As we continue the celebration of 10 million questions on Stack Overflow, we want to give away more stuff!

We’ve already received some awesome stories about users going above and beyond for others, but before we give away more swag we need something from you.

We want some stories about how Stack Overflow has helped you or how it made you a better programmer. It could be that your participation:

  • changed your career
  • helped you succeed in school
  • or some other way it helped you

As an example, I’ll use my own experience:

I was working on a project that needed to convert an Microsoft Access application written from VBA to a Winforms C# application with a SQL Server backend. I had never touched either of those programming languages before, so I turned to Stack Overflow.

I was able to solve most of my problems using either existing questions and answers, or from the help of the users. Through my use of the site, I learned that I loved SQL and loved answering those questions, but realized quickly I had a lot to learn. I used the site to strengthen my SQL skills which eventually lead to several database developer jobs and ultimately changed my career path. Without Stack Overflow, I wouldn’t have had the same exposure to SQL. The site helped advanced my career and everyday I’m grateful for finding it.

I’ll stop gushing and get to the good stuff.

What swag can we get?

  • A Stack Overflow branded ruled notebook, with a pocket in the back and quality, acid-free paper (actual brand will depend on availability)
  • A Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's cut) along with some stickers
  • Pens & retractable sharpies
  • A mug or BPA-free water bottle (Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange) depending on availability


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can with an emphasis on how the site helped you.
  • Submission deadline is September 11, 2015
  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline
  • 10
    @BhargavRao This is different from the previous question posted by Tim. This is more about how Stack Overflow helped you, not necessarily how another user helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:22
  • 7
    @BhargavRao As long as you make an effort to answer the question in the way we are asking and you're not solely trying to get free stuff... then yes.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:25
  • 4
    @BhargavRao, Shh you're asking too many questions. ;)
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:50
  • 7
    @Trobbins I had 10,000,000 more questions. If I ask them all then we can have a 10m-milestone for meta also! :D Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:51
  • 1
    Are stories from other SE sites welcome?
    – Anko
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:22
  • 4
    @Anko This is a celebration of Stack Overflow, so the story should be about how Stack Overflow helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:24
  • 27
    After this celebration can we just get a store to buy SO shirts, etc. please?
    – TylerH
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 14:07
  • 1
    How are the winners picked?
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:01
  • 6
    @DavidG If a good faith answer that follows the rules (2+ paragraphs) with a story about how SO helped you, then yay you'll get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:04
  • 6
    @bluefeet Wowzer! That's super generous of you guys. Lets hope you don't get 100k answers and bankrupt yourself!
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:06
  • 2
    I would like to hear the same story from staffs or moderators of sof as well :) Why did you participated in sow and how have you experienced or learnt from the career.
    – kenju
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 7:16
  • 2
    @McAdam331 When it hits September 12 you will no longer be entered.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:31
  • 5
    The email went out today (September 18, 2015) regarding the swag. If you posted an answer but didn't receive an email (we got at least one undeliverable), post a comment or shoot me an email and we'll investigate.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:54
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is no longer accepting answers.
    – enderland
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 18:21
  • 5
    @enderland People could still post answers they just might not get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 19:19

141 Answers 141


So this post is not really about jobs and careers, but I hope you catch the humanity behind. I'm 24 and have been away from programming for the first 23 years of my life.

One year ago I was in the process of graduating with a degree in Environmental Engineering. During the whole course (5 years here) I had very little contacts with programming that didn't trigger anything in me.

My first android phone gently did, as digging in the store was just revealing more and more disfunctional, bad-looking applications. I hesitantly said "let's try myself". First days were hard and, totally stuck, I was not even walking up that learning curve.

StackOverflow eventually did trigger my passion and made me think "I can do it". I don't know how many of you can relate to this feeling - growing up (old) away from anything programming-related and then getting in or, better, realizing to be in. One often thinks, from outside, that programming is a sort of exclusive field you don't enter as you wish. Intuition, versatility, enthusiasm do not look to be enough, from outside at least. I now know that help can be the missing piece.

Today I'm half the worst programmer here, but I'm learning, and, beyond having graduated, I'm in the process of publishing an ambitious application. StackOverflow didn't help me as a programmer, as the question states - it made me (feel like?) a programmer, and I'm really grateful for that.

However that's not the most important thing for me. StackOverflow:

  • made more confident about my capabilities, by helping me along the way;
  • made me improve and constantly train my English skills;
  • made me feel a very little, but not useless, part of a community;
  • gave me a place where I feel understood. I grew up shy and hesitant and, when talking, often feel the fear of being misunderstood, misjudged, misinterpreted. I don't have that feeling here (thanks also to the topics I guess), and this makes it a really pleasant, though virtual, place to stay.
  • made me discover wonderful sibling SE sites, in which I don't actively partecipate but which I longly read and enjoy;
  • gave me hope for a second job, in case my E.E. degree won't bring me anywhere, thus helping with my career.

Mostly self-taught developer picking up a new language and framework every couple of months -- what does that lead to? Needing help along the way!

I took a few computer science courses in college and one of them required learning three.js, a WebGL Javascript library, to render 3D visualization of anatomical structures. I had questions like this. This was my first time getting my hands "dirty" with my own coding project. I had so, so many questions about how to use an open source library and how best to take advantage of the sample problems. When I played around with the library, I had a few questions and three.js back then was relatively new! There were few sample projects but nothing of the scope of it today.

From that moment, I realized how powerful StackOverflow is and how thankful I am for the community here.

