italian pasta.

Stack Overflow helped me grow as a programmer. Beyond that, it offered me the chance to do that for others, to help them grow as programmers. While understandably hard as a beginner programmer, I will be better equipped as time progresses.


To be honest, I'm still a college student who just starts to code for around three years. For sure, my story won't be as great or awesome as other experienced programmers. However, Stack Overflow has been a great resource for me to understand how things work and how to get better understandings of my code.

First of all, I had around one year background during high school for learning basic programming in Java. It was wonderful and I loved the course a lot. However, things changed and I decided to apply as a biochemistry major for college. Biochemistry was great until I realized that I still liked programming in general. Hence, I decided to take some intermediate to advanced programming classes during my freshmen year. And yes, programming is wonderful even though college classes are much harder than my casual high school course (especially with the quarter system).

My first time using Stack Overflow was during the time I had struggles with OOP in Python. I was unclear on how to make a class and how to use the class effectively for my class project. After looking at some answers on Stack Overflow, I had a deeper understanding of why people invented OOP and why it is good to use it instead of making functions all over the place. It was a great experience with the Stack Overflow communities! I literally had the "ahhh" moment when I figured out my troubles through questions/answers on Stack Overflow.

After a while using Stack Overflow to look other people's questions and answers, I finally reached to a point that I could give out answers to some questions myself on Stack Overflow. It was a really cool moment when helping someone else. The more I use Stack Overflow, the more knowledge I gain. I helped me a lot in school and outside of school (personal projects). I asked some questions on Stack Overflow and the community was pretty active in which I could get a good answer in 4-5 hours. I wish the website can maintain its strong community and resources that can expand later in the future. Anyway, thanks Stack Overflow a lot!!

P.S.: Also, I changed my major to computer science immediately after the first year in college.


The Question: How to connect to EC2 instance within an iOS App

The Story:

Stack Overflow has helped me countless times, both by asking questions and by finding other questions. A very memorable experience I had was when I was trying to add a survey functionality to one of my iPhone applications. I had recently learned about SSH and was wondering if that was the way I should do it - by copying my private key into my application.

Obviously that was a terrible idea. And luckily, user Undo was there to help me out.

Putting it like this:

You don't want to let people SSH into your server, especially by embedding your private key into an app binary. It's crazy easy for someone to get it, then wreak havoc upon your server.

I learned all about HTTP POST - both the server side using Python, and the front end with Objective-C. I also learned about some SSH security. Undo's answer helped me implement my survey feature into my app and it worked really well - until I decided to short cut all my hard work with a Parse database...


Fresh out of college - I was assigned a very simple project. The task was to write a Windows service (with file-watcher) to convert some EDI files to various formats (including XML, CSV, and Excel) and finally email the converted file(s). The team consisted of four developers - two of them freshers, a database administrator, and a lead (who was, naturally, on leave when the problem started).

We completed everything perfectly, went ahead and deployed. Everything was fine except the email formatting.

The problem:

The email formatting --- on some lines either there would be two line break or none at all. Client was using Outlook while we had Lotus Notes. The issue was only occurring in Outlook. We spend a complete week trying to fix the problem (adding environment.newline, \n, br with HTML formatting - nothing worked) before finally posting the question on Stack Overflow.

Two minutes - that's all it took before someone posted the solution.

It's since that day that I'm fan of Stack Overflow and have spent several hours learning new concepts and ideas.

Thank you to Stack Overflow and all those who are part of it!


Before Stack Overflow, in 2007, looking for answers was really painful, there was some concurrence, blogs, and forums. No real solution for asking advice on a specific topic. Helping others was also complicated:

  • writing a blog post? Who would read it if you're not known blogger?
  • Contributing to forums? Better find the right one...

So, starting in 2008, Stack Overflow made me grow when I was trying to provide answers. Solving another person issue can be tricky, because of missing context, conveying consequences of your solution to the asker. I learnt a lot while proposing the best fit answers I could think of.

Some answers were just the result of simple googling, copy-paste and cite sources: those ones improved my Google-fu, which is really helpful when you have to prototype whatever new fancy framework (Angularjs 1.0...). Others answers required more analysis on the issue's cause, and stress tested my understanding of the framework/library/language. Those answers really improved my knowledge of various fields, and improved my technical writing skills as well.

And of course, Stack Overflow helps me for all the obscure questions I asked while trying to make some code "just better" in WPF or NHibernate.Search :)


As a web application developer, I use Stack Overflow literally all the time.

Some background: I'm a college computer science student, graduating this coming December. Before I got my current position, I worked as a server at a local Italian restaurant. The money was nice for a part-time position, but I realized if I didn't get out of that business quickly, I might never leave. The late nights were making it nearly impossible to study or do any homework, and the long hours were beginning to take a toll on my body.

