As we continue the celebration of 10 million questions on Stack Overflow, we want to give away more stuff!

We’ve already received some awesome stories about users going above and beyond for others, but before we give away more swag we need something from you.

We want some stories about how Stack Overflow has helped you or how it made you a better programmer. It could be that your participation:

  • changed your career
  • helped you succeed in school
  • or some other way it helped you

As an example, I’ll use my own experience:

I was working on a project that needed to convert an Microsoft Access application written from VBA to a Winforms C# application with a SQL Server backend. I had never touched either of those programming languages before, so I turned to Stack Overflow.

I was able to solve most of my problems using either existing questions and answers, or from the help of the users. Through my use of the site, I learned that I loved SQL and loved answering those questions, but realized quickly I had a lot to learn. I used the site to strengthen my SQL skills which eventually lead to several database developer jobs and ultimately changed my career path. Without Stack Overflow, I wouldn’t have had the same exposure to SQL. The site helped advanced my career and everyday I’m grateful for finding it.

I’ll stop gushing and get to the good stuff.

What swag can we get?

  • A Stack Overflow branded ruled notebook, with a pocket in the back and quality, acid-free paper (actual brand will depend on availability)
  • A Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's cut) along with some stickers
  • Pens & retractable sharpies
  • A mug or BPA-free water bottle (Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange) depending on availability


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can with an emphasis on how the site helped you.
  • Submission deadline is September 11, 2015
  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline
  • 10
    @BhargavRao This is different from the previous question posted by Tim. This is more about how Stack Overflow helped you, not necessarily how another user helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:22
  • 7
    @BhargavRao As long as you make an effort to answer the question in the way we are asking and you're not solely trying to get free stuff... then yes.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:25
  • 4
    @BhargavRao, Shh you're asking too many questions. ;)
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:50
  • 7
    @Trobbins I had 10,000,000 more questions. If I ask them all then we can have a 10m-milestone for meta also! :D Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:51
  • 1
    Are stories from other SE sites welcome?
    – Anko
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:22
  • 4
    @Anko This is a celebration of Stack Overflow, so the story should be about how Stack Overflow helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:24
  • 27
    After this celebration can we just get a store to buy SO shirts, etc. please?
    – TylerH
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 14:07
  • 1
    How are the winners picked?
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:01
  • 6
    @DavidG If a good faith answer that follows the rules (2+ paragraphs) with a story about how SO helped you, then yay you'll get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:04
  • 6
    @bluefeet Wowzer! That's super generous of you guys. Lets hope you don't get 100k answers and bankrupt yourself!
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:06
  • 2
    I would like to hear the same story from staffs or moderators of sof as well :) Why did you participated in sow and how have you experienced or learnt from the career.
    – kenju
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 7:16
  • 2
    @McAdam331 When it hits September 12 you will no longer be entered.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:31
  • 5
    The email went out today (September 18, 2015) regarding the swag. If you posted an answer but didn't receive an email (we got at least one undeliverable), post a comment or shoot me an email and we'll investigate.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:54
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is no longer accepting answers.
    – enderland
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 18:21
  • 5
    @enderland People could still post answers they just might not get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 19:19

141 Answers 141


Maybe my story is not so elaborate as those in the first page, but I think this is the most precious moment, and I really thank Stack Overflow for made me success in it.

I almost forgot when was my first time using Stack Overflow. It was started from a search result which took me here. Then, after saw this place as a place where I can get more information, then I registered my account and asked my first question: Combination LED in MCS-51 (to this day, this is like the most dormant question I ever had).

Then, I started to be (not so) active at Stack Overflow. Improving my tags, randomly asking questions here and there, etc. One day, I stumbled into this at the right (bounty) time: How to save the state(all open windows and tabs)? and got the points.

For some people, this may be like a simple question that you can answer and then move on. But for me, this is like my first big step into programming. This very question caused a butterfly effect right at my life, encouraging me to do more in programming (at first, it was basic database fundamentals, and then it went into Windows application development)

When I was signing for Microsoft Student Partners at my country, I also did many search at Stack Overflow. One question that I asked was: 2 XAML reference to single C# class (Universal App 8.1) and it helped me well during the commitment review where I needed to develop a Universal Windows 8.1 app.