I was able to get a job starting out a tester but worked my way up to a software developer quickly since manual testing was absolutely tedious (and I was writing unit tests for fun). I was excited to become a developer but also absolutely mortified to be writing production level code! My Project Manager told me that he knew I learned C++ in college and that C# would be the same thing! Little did I know that was hardly true, so I had to learn C# on top of ASP.NET MVC! I ran through online tutorials which helped, sure, but I started to get my real questions when I was assigned the tasks. Some scenarios were complicated for a newbie and I needed guidance or info but I was too daunted to inform my coworkers or PM that I had questions! I thought I had to know everything about software development...to be a software developer.

So, I turned to the anonymous online community where questions are encouraged! I've had sooo much help. I've asked sooo many questions, I've answered my own questions, I've learned from other people's answers, and I go on chatrooms for quick concept questions to be sure I'm in the right direction. Or just to hang out with the awesome community members. I love to hear other people's stories and I'm so thankful for all the contributers!

Often I tell myself I would be homeless if it wasn't for SO! THANK YOU!

SO has taught me:

  • C#
  • WPF
  • Android
  • Kendo UI
  • JavaScript (and it's really, really weird constructs)

Who knows what is next in store?


Help is a very kind word but truly StackOverflow drastically changed me.

Joining the StackOverflow was just a coincidence. I never knew that the site which has one up arrow and one down arrow in every question and answer can change me. In my 3nd year of graduation while I was just using internet as a young guy (NOTE: I'm still young :D ) or more clearly as a newbie I was looking for the use of continue; in Java, just because teacher had given us few problems to solve with Java programming language. My curiosity made me to click on the upvote button and I signed up on this site till then I had never heard about this site (I'm serious.).So, this is how I linked up in this site but still my mind was completely unaware about the community who is running this site from last few years and will do the same for many more years.

Several months I had used this account just to read the required answers of the problems given by our Java teacher. Look how foolish I was I never asked any question on StackOverflow in those months if I did I could have changed my self earlier. Never mind the day had come when I noticed on Ask Question button (see how blind I was), I asked my first question and get a very quick answer, quick, really quick at least for me and apart from that few green reputation and moreover some suggestions. The few minutes after asking this question were like some hidden heroes are rescuing me from dark tunnel where I would have lost my self. I had never experienced this before. Yes believe it or not it was exactly the same that time. I didn't care about the reputation and generally new users don't care about it. I even didn't know what reputation was and silently without uttering a word I got my answer. That was fantastic at least for me.

StackOverflow helped me to help others and helped me to get help from others. See, how helpful it is.

I kept finding answers of my questions and I got very good grades in Java Programming thanks to StackOverflow I still remember I read about few points which includes difference between stop and run in thread, convert integer to String in Java, dynamic dispatch in Java and so on. In mean time I did never answer any question because I thought I can not. One day when I open StackOverflow I found one question where a newbie like me was asking about LinkList or something I still remember that (see how StackOverflow increases your memory) it was my first answer not quite an answer but an attempt that increased my confidence up to some level that yes I can answer at least try to share something what I know with others who don't know about it. I started answering on stack overflow.

My first interview. Nervous as usual.

  • First question : What is immutability in Java ? I stunned.. I said I have no clue regarding this.
  • Second question : What is OOP ? I tried to answer. ... and some more difficult questions

I didn't clear my first interview because I was not able to provide such level of expertise they wanted. After graduation I was jobless for few months approximately 8 months during these months I was totally depressed. I had tried in many small big companies but didn't clear the Java technical round. I was looking for a Job. These months I was not there on StackOverflow. One day somehow I reached again on this site don't know what happened I started preparing for interview in between I started answering questions which are based on some other answers of StackOverflow (Usually this is what new user do). When I started answering I tried my level best. I didn't know this answers were actually helping me to improve my self. I made lot of mistakes on Stackoverflow but still it's with me to help me on every point.

Stackoverflow has become Google for programmers.

I got a call for an interview of Java fresher.

  • First Question : What is an Object in OOP ?
  • My Answer : Object is a heart of Object Oriented programming where everything is an Object. OOP is totally based on an Object it starts with an Object and ends with Object. There are lot of languages are there which are based on OOP including Java........
  • Second Question : Can we create constant in Java ? How ?
  • My Answer : Absolutely, we can create a constant in Java and for that we have to declare it static and final.

I cleared it although didn't nail it but I proved my self at least. So, ultimately SO helped me to become a programmer who is now working in a company from the guy who was not able to code and who was not getting any job. I can't say I have learned a lot then I would be lying I have learned few thing from the lot of things which are there on StackOverflow. Thanks to StackOverflow I am able to interact with the people like me. Now please read the first statement of the answer.


How StackOverflow changed my career

I work in a software house that use a proprietary language, and I work with it for 6 years. I build desktop apps and the only web experience that I have was with a classic ASP chat at the high school (oh dear...how time is passed!).

One day my boss tell me that he want to start a new web project and want to include me, I said that I'm a bit inexperienced, and the answer was "Study and check on internet".

I checked on Google some general questions and I landed here...wow what amount of knowledge and wisdom.

So I have started to follow some tutotials about ASP.NET and javascript/jQuery and in the meanwhile answering questions about this tags here, and the questions are accepted and upvoted (hurray, I'm understanding what I'm studying).

After a few years, my boss see that I'm really involved on web technologies and active on StackOverflow, and ask me to become the technical lead of web projects. Great, I'll keep studying and answering here on StackOverflow, I learn a lot and I'm becoming better on English language (I'm Italian).