One fateful day in my CSC232 class, the professor passed around a sheet of paper with information on an internship for a local, reputable company. The description was extremely vague, so I had no idea what to expect - but I knew I had to have it.

I spruced up my resume and contacted the hiring manager about the position, and got an interview. After that interview (and one or two others), they gave me a "test" of sorts: to create a simple web application to allow management of a database of "parts."

I had never used any of these tools before, so I was slightly overwhelmed. After many hours of searching and tweaking my code, I was stuck on the concept of a connection string. I asked a (bad) question about it, and Stack Overflow helped me find the solution. In fact, it still helps me find solutions to most daily issues I run into.

I got that internship because of this website, and in December, when I graduate, I'm going to accept the full-time position.

Thank you, Stack Overflow, and all of your wonderful users striving to make this place as great a community as possible.


Stack Overflow has been my absolute go-to for years as I learned how to program. I could always come here and find the answer to all my newbie questions, already asked and answered. It wasn't until I got more experienced and started coming across more complex problems that I actually joined.

I've always been terrible at asking for help. I like to figure things out on my own, but sometimes I get stuck. If I've been spinning my wheels for a few days, trying everything google turns up with no luck, I come here. I never cease to be amazed at how quickly someone helps me. I'm usually given pointers or an answer within an hour or two. People will work with me to narrow down my problem and find the flaw in my approach. They come up with elegant solutions that I never even remotely thought of.

I've started trying to answer questions. I like the puzzle and hope I can be helpful. Although I will admit I usually get schooled by another user who comes up with a much better solution. That being said, it's a great way to learn and I'd like to think it's making me a better programmer.


Let me start with a tweet I posted some weeks ago: "#SOreadytohelp Because there's always at least 1 person in the world that has the solution to your crazy idea! "

Stack Overflow can be divided in two large areas in my opinion: either you have a problem that others have had in the past as well, and you can just read about how they found their solution or you have a problem that is so bizarre and unique, that nobody posted about it before and... Someone will actually have the solution for your insane problem.

I'm a programmer, but a part of my time at work is dedicated to improving my coding skills, and Stack Overflow is an amazing place to improve yourself: I check the new questions of my favourite tags and see if I can answer them. If I can't answer them, but the questions are interesting, I follow them up, so I learn new methods and concepts. I'm at that point that I got a special bookmark-folder filled with interesting concepts and ideas for potential upcoming projects.

But exactly how did Stack Overflow help me, you ask? The community explains things. It doesn't give you a black box solution and move along. No, it explains why your solution doesn't work, and how you can adapt your solution to make it work. When stuck on a problem, you just know that, after checking Stack Overflow, you'll have the solution for your problem, but also that you will know why your problem was a problem in the first place. Which, in turn, will help you next time to avoid that situation.


Looking at my profile, you probably would think I wouldn't say Stack Overflow helped me very much. After all, I have four questions and 1500+ answers as of writing this.

However, asking questions isn't the only way to benefit from Stack Overflow, and I would certainly say that I've benefited from Stack Overflow as much or more than it's benefited from my contributions!

  • Organization and Markdown

    I've always been a contributor to various online forums in my particular language; what Stack Overflow has done for me the most in that regard, has been to teach me to better organize my answers. I'm fairly verbose, and in particular in my other most common forum - a mailing list, SAS-L - I started out fairly poor at organizing things.

    Along came Stack Overflow a few years ago, and it wasn't terribly long before I picked up on Markdown, and the significant benefits that arise from organizing your thoughts more effectively. Things that aren't very easy to do in email - or at least, don't come naturally - do here; I find myself thinking in a much more organization-focused way now. More enters. Lists. Indenting. Just thinking about my answer more as I write it - and that's carried over, to some extent, to the other places that I post.

    I also learned Markdown, of course, which was a big help when I started learning R - whose most common printed output format uses Markdown. I found myself learning much more quickly than my (online) classmates, because of this.

    Finally, Stack Overflow is one of the best ways for me to find answers I have written, myself, to remember how I did something in the past. Some of these are self-answered questions (all four of my questions are, in fact, these); some are just answers I remember posting to an interesting question someone posed a while back that happens to help me.

  • Community and Stack Exchange

    Stack Overflow brought me to Stack Exchange as a whole, via the Hot Questions feed, and that's turned into a great resource for me. As a new parent about the same time I joined Stack Overflow, it led me to Parenting, which has a great community of users and has helped me become a better parent - you'll find a lot more questions there than here! - as well as connected me to other parents who I can share stories with and laugh at theirs.