Currently, I am working part-time at my university lab. Making modules for students who do courses. One time, we once stumble upon some various questions about HTML5. During the meeting, I did a simple lookout at Stack Overflow, and found the exact answers. Thanks to Stack Overflow, we've cut the meeting hour almost half a hour and figured the best answer to be put at modules.

Until now, thanks to Stack Overflow, I am still studying more about programming, especially the new UWP Windows 1.

Thank you Stack Overflow, and always keeps growing, for the sake of every programmers out there.


Helped you succeed in school

I am almost done with my IT/CS study now. When I first started out I didn't know the first thing about programming. Every assignment we got, I turned to google for tips & guidance on how to do X and Y and how to handle certain programming problems. Nearly every search I made had SO as top hit. As my study progressed I spent more time on SO because every assignment got harder and I had to look up new stuff (we are taught the basics in class, but mostly you have to figure things out yourself). I learned how SO works with the voting and everything and felt the need to create an account to rewards all the users that I had learned from, so I did. As I learned more over the years, I became able to answer some questions myself left and right. I more or less became 'addicted' to spending time on SO. I have spent a lot of time reading interesting questions and answers, and to this day I still learn new stuff on a daily basis.

During my time on SO I read and learned about pros and cons of X and Y, tips & tricks in programming, corner cases where stuff that should work, doesn't. And much more. I have asked fellow classmates but not one of them has or uses his account on SO or spends time on it besides looking for information they need for assignments. Because I do, I have always felt that I have a great advantage over them, having learned a great deal more than would be necessary to successfully study here. It has occurred more than once that we had some decisions to make in a group project where someone would suggest we do it a certain way and I could say "nope that's not a good idea, because" and then I would explain them something I learned on SO and they'd be like "oh I never knew that, good to know!".

Changed your career

Because I was ahead of the rest of the class, about a year ago I was invited to join our school's excellence program. Through that I met and connected with new people. One of them helped me get where I am today, doing a graduate internship at Philips Innovation. It's possible that I will remain to work here after my intership is done and for many years after that. I feel I would not have been given that chance if I had never been active on SO, so thank you for that!

Also, I would like to quote Dave Zych here, because I read his piece and this part applies to me 100% as well.

I was able to show my potential employers my SO profile and show them real, concrete examples of what I know. Along with that, it displays thousands of interactions with other programmers, my ability to explain things, and examples of writing and usage of the English language. My SO profile has been such an incredibly useful tool for things like this because there is so much information a potential employer can see outside of the 1 hour, high pressure interview.

Next to that, I have a profile on SO careers and have already been contacted multiple times for (parttime) job offers, even though it clearly states I'm not a professional programmer but still a student. That doesn't happen to students that only learn what they're required to learn and go no further.

Through SO, I became interested in technologies other than those we were taught in school and spent free time exploring them and learning about them. These are bonus skills I have which, today, make me someone who knows a bit about everything. This can (or not) give me an advantage when looking for a job in the future.


It helped change my mom's perspective towards programming and nerdy-stuff in general.

When I started out doing some side-projects, I'd get too involved in it and would sideline my academics, but still managed to balance them both, well, nearly enough.

That was when I discovered Stack Overflow. The incentive of reputations was the first reason I actively contributed here. To be honest, I played it as a game, but a game which made me more productive and knowledgeable in my field of learning.

My mom was apprehensive of "dabbing at the keyboard which made no sense"(to her, obviously).

The more I stayed here, the more mature I became. I began treating this as a knowledge treasure that grows manifold every other day.

So how did Stack Overflow help me?

My friends in India, have no idea of what I do and they kinda hate computer-related stuff. But then, I started getting noticed. I began to receive emails (yay!).

When my mom viewed many job offers that I got, she was impressed and I'd spend millions to see that look in her face, a delighted one.