Two years ago an MVP mail me to ask if he can use one of my answers (on SO) on a book that is writing, I accept and he told me if I want to collabarote and the book, yes, great!

The more time I pass here the more thing I learn, thanks StackOverflow.


Stack Overflow Saved my Study Abroad Year

I had just finished my first year of studing Computing at university. At this point I didn't even know what SO was. For my second year of study, I decided to study abroad in America (I'm from England). I was super excited and did not know what to expect. When I had to enroll in classes, I faced some difficulty. I was not used to this process becuase in England, our classes are assigned to us and we don't get much of a say in the matter. Having to make this decision prior to leaving the country was difficult as I had nobody to talk to really for any guidance regarding which classes are suitable for me. I tried to make a decision based on the classes I had just taken and my teachers here also made some recommendations based on the class names.

Unfortunately the class choices were all wrong as I ended up joining classes meant for students with far more programming experience than I had (some of my classes were meant for Juniors and Seniors). The reason I could get into these classes is because all of the prerequisites for study abroad students are waived as they don't know what I've done back in England so they assume I'm choosing suitable classes. I had a really hard time keeping up. Almost everything they were saying was going over my head. I was so upset as I was absolutely clueless in everyone of my classes and what made it worse is that I knew that that year was supposed to be the best year of my life!

I was doing a lot of extra studying to catch up and most of this studying ended up coming from SO. Without this website I am certain that I would have failed my classes that year. When I had questions outside of class, this website always provided the answer. Due to SO I was able to get through homework assignments, lab tasks, exams and ultimately my study abroad year! Things got easier as the year went on and I've been using this site ever since! I went from being an absolutely clueless novice programmer, to finishing top of my class the next year back in England (due to all the extra studying I was doing). I then graduated with a First class degree (4.0 GPA) and immediately got a job as a software engineer where I am working now!

Thanks a lot Stack Overflow!


When I took over my current position, it was not a smooth transition. I had been at the bottom rung, a true junior level developer. Then all at once the landscape changed. Two senior developers left the company for other jobs and one, who had been sick, passed away.

And...this all happened as we were in the latter stages of a complete rewrite of the software from C++/Win32 into a pure C# .NET platform. Huge learning curves for everyone. Suddenly, the vast majority of that newly acquired knowledge was gone.

To say that Stack Overflow has helped me a great deal would still be to pitifully understate the matter. Users of this site are simply incredible. The amount of knowledge I see in the list on any given day is staggering. In my mind, I picture the Ghostbusters containment unit when I think about the server that has to hold all those questions and answers.

enter image description here

From C++, to C#, to SQL, to HTML and CSS...I have always been able to find, or ask for, an answer on Stack Overflow. It is, by far, my most trusted and reliable resource for the information I need to do my job effectively.


Stack Overflow has helped fuel and turn my dream of becoming a programmer into a reality.

I first discovered Stack Overflow shortly after I decided to develop my first iPhone application, uFeel, in early 2011. Equipped with only an informal introduction to the subject, courtesy of thenewboston, and no previous programming experience, besides some minor CSS I had written for message board users on IGN, I tackled the daunting task of developing my first real program. It didn’t take long until my console was overrun by countless errors, and what do we do when we encounter an error/problem we can’t solve? Google it of course. Numerous times Stack Overflow was the place I found the answer to my problems. Stack Overflow didn’t just answer the problems though, the answers, more times than not, also explained why these problems were occurring and helped me learn how to handle and avoid them, expanding my knowledge immensely. Two head scratching and Stack Overflow searching months later, I had finished my first application and published it on the App Store. Ever since that day I have been hooked not only on programming, but also on Stack Overflow.

Since then I have released an additional 23, rather silly, applications to the App Store and finally feel like I have a solid grasp on what I’m actually doing when I sit down with an idea I plan on developing. I often tell people I’m a self taught programmer when they ask me how I learned to program, but I owe this confidence and ability to Stack Overflow and its many helpful, knowledgeable, and inspiring users.


My first full-time programming job was as an intern writing VB code. I had almost never seen/used any VB code up until that point. The first couple of days I had no internet access (government jobs, sheesh), but somewhere around the start of my internship I signed up for Stack Overflow. That was 5 years ago. During my internship I asked and answered a lot of questions - especially in the Python tag.

Practically speaking, I was able to get answers to my questions about VB, and Python, and eventually other languages and topics throughout my college and professional career, but what StackOverflow really did to help me was that it provided a space where I could practice my writing skills and answer questions. As everyone here knows, teaching other people is one of the best ways to learn, and with every question that I've answered, I learn a little bit more and a little bit more. Many times when people asked a question I had no clue what the answer was when I read it. The very process of researching the answer for another person and crafting a reply that was designed for the Maximum Internet Points™ helped me develop my skills and understanding more than asking my own questions has.

I strongly suspect that I would not have grown as much/as quick as a developer without StackOverflow.

(also it introduced me to Markdown, which is flippin' awesome, so there's that)


I have been using Stack Overflow in one form or another for three or four years. The specific story I'm thinking of happened roughly a year and a half ago.

I was tasked with rewriting the login system and security for my company's website. Being relatively new to the web developer field, and being the only web developer in my company's employ, I needed to learn how to properly do it, as well as how to actually implement it. That's where Stack Overflow came in.