    Other sites have helped me learn about travelling internationally, read some interesting anecdotes about the Workplace, and solve some interesting programming puzzles.

  • Learning other languages When I started learning R, Stack Overflow was a great resource to answer the questions I had. I never had to ask a question, in fact - every time I needed to know something, it was already answered. The only time I wasn't sure, the R chat room folks guided me to the right place right away.

    I've also used Stack Overflow to improve my SQL; seeing some of the solutions Gordon posts when SAS and SQL overlap have helped me tremendously just in seeing different ways things could be accomplished. I use SQL Server just frequently enough that Stack Overflow is a great tool for remembering how to do things.

All in all, Stack Overflow has been tremendously helpful in expanding my mind - from learning other languages, to learning about parenting, travel, finance, and more; to learning how to be a better helper. All that, and the ability to answer occasionally intriguing questions - including one that led to a paper!


Stack Overflow in just the short time I have been a member has become my primary resource for programming troubleshooting information. I'm by no means a programmer; there is no such beast in my country.

I first found it through Google Search trying to solve some minor issues with a little educational game I was making for my kids. And since then I have made many little free programs that are in use in 11 govt departments here as well as a lot of the schools. All of which seem amazing to us here, because there's never been any sort of software in our language.

But now my basic knowledge of SQL, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS has probably in a few short months at least tripled and is growing every day. And the ideas I can see a way to accomplish are beyond anything I'd have thought of before.

I've gone from dead simple little programs to graphic rich, slick looking applications with bells and whistles. Which has opened up a lot of eyes and a lot of interest in programming from my engineering students. Because I make stuff in my language or bilingual they benefit everyone here since broken English is the norm which makes it difficult for people to learn when everything at advanced levels is just in English.

(My background is network engineering and linguistics.)

Without such a resource and the assistance I get with my probably naive questions (although I do try and solve everything myself before posting them), I would never have even attempted a lot of what I have done. After joining Stack Overflow and receiving so much assistance and learning so many things, my confidence has really taken off. So in summary, kudos to all members who are sharing their expertise and helping others.

PS: I don't want a prize. I already got one finding you guys.

  • Re "broken English is the norm": Why is that? Lack of skills (the education system is to be blamed)? Due to an inferiority complex (not lack of skills) - e.g., caused by colonialism? Too large a distance between the native language and English? Standard straightforward English seen as too formal? Something else? (Not rhetorical questions - I am really interested in the answer.) Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 15:25
  • @PeterMortensen our education system is beyond crap. Since Independence most govt departments turned into family businesses, education in particular is a bad joke
    – Kilisi
    Commented Jul 13, 2021 at 19:45

Most of the help Stack Overflow gives me wouldn't really make a good story here, but it wouldn't feel right to not at least mention it. For the past ~3 years, this has been the first site I'll check for any problem I have when programming, and almost without fail I've found the answer I'm looking for. It's reached a point where I'm disappointed if I have to go to another site to find an answer, because as often as not, the "answer" is just a link to another resource which is no longer there. That basically never happens here, and it makes solving a tough problem much less painful.

There have been a few times that stood out as particularly helpful though. My first question in particular was what convinced me that Stack Overflow was a place that was worth taking special notice of. I encountered the problem at the first internship I had which involved a lot of independent programming and, honestly, I was a bit over my head most of the time. It was the first time I'd had to do anything with JNI, and it was all new to me.

I ended up having to ask a question about transferring large amounts of data between C++ and Java. I'd had a working solution, but it was terribly inefficient, and searching online would only ever turn up descriptions of what I was already doing. So I gave in and, reluctantly, posted my first question. And, within a few hours, I had an answer. There was no wasted time, no having to dig through a pile of back and forth conversation. Just a simple "you should use this. Here's why."

That answer helped me to finish the project I was working on, and helped make it be one of the pieces of code I'm most proud of. It wasn't a large answer, and it didn't earn the answerer very much reputation, but I appreciated it.


How has Stack Overflow helped me

Over the years, Apple has developed and added many new features to iOS. Since I don't develop apps for a living, it takes time to learn about a framework or feature and start to use it in an app.

My general approach to learning about something new has been to watch the WWDC videos, then check out Apple's sample code. But without a team of developers I can casually turn to during the day, I've been dependent on Stack Overflow for help when I have questions.

The answers I've found here on Stack Overflow have helped me improve the apps I've been making, and feel more confident about the features I'm adopting.

I rely on Stack Overflow so much, I always have at least one browser tab open to the site. Stack Overflow has clearly been my single consistent resource for help, and has helped me to become more confident as I learn and adapt to new and changing features.