For, I was ~15 and had to or forced to not accept it, as I was still a school-goer.

The moment my mom and I'll cherish:

The Stack Overflow employees gave me lots of things:

A t-shirt, a pen-drive, a pen, some stickers (unfortunately all of them had Stack Exchange branding, instead of Stack Overflow, but let's not bring it in here)


I had made a website kinda an awful clone of facebook and had sent a mail to Stack Exchange to review it and if it was of some use.

They graciously replied back giving me lots of constructive feedback. They had gone through the process of signing up in my awfully long sign up form.

But to make sure that I was encouraged, they redirected me to Google Forms(Docs?) wherein I filled in my address to have the above stated things shipped to my place.

When a FedEx parcel came, addressed to ME, it was a special feeling. I had never seen FedEx parcel before and there I was standing there with awe.

From that day onward, my Mom and Friends realized that I wasn't hammering away some stuff on my keyboard, but was doing something productive.



The questions I couldn't answer taught me more than my B.Sc. in Computer Science

I encountered StackOverflow many times from Google searches before I even thought about joining. In that regard it had already helped me numerous times. When I finally decided to join, it was to ask a question. I didn't think my question would be answered for a while, so I logged back and came back the next day to find that it had been answered only five minutes after I posted it. I was a little disappointed that no one had upvoted my question and I hadn't gained any rep. I thought that it'd be fun to try to get some rep I was halfway through a 4 year degree in Computer Science and had been programming in PHP and Javascript since middle school, so I thought I might have enough knowledge to answer some questions. Little did I know how much I would learn from answering...

My first answer on StackOverflow earned me a comment that said "Thanks alot Paul", but no rep. It wasn't until my sixth answer that I got a checkmark and a decent amount of rep (I got 8 upvotes on that answer the day I wrote it). The answer was very simple and I thought it was odd that I gained more rep for it than for some other answers. As you can probably tell, when I first joined I was very focused on earning rep and unlocking privileges, helping others was a secondary goal, and learning from others wasn't in the picture. That all changed the first time I answered a question completely wrong.

It was my first heavily downvoted answer that made me realize how valuable StackOverflow would be. I have since deleted the answer, since it was incorrect and there were better answers already posted, so I'm not sure when it happened (about 4 years ago). I know that it was a Javascript question and I know that my answer was wrong. The fact that I can't remember the specifics, is a testament to just how much I have learned from StackOverflow over the years. From that moment on the way I used StackOverflow changed. Before then I was focused on earning rep, so I would only answer questions that I thought I knew the best answer to and I would ignore questions that I didn't know the answer to. After that moment I started searching for questions that I didn't know the answer to (but were still relevant to languages I used); they became the most interesting questions to me. Every question I opened I would either answer, or favourite and then come back to when someone else had answered. For some of the most interesting questions I would stay on the tab and refresh, just thinking about the question, and what I thought a solution might look like, while waiting to see what other people would post.

After the way I used StackOverflow changed, I started learning way more than I thought I had left to learn, about the languages I use daily. There have been hundreds of times where I've found an interesting question and learnt something new. Over the years the cumulative knowledge I've gained from all those experiences combined with my own experiences while coding, has made me an expert web developer. When asked how I learnt PHP and Javascript I usually say that I am entirely self-taught (I didn't use these at all during my degree), but in reality it is the StackOverflow community that has taught me most of what I know.

A few other ways it has helped me:

  • My current employer found me through StackOverflow Careers
  • Hundreds of Google searches have led me to an answer on StackOverflow
  • I asked a few more questions in my first couple years of StackOverflow and usually received great answers. It's been a couple years since I've asked a question on StackOverflow and I'm not sure why that is; but it could be because StackOverflow also taught me how to ask a good question and in the process of doing that I usually find the answer I'm looking for before I ask the question.
  • StackOverflow helped me reinforce my own knowledge, for example I knew the answer to this question, because I was reading Knuth's books at the time it was asked: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22328216/772035
  • Very good answer. Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 21:17
  • How did you feel about being called an "alot"?
    – tripleee
    Commented Oct 10, 2022 at 17:34

At the end of 2010 I said goodbye to my monthly pay-check and instead became self-employed. In the years before that step I was full-time engaged in managing large projects that didn't leave any room to keep-up with what I love doing most: writing software.