I knew obvious things, such as storing passwords in plain text is bad (that was why our security needed rewriting in the first place) as well as password storage should not be reversible. However, if left to my own knowledge, I would have been just using an md5 hash and left it at that. Fortunately, thanks to Stack Overflow, I quickly learned that md5 is broken, and that the best kind of hashing algorithms implement slowness as well as complexity. After extensive reading of question and answers, I settled on using Bcrypt for the hashing of passwords.

Also, through Stack Overflow, and Security SE, I learned various practices to prevent other threats, such as never emailing a user their password, throttling login times based on the number of times a user has tried to log in, allowing a way for a user to remove a lock on their account, either by calling, or changing their password. I was able to learn about password strength requirements and issues with such requirements. I also learned to implement a temporary, one time use link in order to reset passwords, in order to help protect against traffic sniffing and the like, as well as forcing connections to https. I started the project being 'newb' at website security, and ended it feeling like I have come leaps and bounds in my knowledge on the topic.

Along the way, I learned many, many, many, MANY times over that using the mysql_* functions in PHP is a bad practice, due to those functions being deprecated, and moved away from using those as well.

All in all, Stack Overflow has improved my skills as a developer, and although I don't have much rep, I try to give back where I can, even if it's something small, like an edit, or a flag as needed.

Thank you Stack Overflow, and here's to ten million more questions.


I've been using Stack Overflow for about 3 years, I don't really know. I found about it because every single time I searched a Java question the first result Google gave me was Stack Overflow. After some time I decided to make an account to be able to comment, upvote and lots more. Then it started.

I found out how amazing Stack Overflow is that I decided to contribute to it too. I thought that there are so many new questions that there must be something I can answer. Then I saw the option to see the latest questions tagged "android" or "java" (what I know the best).

I didn't even realize how I got 80 rep in less than a couple of days. Next day I logged in: +30 rep. How did I get that? Oh look, my old question has so many views and an upvote! Look at that answer! It got accepted and 3 votes! And like that I saw how useful my answers but even questions were, as people didn't have to ask and wait for an answer.

Now this was the past. Right now I have 541 rep and find this out. Not only for the competition, but after I wrote the first few words, I felt like I have to write this. Also when I visited this page I realised how much Stack Overflow helps people!

I thank you for making this amazing site and helping me out every time I had a problem. Ok, let's forget my fail questions where I posted the project zip instead of code and no logs, or when my question had -10 downvotes and I had to delete it :)

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Stack Overflow has helped me in many different ways. It has helped me to figure out solutions to obscure exceptions; it has helped me to find a community of people with similar experiences; and it has helped me to find a place to share some of my experience with other people who are trying to get things done.

Before I was a user of Stack Overflow, I was a user of Stack Overflow. I just didn't know it. When I first graduated and took a position developing I was implementing an asp.net mvc 3 solution. At the time it was pretty cutting edge, and there was only 1 book out on the topic. Every time I came across a hurdle, I would search on google to try to find information. Most times I found that information at Stack Overflow which back then to me just seemed like another forum (I know, its not, but in 2010 that was my first impression). Eventually I came to have a lot of respect for the Question and Answer design Stack Overflow used. This respect came from a proven history of containing the information that on a daily basis was helping me move past places when I got stuck. Prior to this, I would always have to email someone, buy a book, or just grind it out so it really saved me a lot of time - and it still does.

However, just having a place to search for the answer to all my problems wasn't the end of what Stack Overflow did for me. It also gave me a place to interact with millions of other developers. I have been to some large conferences over the years, but none of them compare to the level of interaction available at Stack Overflow. One of the few places I discovered here to interact was in chat. Having the "rooms" separated by programming language allowed me at first to go to specific places when I was having a related issue, but the C# room in particular stood out to me because it also covered asp.net in general. None of the people I know in my own private life are developers who also use the asp.net mvc framework. In the C# chat room I found a place that I could converse about that type of technology on a daily basis and it has been not only informative but very fun. It was something that I didn't know I would have liked to take part in, but definitely enjoy. So far I have posted about 50,000 messages to that room and am one of the "owners". Feel free to stop by! :)

Over the years I have become very acquainted with various nuances of developing software, specifically in the full stack asp.net mvc environment (c#, MSSQL, razor, JavaScript, css, html) and that can be seen in my activity. I have a gold tag badge in JavaScript and have posted over 1500 answers altogether. My whole life I have enjoyed helping other people with finding solutions to problems. In general, I like solving problems so if helping someone else also means I get to solve something then count me in. Stack Overflow merely amplified this ability by allowing me to help someone 24/7/365. Literally, I could go help someone right now and for every minute of the rest of the day. Which is awesome, and also requires a little bit of restraint because we all need some of those minutes to ourselves.

All in all, I love this place. I feel like it was built for me, because I am Stack Overflow; and so are you. We all form a vast community here built on a foundation of helping others and also of solving problems both our own and for other people. I just want to see this place succeed because I feel like it also allows us as a community to succeed.

Thank you Stack Overflow, and thank you to the community of other users who are Stack Overflow. Without you, we wouldn't have any of this.


When I first found stackoverflow I was not confident enough to apply for a developer position. There was definitely something that struck me upon becoming a part of a community consisting of thousands and thousands of developers willing to help one another. It was mind blowing to say the least, I truly felt right at home and instantly wanted to be part of it all.

This is where it all truly clicked for me. For some reason, stackoverflow boosted my confidence and moved me towards my first position as a Python Developer while still a College Student. I relied heavily on the community in my first few weeks at work and it was well worth it. I was finally part of a development team and it was thanks to the stackoverflow community and their willingness to help one another.