I think the most significant way that Stack Overflow has helped me is that the more I learn, the more answers I have been able to provide in turn to others.


Much like rc1 answered, Stack Overflow is virtually always my choice when I google a programming question I have. It is just so much superior to wading through documentation that is sometimes obscure or obsolete.

I had the opportunity to learn a bit of programming in university, but it honestly didn't help me much when I eventually got a job programming as a fresh graduate. I still had to learn how to do everything, and I quickly understood that formulating my question in the google search-bar and selecting the top Stack Overflow links was the fastest and most useful way to get my answers.

Stack Overflow helped me create production code of languages I hadn't previously heard about, to be used in actual commercial projects. The code was, of course, reviewed, for quality assurance, but basically it gave me the confidence that I can program virtually anything with a bit of research. It gave me the confidence to say that I am a programmer.


I'm a big fan of SO since I was in college, And it really helped to finish my course.. And now I'm currently working as a back-end developer, so therefore I'm not that exposed to front-end development, though I also code in front-end but not that much. As a way of giving thanks to SO for helping me, I signed up and started answering questions on SO, but most of my answers are more on the back-end.

As I really want to learn front-end developing, aside from watching tutorials, I started answering front-end developing problems on SO. There was a time that I answer a question on SO and I was very happy because I discovered a new syntax on CSS(using nth-child(odd) and nth-child(even) ), and I couldn't discover that if I didn't try to solve that question.(but I only posted it as a comment because it was already marked as duplicate before I found the solution).

There were times also that I encountered a problem on SQL, and I'm running out of time, so I badly need it to be resolved, I already tried to search it but couldn't find the solution. So I asked it on SO and luckily, after 10 mins someone answered my question and it worked perfectly.

I could still remember the feeling the first time I got my first accepted answer. I feel so honored that time that I helped. It feels so great every time they say that the answer you provided works perfectly..

I'm so grateful that I participate on this site 'coz It really improves my programming skills and career.


I started off in college, that's where my love for programming started, it was just some basic c++. All of my questions to why different things happened, my tutor could not answer... So that is when I found SO. I was just a lurker and looking for answers for quite some time.

I finally signed up when I left college and got myself a job as a QA person, but in my spare time I was doing a lot of different programming projects and I had so many questions (Alot of them was bad ones to start) so that is when I made the account and started asking questions.

StackOverflow helped me with my career and also my personal hobby (programming), I used to think that X was the best way to do something, but now I see some answers some people post and I still have a lot to learn, but just reading answers and attempting to answer questions had improved my skill a lot, I am actually thinking about why am I doing it this way? Is there a better way to approach this? Let's check StackOverflow to see how they have done it!

I am thankful for this community.


Stack Overflow has been my way of 'sharpening my teeth' - I'm using it almost like homework. It gives me a steady stream of case studies and real world problem examples to try and solve. And ideally whilst simultaneously implementing (or at least advising) on 'best practice'.

There's that old adage - 10,000 hours to become a master. Well - Stack Overflow hours count too. Probably count double, because "debugging is twice as hard as writing code".

And so I've chewed through an awful lot of examples of programming tasks - from simple to complex - and had an opportunity to move beyond 'solving the problem at hand' to actually contemplate best practice and elegant solutions to a particular problem.

This is also rewarded with Stack Overflow. You'll get upvotes for something hacky that works. You'll generally get more for an elegant solution that's well explained and offers the pros and cons of a particular approach (Or even why you shouldn't do something, provided you offer a constructive alternative).

So yes, Stack Overflow has helped me professionally in moving up the 'stages of a programmer' by getting some more practice in.


As I'm sure many people here know, starting your first internship can be terrifying. From day one, I was dropped into a personal project, with the management too busy with hitting deadlines to realistically be able to help much. At university I primarily used my friends as a resource if I got stuck, and tried to do the same if I could.

A friend of mine recommended Stack Overflow... and it became my lifeline for the rest of summer. I have spent hours pouring over explanations to questions, and have felt I've improved as a programmer both in terms of practice - the amount of comments I fill my code with hopefully testify that.

Although I only have a few questions to my account, I've tried to follow all the rules and make them brief and helpful, whilst containing information that is hopefully of use to others in the future.

In realistic terms, without SO as a resource I'm sure my project would have teetered over the edge into nothingness several times, but as it was I was able to discern how to optimise my program without a security risk, and manage to hack my way through the opaque nature of the windows documentation to interface with a WinRT OS.

In terms of my future, SO is the reason that I have built the confidence to do well in this internship, and hopefully the rest of my career. Hopefully in years to come I can help others as I have been helped.

Ta very much everyone!