In preparation of earning my own money I had to get up to speed with the new and latest technologies. During that self-learning process I stumbled across Stack Overflow. Having used several other sites before, the difference was striking. Not only did I find what I was looking for, I was also able to help others, sometimes by digging into my knowledge of older technologies.

The SO virus really grabbed me when I got access to the review queues. You know when you got into something if you feel bad for not using all the review task/votes allotted on a daily basis. I even got the hang of Meta and I contribute there as well.

If you told me 6 to 8 years ago that I would be active on a site that offers Imaginary Internet Points, Stinking Badges, Unicoins, Unicorns and Hats I probably would have laughed at you and make you feel ridiculous. I'm sorry for that, predicting the future is hard. I don't regret being part of this imaginary world, thank you for letting me in. Now let's close those 10,000,000 questions....


Well long story short, I probably wouldn't still be a developer if I hadn't found Stack Overflow.

I don't have much of a formal education when it comes to development. A diploma course at a trade school that just taught the basics of development, but barely scratching the surface of anything significant, I remember graduating thinking that my success in school would have somewhat prepared me for the real world.

I was very, very wrong. I got lucky and landed a good job just out of school with a really small development team. It wasn't until I started working with experienced developers that I realized just how much I had overestimated my own skills. Every day was constantly a struggle to try and accomplish whatever task was assigned to me, limited to relying on Stack Overflow's evil counterpart and the ridiculously poor ASP.NET forums until finally sheepishly asking my co-workers for assistance for the 100th time that week. There was a point where I had seriously considered just quitting and finding another career path. I was clearly not ready to be doing this for a living.

That was until I found Stack Overflow. It had already been around for a few months and had an active community. A place where I didn't need to ask most of my beginner level questions because it already had answers to most of them. It also helped with my confidence, knowing that I wasn't the only one who had at some point ran into a certain issue. It quickly became my number one resource for my own personal development. Asking questions helped me out of several jams, but it was actually answering questions that really forced me to take a closer look into what I was doing.

6 years later and I'm still with the same company in a much more advanced role. I really have no idea where I would have ended up if not for Stack Overflow.


Stack Overflow has helped me in several ways. Being a self-taught developer, sometimes reading the documentation makes no sense to me, not having learned the technical jargon. However, when researching a problem, putting it into layman's terms, Stack Overflow answers and related questions usually pop up in a Google search, because they are not technical documentation, but real people talking about real problems.

Another way Stack Overflow has helped has been in several job interviews. I had several interviews when searching for a new job, and in nearly every interview, the question would come up "How do you solve technical problems you don't already know how to solve?" My answer for that was usually "Search on Stack Overflow." The response was always at least a smile and note taking, but one interviewer actually said "Yes!", and fist pumped the air. Yeah, that was a good interview.

Lastly, though not exactly related to Stack Overflow's 10-million question milestone, careers.stackoverflow.com has also helped in my job search. While I didn't get my current job through that site, it did provide a nice cross section of the skills that employers are looking for currently. This led me to put in time to expand my skill set, and, inevitably, led me back to Stack Overflow with questions.

In general, the support from the Stack Overflow community, the open willingness of everyone to help, and being able to give back to other struggling beginners has given me a sense of accomplishment and faith in the developer culture.

Thank you Stack Overflow!


Stack Overflow gave me confidence. I know when I'm facing problems of my own, and the difference when facing problems of all programmers working on the same platform as me. A big distinction. I didn't have to doubt my coding abilities when issues seemingly turned up out of nowhere.

Now it's my full time job, and I've made a career out of it. Most of what I know is self-taught so knowing I could push forward without worrying that I was going into a field blind and making the wrong choice.