Not too long afterwards I began answering questions on topics I was most familiar with, slowly gaining reputation and learning more about the subject; Explaining something really makes you understanding much better. I spent a good amount of time on my answers doing additional research and ensuring that all parts were covered in oder for the OP to fully understand the details.

It's fair to say that stackoverflow and the careers page have changed my life for the better. I use it as bragging rights in interviews and it WORKS. Interviewers love to browse my profile and ask about my accepted answers. Its been a life changing experience and I will be putting much more of my time in the upcoming years.

Looking forward to many years with stackoverflow, one day even join the team ;)

Love you guys, Love the community, lets keep it going!!!


StackOverflow helped me a lot. Let me elaborate on this: currently, according to my upvotes, it helped me exactly 3,630 times a lot. Imagine that, learning 2.5 new useful things on average each day for four years now. And all that for free. Pro bono. Only upvote and (optionally) a kind word required. Priceless!

Also, more specifically, it helped me 133 times when I asked my own question (surprisingly, only 4 of them remained unanswered so far).

My experience with StackOverflow was very positive from the start (something I'll elaborate a bit more below) - it was my first few weeks on a "test period" for a new job and I couldn't solve one thing. They said it would be tricky and I sort of hoped that if I get it done quickly I'll get some recognition. I did my fair share of googling and looking around the site (I knew about SO at that time already, but just haven't asked any questions yet) and since I didn't find any related question I finally decided to post. Not surprisingly, I got the answer in a matter of minutes. Sure enough, I did get permanently employed after that (and few other small tasks that I had to do on top of that).

See, I would like to emphasize on a way that I asked my first question, by repeating that I've googled quite a lot and searched through existing SO questions. Now, we who are around here a bit longer know what started to happen. New users started to come and, well, the quality of questions was not on a given level. And, that's why it hurts me to see quite a lot of people shitting on StackOverflow (yeah, we know who they are - simple google search will turn out quite a few posts), but if we would just be honest and acknowledge the fact that it somehow seems that these days everyone wants something "out of the box - give me the codez plz", without ever doing the research them self. What's the learning value in that, I honestly don't know.

Anyways, fast forward 4 years, I'm still loving it. Somewhere along the lines of using StackOverflow daily, I've grown as a developer and turned from the one who asks questions to someone who tends to contribute back to this wonderful community by giving answers. And, just yesterday I've "set the record straight" and leveled the number of my questions with the number of my answers. In the future I hope to help even more.

As for other opportunities StackOverflow provided me, I can only say countless. I don't have a huge rep, but nevertheless I've gotten into an invite only programming site thanks to my SO profile. Also, I've gotten few requests to write a book, be a technical reviewer, and I get a lot of clicks from SO to my blog. It seems a bit cocky to say, but people do tend to look at you differently when you say you have a somewhat fairly large amount of rep on SO. For me, it's some kind of a badge of honor, to be honest :)

All in all - thank you StackOverflow.


I was a self-taught programmer in several different languages, which can make it hard when you go to do a project, and you realize you don't know how to use certain commonly-known functions or methods because you never learned them.

I didn't know about basic things like Dictionaries (or HashMaps in some languages), Lists, or foreach statements for the first few years I did programming. Eventually I knew there had to be a better way to handle stuff like

  • Handling key-value pairs, then keeping two arrays, one holding the keys, and the other holding values at the same index.
  • Constantly creating new arrays to handle lists of data that would re-size,
  • Struggling along with trying to solve and not understanding basic errors (at the time I didn't use Google), like NullPointerExceptions, or ArrayIndexOutOfBounds.

I knew there were better ways, but I just didn't know what they were, or what to look for.

I realized there had to be an easier way to find answers for this stuff, otherwise other programmers would probably be driven insane by the issues.

That's when I realized I could probably look up my errors with Google. I started looking them up, and then my projects started progressing a whole lot faster!

Then I found a site called "Stack Overflow" (you should really check it out if you haven't), and it was like a dream come true! A place where I could ask questions about any programming language and get a really fast response. A place where I wouldn't be judged for bad past questions or forum posts (I had that happen in a couple of communities for specific programming languages). It really helped me to excel in what I know and love :)

Now I'm working as a professional programmer and consultant on a large-scale project, and I probably wouldn't be where I was today if it wasn't for the friendly Stack Overflow community.

Thanks everyone who's helping make Stack Overflow such a great and inspirational place!


TL;DR: Stack Overflow taught me to enjoy reading others' code.

I hated reading code:

For a long time, I really hated reading code.

Other people use different logic in their program. They use different naming conventions. They use weird functions, crappy file names, etc.

I was literally getting angry to the person who has written that ugly piece of code just because they don't use the same function names as me. So, I was basically either:

  1. Trash all the code and start rewriting it from scratch.
  2. (Or hopefully) Start refactoring everything from the beginning and use my own naming conventions, file names, my own program logic, etc.

This was mainly because I have never attended an "open source" project with other professionals. My only "collaboration" at that time was the "group projects" that we were having in the classes. And sadly enough, I was able to do the coding by myself in these group projects. So, I was basically able to survive without reading others' code at that time.

I needed to ask questions about my code:

I was not reading other's code, but I was having issues with my own code. So, started asking questions on Stack Overflow from time to time. And guess what? The answers were using different naming conventions and different functions, etc. However, they were also giving proper answers to my questions. So they were good and bad at the same time. I guess Stack Overflow posts/answers was my first real experience in which I give some effort to understand some other person's code.