StackOverflow has helped me clear up almost any slight confusion when it comes to programming. Have a question? Just Google it and most likely a SO question with a good answer will appear in the top 5 search results, I really like the stabilisation of this, one big knowledgebase everyone can use. Premium support without the premium price.

The most helpful StackOverflow has been for me is when I was working on a project for college, I had to work with Bluetooth programming which was totally new for me. SO cleared up a lot of confusion on how to start by getting great answers on my question.


Short version: Stack Overflow allowed me to find answers I couldn't easily get elsewhere. Then I started being active myself because I liked how the site was organized and that I could help others while improving my own skills as well.

When I first got into programming in High School, around 2005, there was little well organized content online. We had computer science olympiads with difficult algorithmic problems that I enjoyed solving, but my teachers didn't care about such contests much, nor were they prepared to adequately prepare students for them, so I had little support from my teachers in terms of training.

We had a local online judge, like SPOJ, with a forum, and I was also active on an IRC channel where I could get help from some friends. I would also post questions on a C++ forum (you'd have to solve the contest problems in C, C++ or Pascal). However, on the online judge forum, people wouldn't always reply if you were stuck, at least not with enough helpful details. On the C++ forum, the answerers were mostly good programmers, but with little experience regarding competition problems. Same with my IRC friends.

I discovered Stack Overflow around 2010, when I was a CS college student. I was still active on some online judges since I liked solving such problems, and I wanted to go into research after graduating. I was googling for some algorithms, and I saw a link to SO. I found what I was looking for, and I liked the reputation system because it rewarded not only quality work but also quantity and long-term participation. I felt like I could trust high-rep users because they have proven themselves over time, and I wanted to be one.

I decided to make an account. My first question was quite well received, and I got an answer very quickly, although I didn't really expect to draw the attention of people familiar with such problems so easily. I was very happy, so I added some tags and started following them. Soon, I found questions that I could answer, so I did. I liked helping people, and seeing my reputation grow made me feel like I was appreciated and accepted by the community. It was a very good feeling.

I was very active throughout college, earning most of my current reputation around that period. It also helped me learn a lot more than my college classes would provide. I'd see questions I didn't know the answer to immediately, research or think about them for a while, then post an answer. I wouldn't have done that without SO.

I'd also see questions asking about more details regarding some subject I was told about in a class. Again, I wouldn't immediately know the answer, but after some digging around and pondering, I'd figure it out, post it, and it would usually be at least upvoted. Stack Overflow gave me a lot of material to self-study.

Not only that, but many times someone else would post a great answer, which I enjoyed reading and learning from. So it wasn't only self-study, it also felt like going to class and learning something very cool when opening an interesting question and seeing a great, detailed answer.

I also learned to take criticism better and admit when I'm wrong. Also not to post something until I am at least relatively sure of its correctness; kind of like think before you open your mouth (I have a few self-deleted answers, I feel like I still need to work on that a little).

In the previous 2-3 years, I've been less active, but I still posted some questions and answers. I rarely went more than a few days without accessing the site I believe, even if I only checked out a few questions. The site can very well be used to find out what's new about certain technologies from hands-on perspectives once you have a little experience with the site and those technologies.

This year, I've decided to be more active again. I'm learning a lot from the entire network, I am more active on the moderation side and I am also active and learning in tags related to my PhD. I've been a member for a little over 5 years, and barring some major changes, I don't plan to leave.


Stack Overflow provided an avenue for me to help to others

I have been aware of the site for many years, and likely used responses found here through Google for many technical questions. In many ways my professional peer group provides only a limited avenue for me to discuss technical questions, and so the Internet has been a primary source of help. As an accountant my professional role has never been 'programmer', but I have always tried to leverage my past knowledge to perform better. In that, Stack Overflow has been very helpful.

However, the real benefit which Stack Overflow had for me came when I was learning a technique that I had not seen before. After going through many similar questions asked on the site, I gained a more nuanced understanding of how the technique worked, and most importantly when it worked. I saw a few questions during my search that had yet to be answered to the same degree, and signed up to respond.

I have never before had an opportunity to provide so much technical feedback at my leisure. Most of the questions I've answered have involved concepts that I was not previously 100% confident in; researching my own answers has improved my own technical abilities tremendously.

I find the layout of the site to be very conducive to this 'Socratic' type of learning - even if most of the time the SO 'Socrates' could have just Googled his/her exact question title to find an appropriate answer.


I had just accepted a new position at my job to be an applications engineer for the IT group, which was kind of a dream position for me. The problem was that the languages and tools they used I was either very rusty with (at best) or completely unfamiliar with. Management knew this and said they were willing to give me three months to see if I could get up to speed or otherwise be moved back to my previous position. And so began my quest to secure my new job.