Before joining Stack Overflow:

I have some skill-set in HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Obviously, I used to fiddle with Firebug and adopt the trial-and-error methods. Although it leads to many solutions, I never really understood how it worked. I was struggling to answer most of the questions my peers would ask, even if something basic.

After joining Stack Overflow:

After seeing so many quality answers that would go deep into how web browsers work, it certainly gives much confidence in answering questions. Even references to official w3.org articles has improved the browsing experience for finding apt solutions recommended by the official organization.

It has also improved my question asking ability. I think the improvement can be seen from this to this. The First question was asked without much effort, while the second seems detailed. The timeline between the two is around three months, the time period I learned many things here.

In addition to that, it has been a very humbling experience here since many of the high profile users collaborate to solve a problem. The exciting notifications of +10 and +15 and satisfying comments from the question posters when they find your answer useful just makes my day everyday!

Thank you very much Stack Overflow, I do think it should be one of the better learning resources, hiring methods of the future contrary to the college education and hiring based on grades.


I consider myself very lucky to have had Stack Overflow with me every step of the way during my programming life so far.

My story starts back in school several years ago. I was learning my first language, Java, but my teacher was unable to answer many of the nagging questions I had, especially those concerned with how things work behind the scenes. All books in the library were hopelessly out of date, so naturally I turned to the internet. Stack Overflow quickly became known as a reliable source information and knowledge.

I use Stack Overflow in several ways:

  • Direct answers for when I have a specific problem. With 192 answers and one question, I'm very cautious about asking questions. If I can't find an existing answer to my problem, it probably means I'm asking the wrong question. Ironically, a lack of questions can sometimes be helpful in itself.

  • General immersion on a topic. I've found that ordering questions by votes and looking through the discussion gives me a good introduction to a topic. One example of this is Git - coming from SVN, I remember rebasing sounding like witchcraft (and to a much lesser extent, it still is).

  • Learning techniques and patterns that aren't necessarily available anywhere else.
    Stack Overflow gives me exposure to the code and thought process of senior developers, which I would not otherwise have had. Different answers also give several angles from which to attack a problem, which is often useful outside the boundaries of the original question.

I've since started a computer science degree at university, and have a promising internship within the technology industry that I hope to turn into a full time job. While it would be foolish to say my career path is attributed to Stack Overflow, I'd definitely say this site had a part to play. It is highly likely that answering questions has helped me in technical interviews. Without Stack Overflow, I think I would've quickly become frustrated by my lack of progress. Nowadays, if I can't find something akin to what I'm trying to do on Stack Overflow, I reconsider the way I'm going about the problem.


I first started off as a programmer back in 2008. I was at university, doing a master's degree in chemistry, but I'd always liked the idea of building things for myself. I started helping out with an online radio station to build a website for them, and today it's expanded into its own community with thousands of active users. But that was in my free time.

So I dropped out of university and started working as a developer.

I found online communities to help me learn. GitHub and Stack Overflow were probably the absolute driving forces behind my career; GitHub taught me how to contribute, but Stack Overflow taught me how to do things right. It's helped me in countless situations (including getting jobs!), and has always been in my list of open tabs when programming, whether working a 9 to 5 job, or doing freelance work.

It's through doing freelance programming that I saw a proposal for a new Stack Exchange site about freelancing, and during its private beta, I signed up. I offered to help moderate the site, and now I'm volunteering for the same company that helped build my career up to what it is today.

I owe where I am to Stack Exchange, and I'm delighted to give back.


Originally, I was only vaguely aware of Stack Exchange, as I'm not a developer, and my coding was limited to security analysis of code.

Then 1734 days ago (approximately) I was pointed at Security Stack Exchange by a friend and colleague (another Rory) and I found it an amazing place to ask and answer questions, and I rapidly became a pro-tem moderator there. Over the years I have taken up mod-ship on quite a few Stack Exchange sites, so a lot of my activity has been around helping others, mediating, cleaning up and generally being nice, and on many sites I supply reasonably well received answers, which ties in with my paternal and mentoring urges, but...

How did Stack Overflow help me?