The more I read answers, the more I liked others' code. Because they were teaching me other ways of solving problems, other ways of thinking, interesting ways of solving small issues, indexing, etc.

Now, I read others' code every day, and enjoy it:

Well, not reading everybody's code is enjoying, but I guess you got the point.

I feel more comfortable when explaining a programming issue to a colleague, or a student since I know different other ways of doing the same thing and their consequences, etc.

And, more importantly, I feel it becomes easier to answer their questions since your sympathy abilities increase when you read more of other peoples' code.

Being able to read other people's code is very important. And Stack Overflow actually helped me to realize this fact.

  • @Peter Mortensen thank you for the grammar fix. Well appreciated. :-)
    – Sait
    Commented Sep 6, 2015 at 15:53

TL;DR Through Stack Overflow, I realized the difference between writing code and programming. I came to know about the existence of actual C standard, the definition and the differences among the undefined behavior, unspecified behavior and implementation-defined behavior and how to write code that make good use of the defined standard of the C language. Also, I came to know how following a good coding standard turns an ordinary piece of code to a production level one. Overall, I am a better programmer now, thanks to the knowledge shared by and gathered from Stack Overflow.

In a nutshell, I came to know the difference between

int main()


int main(void)

and most importantly, why the difference is there and the applicability of either of them. (Pardon me if the above example is too C-ish)

To tell the long story, I stated my career as a system software engineer and I was not very comfortable with C. Like most of the fellow newbies, my knowledge was limited to certain books which was recommended in my academics. After stepping into the professional world, I felt, the knowledge gathered from the book is not enough to excel in this field. I needed to do something more.

There came the cavalry, Stack Overflow. I became a regular (the initiation story here) on Stack Overflow, and it helped me learn not only the how to of coding, but also the why to part.

I learnt and realized, almost nothing is taken for granted. There is a reason behind each and every syntax and semantics. I stopped learning C by trial-and-error, and rather I started careful study of the language and today, I have learnt a lot at least the basics of C.

Just to reflect the outcome, currently, in my organization, I'm a part of the team for algorithm design/optimization and code review for the production release, alongside with my assigned activities. Also, I do mentor a batch of freshmen. Really, a great transformation for me in a short period and cordially, this would not have been possible without the knowledge I gathered from the quality Q&As present on Stack Overflow.

If I may, thanks to one and all, who helped me grow, personally and professionally. All of us together, let's make us better.

P.S - If I don't mention how Stack Overflow helped me to accept constructive criticism, this post would be incomplete. I developed a positive mentality of digging into a seemingly complete solution (answer) and find out the (possible) finer side of it. Always there is a chance for improvement, (let me) go for it.


All my programming life up until the last few months, I've been developing almost exclusively for desktop environments, mostly in C# or VB.NET. This summer, I decided I should learn web development and get into the whole JavaScript/HTML5 thing so as to not become a fossil. I knew there were boatloads of tutorials on the Internet for web development, but I also knew many of those teach questionable practices or are simply wrong.

So I turned to (drum roll) Stack Overflow. On SO, I found the answer - several answers, in fact - to every JavaScript and CSS question I had. Being new to web programming but not to programming in general, I appreciated the task-orientedness of the Q&A format; all I had to do to take each next step was search SO for a few keywords. Seeing votes on posts and the reputation/background of answerers helped me identify the best answers. I now have my feet on the ground in web programming, and I'm (fairly certain I'm) doing it right.

Stack Overflow has also helped me get better at communicating. I know some people can't deal with SO's quality standards, but I love how only good questions and answers stick around. MCVEs are so extremely useful in asking programming questions, and in my experience, they can also be used in general problem solving and even education. MCVE is like a way of life for me now. MCVE really drove home the point that one must try rather than expecting somebody else to do everything. It's amazing what can be accomplished when a task is broken down and defined well.

Thank you, Stack Overflow, for your high standards. MCVE forever!


Finally a real programmer

At first, I was posting answers to help the community and give something back to it because it's helped me a lot. Then, I realized answering questions wasn't just good for others, but it also helped me to become a better programmer.

I knew that every time I answered a question I had to make it as complete as possible by including every small detail in order to make sure other programmers fully understood what I had written. Before submitting my answer, I went through the documentation and the other reference websites because sometimes a programming concept wasn't clear in my mind. By answering dozens of questions, I also realized that I did know very little about what I thought to know.

Browsing through other questions tagged with programming languages that at first I wasn't interested or I had no knowledge about made me explore lots of new things. To name a few: Java, SQL, and even electronics with Arduino. Hours of joy learning new things!

I am immensely grateful that Stack Overflow exists because it helped me becoming a real programmer and exploring new technologies I wasn't aware of. I started from scratch and slowly built my knowledge. Bit by bit.


It gave me something to talk about during my interview.

About a year and a half ago I was job hunting and got two interviews. During the first interview I was given a test in which I knew all but one question. I was told my answer was wrong and was told the correct answer but was not given an explanation. I asked the question Why does the following code print out 10 instead of null? here and was swiftly given 3 correct answers.

Two days later, I had an interview at another company. During this interview, I was asked to rate myself in PHP out of 10. I answered that I was a 7 and the interviewer asked me why. I told him there was a lot I did not know and used the question above as an example. I got the job :)


I have started working in Android since 2010. At that time there were less sources on internet but I learnt many things from StackOverFlow. I have always got solution instantly from StackOverFlow comparing to another blog or site. ChatRoom of StackOverFlow is really great tool for chat with other technical person and help to each-other , I participate in ChatRoom as well. Always I try to help others. I have never seen any blog or forum like StackOverFlow.