The first obstacle was Python. I had never used the language before but found myself getting up to speed fairly quickly based on some past scripting experiences. However, Python is not a shell script and I needed to dive deeper than the docs and some quick tutorials. Passing a function, list comprehensions, yield statements and *args and **kwargs are all things I picked up through examples found on Stack Overflow and used in production projects.

The next hurdle was AngularJs. I was familiar with the basic web standards of HTML, CSS and Javascript but using AngularJs along with various other related libraries was a bit daunting. Plunging into the existing code and eventually Stack Overflow I learned some best practices on defining modules, what the differences are the in various services and how to find which scope you happen to be in. I was also encouraged to utilize a task runner which streamlined my development and production deployment process tremendously. Feeling rather confident in my new found abilities, I built out unit test cases for as many parts of my application as I could, in no small part to examples I discovered here.

While almost none of my code at the end of my three months was production ready, my company saw how quickly I got up to speed and what kind of positive change I was bringing to the position and they knew it wouldn't be long before they would see returns on these results. And I knew I had made a turning point myself when I no longer scoured Stack Overflow for answers but for questions that I could provide answers to.


Please be humble about my English skills, as it isn't my native language.

I'm young, right now nearly 20. How does my age connects to Stackoverflow.com, you ask?

Well, I was always fascinated by technic, computers and robots. Even as a small kid I wanted access to computer. And because my father is IT specialist, I had been watching, what he was doing. Of course, I was fascinated by computer games. I got my first computer at the age of 10. I had been thinking, i could do some programming, but instead, I spent my time playing games...

The first breakpoint was, when I went for one year to Germany. I visited Grammar school and I had a lot of time on weekends, because i lived in a small village. I thought, it would be awesome to make application for my Android phone, so I started programming.

And that time, I discovered Stackoverflow. It helped me a lot, because as complete beginner, I had no ideas, how to do really simple stuff. Of cource, I followed different tutorials and my books, but that wasn't enough.

What makes Stackoverflow really special, and I love it :), is that people help you with your particular problems. Sometimes it gives you kick in the right direction, sometimes you get complete solution. I discovered Java, SQlite, Android SDK, Git, HTML5, CSS.

I'm currently developing Android application for biggest recipe portal in Czech Republic. It also helped me to gain stint in german company. I will also study university in Germany.

Thank you!


TL;DR: Stack Overflow fueled the fire to a love of programming that I now have. Stack Overflow is what made me understand programming. And, amazingly, Stack Overflow drastically improved my language skills.

I first learned programming from a summer class for middle school students, where I learned the programming language known as Java. Well, more like I learned basic syntax; we didn't even get to functions or objects. However, I started getting excited about programming. For the next two years, I came up with random project ideas and followed tutorials to figure out how to do them, and I solved Project Euler problems. My code was all extremely ugly. Eventually I found a tutorial on Swing (Java's built-in GUI library) and tried to make something from it. The code exploded in terms of messiness. But then I found Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow was able to answer some of my questions on general GUI problems (via its archive of Q/As).

Due to the fact that I was tutoring some kids, I wanted to make a game to help with memorizing basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Through about a week of hacking things together, I came up with something. I believe there were two files total: one with a main function, and one holding everything else. Naturally, it was a mess. But I didn't realize this. What I did realize, however, was that I wasn't generating problems with even frequency. I didn't know how to search this, so I didn't find anything I could use, so I asked a question on it. I'm hesitant to link that question, since I clearly show little understanding of the problem and of what Stack Overflow is really for. What I was able to show, however, was that I had worked on the problem.

Over the years, I asked more questions and answered some. But I mostly read current Q/As already on the site. I learned about something called "coding style." Also "conventions" and "good practice." I hadn't heard of them before. Gradually, the code I wrote began to become readable. Magic numbers started disappearing. Programs started becoming more than 2 files. Functions started getting better names. I started using the Event Dispatch Thread. I finally understood the value of having readable code. Strangely, this also leaked into my English language skills. I spent more time crafting sentences, attempting to make them understandable. I put in the effort to make my questions clean.

Eventually, I encountered something known as "Big Oh" notation. I was fascinated by it at first. I didn't understand what O(n) could even mean. Or O(n2), O(1), etc. Through Stack Overflow, I learned exactly what it means.

I ended up learning that there was more than just Java. There was this programming language known as Python. I went to learn Python. I later learned C++, recognizing that many people use it and that it wasn't an out-of-style language. I kept learning new programming languages and libraries.

When I started college, I learned that, due to my programming on my own (and mostly because of the knowledge gained from Stack Overflow), I had knowledge in Computer Science up to about the Junior level. This was as a Freshman. As I took required programming courses, I cringed at the required bad practices such as using namespace std; (which were put into header files we were required to use without editing). I realized that none of my current joys of programming could be possible without Stack Overflow.

Due to Stack Overflow, my entire view of programming changed. Programming was no longer simply a tool to accomplish things. Programming became the accomplishment. I learned to love the journey even more than the destination.


Before I created my account on Stack Overflow, the answers on this site helped me learn a lot about programming. A few years ago, I needed to verify the accuracy of my pi calculation for one of my projects, and this answer by the world record holder gave me so much to think about that I started visiting the site more frequently in order to read the interesting answers written here. I used to sort questions by votes and read them in leisure. I learnt a lot about coding from these posts, and I knew SO had made me a better programmer. However, it was after I created my account here, that SO had a larger impact on me.

It has almost been two years since I signed up, and SO has helped me in so many ways since then. I always found the answers for my coding problems here, so I never had to ask a question. But writing answers has been a great learning experience for me. I have become better with words. I learnt how to communicate more effectively with fewer words, interacted with folks from across the globe, and now I document my projects better. It is immensely useful while working with teams. SO has helped me not just with the vast amount of amazing information it contains, it has provided me an excellent platform to develop my writing skills.


Back in late 2011, fresh out off unemployment, I met this dude from a local Java group about this Android stuff. That it's going to get big, and we should start investing time on it. So, I decided it's time to dig on this mobile stuff. Bought my first phone, installed Eclipse IDE and studied for a month and a half with the help of StackOverflow. The Android book I studied was of Wei Meng Lee. It was the best complete tutorial book at that time. But a book could not cover the whole thing. So, to get more details I would use StackOverflow as a reference, or if I want to get to know more about a certain Android API.

But Android references/tutorials back in 2011 were so scarce, including here on StackOverflow. Sometimes I couldn't get the answer I needed. But that didn't deter me on pursuing Android development. As I kept on playing with Android development, I was totally enjoying it and having fun. I came from a web development company as a PHP programmer, and in this little city here in Southeast Asia, no one was doing mobile development. So for me it was the most risky thing an unemployed person like me could be doing. No job, and no mobile development job posting. I'm starting to ponder and re-evaluate my current situation. Should I go back learning web development or continue with Android. I end up choosing the latter. Luckily after a month, the only Android job posting came up and I am the only applicant. So there my career on Android started.

Without StackOverflow as a reference to the Android book, I'm pretty sure it would deter me, made me feel hopeless and waste some precious time on the months learning Android. As I would probably go deep into forums or some old college .edu whitepaper sites. Android fragmentation on those years were so severe and the platform wasn't mature enough. The projects we're doing at that time was so demanding that we needed to go deep on the Android APIs, builds would break or R.java disappearing suddenly. Yeah, StackOverflow has been with me since the very start of my career.

So to give back on the StackOverflow community, I would help out on my free time during those days and help out fellow Android developers on their challenges.

One of the awesome things is the chat, I get to interact with other developers from other parts of the world. So thanks again to this site. Keep up the good job.


Stack Overflow helps me every time I encounter any programming-related problem I can't solve by myself (and another SE sites when it's not programming-related).

I've started visiting SO as I've started studying Computer Science at university. I had to write several programs and as every beginner, I encountered a lot of problems. Googling for manuals and documentation was almost mandatory, but what to do, when there is a full page of errors that shouldn't be there?

Most of the times (if not always), I ended up looking for solutions here, and SO helped me not only solve my errors, but also understand what I did wrong. I am still studying, and still running into some problems I can't solve. And SO is always here to help me.

I am not only a student, but also an intern in a software company. When I was applying for the job, I was searching for random interesting Q&A here, from which I might learn something interesting that might help me. It did. And yes, I still run into errors or issues I can't solve by myself, and I can still rely on SO to find a solution I need, with some explanation why it happened.

Stack Overflow helps me in school, work, and also with my hobby projects. It doesn't matter on what I am working currently, there is almost a 100% chance that if I get into a problem, SO helps me solving it. One more time, thank you everyone! I learn something new every time I visit this site!


It's hard to pinpoint when I started using StackOverflow, but there was a moment when I suddenly realised that all of my technical answers were coming from the same website. After a while I even realised that I could actually contribute myself and help others - after all, isn't it fair to give back for all of this stuff I get for free almost every day?

I pondered for some time how to help and then one day I was fighting with and found someone else who had the same problem that I had recently come across. So I went ahead and submitted an answer. Then something awesome happened... I received some upvotes and even an accept! That little green tick meant I'd helped someone and that felt amazing.