Story :

We always work on clients based projects. If something is not feasible then we must have to give proof. Once, there was one functionality which was not feasible in my android project. I did a lot of search on google and I didn't find any solution so I told to my project manager and he agreed with me but client didn't. So I posted my query on StackOverFlow and sent link to the client. Then only the client agreed with us. In short client always believe on StackOverflow answer.

Here is that question.

Thanks to StackOverFlow Team.


Like so many others, the answers on here have solved many of my issues. At first, I was a lurker (or as the staff says, a normal visitor). No account, no voting, no editing, nothing. One day I found a question and none of the answers fixed the issue I was encountering. I eventually figured out a solution to my problem. I debated internally about posting my solution on the question as an answer. I was anxious that I would be judged and the community would react negatively. The feature that got me to post was the ability to edit my answer. If the post had a typo the community and I would be able to fix it without much shaming. I also wanted to start to pay the knowledge forward. Without additional people adding additional knowledge, Stack Overflow wouldn’t be valuable 10 years from now to a developer in my position.

That one answer still gets sporadic upvotes to this day. That one post improved my confidence with posting online and I continued to find questions that I could answer. While doing that I noticed that I wasn’t a very effective communicator. I would need to pour significant effort into research, typing a couple of drafts to an answer, post an answer, then reread it, edit it a couple of times. But like anything in this world, best way to improve on something is practice.

Real life has limited the time I have had to post on Stack Overflow in the last year or so but I still value the ability to improve my communication skills and confidence. I would like to think that has improved my personal and professional relationships.


It was nearly 15 years ago that I had met Java in university. I had a Java book like a brick on the wall. I read the book, wrote the code because questions were simple. I graduated from university and In my first job experience I encountered many questions at Java projects. I tried to solve them but they costed me a lot of sleepless nights to find solutions. One day my boss saw me and asked a question "How do you solve a problem you encountered?". I said that i read related documents, books, API etc. and i find the solution. He said "No, answer is wrong. If you encounter a problem, you will find the true person who encountered that problem before. If you find him you will find the answer. Don't explore America again and again.". It was the turning point.

I met with Stack Overflow in 2008 and understood that it was the meeting point people explored America before me. I found here solutions to my questions about Java, Spring, Gradle etc. Many times i found answers in minutes. So now i don't explore America again and again, i solve the problem and go on my way. I'm not googling, i'm just stackoverflowing. Stack Overflow is the place where people help each other to save time, save money, save sleep. Now i try to help people by becoming a member. I believe that if someone has a question, he/she will find the person who asked it before at Stack Overflow. Congratulations to everybody for making the 10 million mark.


Stack Overflow helped me bootstrap my career.

I should explain a bit - I reached this site when I was a first semester senior in college, and I hadn't received any opportunities for internships. I felt confident with what I knew, being a CompSci tutor and all, but I was staring down the barrel of being flung into the work force without any real-world experience to speak of.

I was worried that they wouldn't give me the time of day.

That's around the time I reached Stack Overflow. I had decided to take it upon myself to prove that I know and understood certain concepts, and the best way for me to do that and for it to be publicly visible was to participate here.

From there, the site has helped in an immense way to both allow me to share what knowledge I have of Core Java, Ruby and Python, as well as gain knowledge about Spring, Rails, and Flask. It continues to help me to this day, both as I look for answers to questions that I may have, as well as help others with problems that they're having.


Most stories about how SO helped one become a better programmer are usually about solving this problem or that problem, or some answer that somebody gave, or an answer that I found...

While all that is immensely true for me, what I found to be the most help is the answers that I wrote. And the questions, too.

I learned how to be a better writer. While most of my best writing (IMO) is on Security.SE, I got a lot of practice writing answers here, and that has definitely helped me produce better communication - writing, documentation, collaboration, anything really.

It helped me learn how to ask a proper question, when I inevitably need help: how to focus on the important part of the problem, how to communicate the issues, how to share the problem-solving process I've already gone through.

And moreover - SO has helped me learn the value of community, how to participate, how to give back. I used to be about me and my team, now I am contributing to many communities, volunteering my time in many different ways, and this is, in a large part, thanks to SO.


Stack Overflow has become an essential part of my life as a programmer.

My favourite part of Stack Overflow is looking through other people's questions and answers. Figuring out why they encountered the problem in the first way and how I would have done it. Then looking through the answers to see how other experienced programmers solved the issue. It is very inspiring and instructive to compare their solutions to my own. Forcing me to reconsider my own solution.

Trying to solve other people's questions teaches more than any tutorial could. Just like reading answers from the masters, answering questions myself makes me see things in a different light.

I have taken a lot from the community but I'm proud to have contributed a little to it also. Every person helped counts as extra experience to me.

In the end, it makes me a better programmer. Thanks Stack Overflow!

  • I wrote this a bit weirdly and incoherent... Oh well, I hope it is inspiring to someone. Time to go home today, I spent too long on SO already.
    – miva2
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:32

Like most programmers, I discovered Stack Overflow through Google searches for problems that I had. The Q/A style with voting allowed the best answers to float to the top, which always gives me the answer that I was looking for. Naturally, this helped me with debugging school projects, as well as understanding CS concepts. I'm always amazed at the breadth and quality of the Q/A's on Stack Overflow, compared to other programming sites. Stack Overflow pretty much became my go-to place for answers.