So fast forward a few years and I now find myself regularly looking for questions I can answer, but why do I still do it? Is it so I get to see the little +10 in the nav bar? No, I realised that my contributions were making me a significantly better developer. I was even picking up things that I'd probably never have looked at otherwise. Even the areas where I felt I was very good at have improved dramatically.

It's not just the technical aspect too. I think I'm now an even better technical communicator. Interacting with other users on this site (both good and bad ones) has allowed me to improve those skills immeasurably.

It's definitely worth mentioning that I've been in software development for many years (including back in the day when we didn't have SO and had to rely on other not-so-good resources!) This is a corollary to my theory that you can never stop learning in this space, but also that you should embrace that new knowledge and not be afraid that you are falling behind.

So aside from the 1300 or so upvotes I've given to various users, here's a big thanks to everyone who has ever posted content here. Without you all, we'd be much worse off!


Stack Overflow has been, and continues to be, a great source of knowledge for problems I never thought would have simple answers.

For example, I've struggled with a nagging problem for a while, involving a family of websites I've been maintaining. Deployment is done via manually copying files to the site via FTP, but some of the pages are generated via an in-house CMS, and some are built by an admin tool and used as shared components of other pages.

When making changes that span all pages, I thought there was no way to search through all the CMS-generated and component files to find any missing lines or missed updates. In addition, I was struggling with figuring out if any deployed files were missed during our painstaking manual FTP deployment procedure.

That is, until I found this answer, and realized I could just grep it. Derp.

That's going in my favorites, my bookmarks, and my on-screen sticky notes for sure. Finally, the one piece of deployment verification I've been desperately missing is there.

Thanks, Stack Overflow!


There are three points in which Stackoverflow influenced me a lot.

  1. programming skills
  2. english skills
  3. a passion for science

In 2013 i started my apprenticeship as a programmer. Until this day i did never hear of stackoverflow and had barley no programming and english language experiences. Surley it does not take much time(maybee two weeks) since i discovered that most the time i searched an answer for my question, i came out on Stackoverflow. At the beginning i tried to search for answers in german communities, because of my bad english skills. Soon i recognized that a programmer can not go without Stackoverflow and that its by far the best resource on the internet. So i also started to improve my englisch skills to use SO as much as i can.

Today i use Stackoverflow for almost two years. I stopped googeling my questions and started to type them directly into the SO search. The website is always opened on my secound screen. As a result of using SO i improved my programming and my english knowledge. This helped me a lot to pass my apprenticeship.

Also the variety of StackExchange communities inspires me. Due to the hot network questions i discovered the other communities. One click on an interesting question on Physics Stack Exchange was enough to catch my interest for science. Since then i read many physics questions & books in my spare time.

So you can see that Stackoverflow not only influced my working life, rather my whole life, in a positiv way.

And thats why i would say thank you to all people of the community.



I started learning the R language as an undergraduate student. Most of my programming experience up to that point had been in Java and C, so a lot of my R code ended up looking something like this:

# Find the difference between each pair of elements in vector "x"
diffs <- c()  # Empty result vector
for (i in 1:(length(x)-1)) {
  diffs <- c(diffs, x[i+1] - x[i])  # Add i^th difference to result vector

While this code works, it's actually quite atrocious -- it reallocates the result vector at each iteration and is therefore terribly slow; even if I had pre-allocated the diffs vector it would still be quite slow compared to diff(x), the built-in R function that computes pairwise differences. And so it is learning R -- you slowly learn tricks to avoid monstrously inefficient code and start using for less and less frequently, but often the best way to do something is to know about some built-in function that already does it for you (much more quickly than you could do it, because typically base R functions are implemented in C).

Since learning R involves learning about the vast array of built-in functionality that yields efficient code (both in length and running time), I found myself constantly searching the Internet for the best way to do common tasks. Unsurprisingly, Stack Overflow has often been the knowledge repository that helped me out. Need to split a vector into a list based on some grouping information? The Google query "[r] split vector into list" has top result Split a vector into chunks in R, and the top answer suggests the split function. Need to find the pairwise maximum value between elements of two vectors of the same length? The Google query "[r] pairwise maximum" has top result How can I take pairwise maximum between two vectors in R?, correctly suggesting the pmax function.

As an academic in the field of operations research, self-learning R has proven to be hugely beneficial to me -- I used the language in every single research project I did during my PhD at MIT, I co-developed a MOOC that almost exclusively uses the R language, and the MBA course I teach as part of my lecturer position makes heavy use of the language. Now as an active contributor in on Stack Overflow, I still learn all the time from the wonderful community here. Many thanks to Stack Overflow for the key role it's played in me learning the R language!

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