A few years later, several of my friends posted how much Stack Overflow rep they accumulated, which inspired me to try answering questions. It felt good contributing back to Stack Overflow, and I definitely learned new things from reading good questions and figuring out the answers. If I didn't know the answer, I would wait for others to answer so that I too could learn.

Overall, Stack Overflow has saved me countless hours of struggling with bugs and being confused, as well as solidifying my understanding of CS concepts and programming languages.


I made my first steps on the world of programming in 2011, when I joined a web design and programming 2-year degree, and I was completely lost. I mean, I wasn't bad at all, but some PHP concepts entered backwards in my brain, and that's when, recommended by our teacher, I started lurking on Stack Overflow.

The amount of info and help I found here was enough to create an amazing final project, DevRep (never released, a software repository for independent developers), and you (the community) also helped me a lot to understand the grasps of ASP.NET, which I was required to use in the project, but where our .NET teacher wasn't really good, he didn't even understand his own questions!

I got a fancy 8.5/10 on my final project and decided to keep in the programming world, signed in for another 2-year degree (that time in multi-platform systems), registered on Stack Overflow (lost my account, was made with the old school email), and there the community helped me understand the concept of object-oriented languages, inheritance, and why Android Studio dislikes us all.

I have to say that I'm what I am thanks to both my teachers and this amazing community, and both have taught me to always keep trying, to make myself able to find my own answers thanks to a quick search rather than always asking first, and that's what got me the cool job I have as an Android and iOS developer!

Thank you all for you time, and I hope we all get cool T-shirts.


Stack Overflow has helped me learn to answer my own questions.

There is tremendous value in creating an MCVE. Usually the process of whittling code down to a minimal example helps clarify the problem, allowing me to rephrase my question and find an existing answer, reveals design flaws, or silly programming errors on my part.

Compared to my past self (just randomly changing values and control-flow or throwing print statements everywhere), I've become much better a systematically narrowing down what's going wrong. I find the same skills apply to other areas in life.

More in general, Stack Overflow has been an invaluable resource for just getting the job done. Every time I have questions on other topics and end up at sites like Yahoo! Answers, I cringe at the lack of quality, the subjective answers without any supporting evidence, and the general chaos of it. Trying to imagine what the programming world would be like if we didn't have Stack Overflow is kind of nightmarish. Being an ISFJ, helping people is very rewarding to me, so it's great being able to be a part of Stack Overflow and working to make the world a little bit better, one post at a time.


TL;DR: I joined this site to learn by asking questions, but ended up learning more from answering them.

Here is my story:

As a developer who has learned most things through self-teaching, Stack Overflow has been a great resource for looking up error messages, bugs, and other issues. Prior to Stack Overflow, back when I was just starting out, it was pretty rough. Google search results would return a wide variety of results, with an even wider range of quality, mostly bad. But in more recent years, Stack Overflow has been my go-to source for a variety of issues, and is almost always one of the top results when I search.

Then one day, I had a problem I couldn't find anything about, an apparent CSS rendering and/or layout bug present in only WebKit/Blink browsers. Unable to find anything on this issue after some time trying to craft a search query to find anything on the issue, I decided to turn to the website that had given me so many great CSS hacks and workarounds. I registered for an account, created an MCVE, posted my question and waited. My question got one solitary upvote, but not much else.

Thankfully my story does not end there. I read about this thing called a bounty, but my 6 rep points simply wouldn't cover such an expense. What should I do? How hard can it be to answer some questions and gain some reputation points?

Well, it wasn't quite as easy as I expected, but it was also much more rewarding than I expected. I found myself learning a lot from attempting to solve other people's problems. Be it from prompting me to learn a new feature, researching a thorough explanation for exactly why the CSS box model behaves the way it does, or even someone offering a better solution then I could come up with, there is almost-always something new to be learned, no matter how well you thought you understood it. Perhaps this is why I have ended up with such a high answer-to-question ratio, currently at 1:53.5.

Stack Overflow has been a great learning resource to me, even in ways I never expected. I know I wouldn't be where I am today if not for Stack Overflow.

Here's to another 10 million questions!


TL:DR I started programming in middle school, am now in high school, and am very thankful for the Stack Overflow community.

I started learning Java in 6th grade. After a couple of months, I ventured out into the world of programming on my own with no help. This tactic crashed and burned quickly and I put my problem into Google. This website called Stack Overflow appeared and it seemed like a good site. I clicked on the link and was transported into an amazing community of programmers. In this new world, I found a lot of really nice users who were willing to help out and not hate.

It is kind of mind-boggling that it's been four years since I found Stack Overflow. I have since become interested in a lot more computer-related things. Android programming, Java programming, C#, computer hardware, etc. I have a ton of problems and the Stack Exchange community has helped tremendously! My first computer that I built wouldn't have Windows on it if it weren't for the Stack Overflow community. My first Android app would have a lot more bugs if it wasn't for the Stack Overflow community. My first Windows program wouldn't even run if it wasn't for the Stack Overflow community.

I have been enjoying Stack Overflow for the past few years and it is something I am never going to forget. I started out with beginner Java issues. Soon I became comfortable answering questions with much more complex problems. After getting into Android programming, the same thing happened. I started out by answering the simple questions before getting into complicated and/or obscure questions. I am still a small user though, only affecting around 1,000 people. But helping out these 1,000+ people is why I exist on this site.

I highly recommend any new users to get involved because that is when the site will reward you. Getting involved and being curious is what makes this site so special. I wouldn't have the computer knowledge I have without the Stack Overflow community. I have found people on this site that I now hang out with in real life. So join the millions of people on this site and make a difference!

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