I had an engagement integrating a security code review process into an established code review process that was being upgraded, using Maven and ClearCase, and over the course of two days what was quite impenetrable and frustrating to me (having only limited experience with these previously) became clear through Von's answer to my one and only Stack Overflow question.

I'm still not a coder, and Stack Overflow is not one of my top day-to-day Stack Exchange sites, but that convinced me that Stack Overflow had real value even to me, a non-coder, so I used the site much more, finding answers that helped me complete a much broader range of activities than I had expected to on that engagement and ever since.


I think many users share story similar to mine, a lot of it has to do with SO being so widespread and people always happy to help. To say something about myself, I've always been interested in PCs and programming and decided to pursue that career further in an electro-engineering university. Unfortunately for me, even though the main course was IT, because the university was electro-engineering, focused learning of actual programming was somehow on a backburner. Of course - not to badmouth here, the teachers were professionals. The university itself has good status, I think as a person very interested in IT I was hoping for something else/more.

So, that's how I got my Java background. I certainly didn't feel like Java expert at the time and my knowledge was mostly theoretical. Feeling not very confident about myself, I've decided to venture into Android development. It always seemed very interesting to me, Google tries to make good tools to support developers (I have got to say, Android Studio is pretty great) and it's Java-based. I did what I assume many people do when they start out with new language / framework. I read books, listened and did online courses and wrote simple apps based on them.

A lot of code was provided, and none of it went too deep - the purpose was to give something quickly rather than something deep. I realized after a while, that's simply not enough. I took advice I'd recommend to everyone by now (although probably not many starting programmers are reading stuff on Meta Stack Overflow) - the advice being "just start". Find something you want to do, figure out how do you want it to look like, what the app should do, and go do it.

The start wasn't easy, that's for sure. Luckily, my Java background was enough to figure out how to do what I want - and for anything specific I quickly found my home on Stack Overflow. I didn't even have to ask most questions, and that's the amazing part.

For almost any issue I had or dreamed about to put into my app there was somehow already an answer / code snippet / guidance how to do what I want. That's including obscure settings like Pick color theme, Night mode or creating material themed settings menu. I really have to say a big thanks to people always happy to help even absolute new people like I was, with code examples and sharing their knowledge. And even though I didn't have to ask, Stack Overflow played huge part to get me what I needed - during that time I got my "100 consecutive days" badge easily.

Today my app is in the store (not posting links to not look like a cheap advertiser) and users are very positive about it which is what matters to me. I got my satisfaction in a way that, yes, I can actually code functional big project and I'm currently looking for a job in a field.

Hopefully, I'll get to edit this bit soon about my findings :) But again, massive thanks belong to the whole community which helped me in a great way. I have a lot to learn to reach some of almost legendary names posting here, but I still visit Stack Overflow daily to help with what I know and give people same help that I got. I'm glad we are all making this site better.


This isn't that much of a Stack Overflow story (sorry!), but it's a story of six years on Stack Exchange, and it’s probably something worth sharing. It could be, but I'm not quite a coder. I figured I'd share anyway, since it could have been. It’s a story of how I hit pretty close to rock bottom and got back up. I'm sure there's some Stack Overflow folks with similar stories.

I do use Stack Overflow passively, to look up stuff like Git commands and stuff, but it’s in no way my main site. I have no special, heartwarming stories to tell there. It’s a useful resource, and I'm glad that it’s here. This though, is a story of Super User (SU) mainly. There aren't any Ewoks (though, I've had a terrier much of this time) involved.

I've been on Stack Exchange for six years. Six years ago, I'd dropped out of university twice, had utterly no faith in my own skills, and basically spent all my time living the basement dweller dream of sorts. I also had terrible agoraphobia, was depressed and was stuck in my apartment most of the time. My parents didn't quite get what was wrong with me, and some of my extended family thought I was just plain loony. I was a mess. There's a whole load of stigma about mental illness, even the mostly harmless sort to others around here. Sometimes I think I managed because of my dog (the lovely rascal that he is).

Often we joke on the Internet, no one knows you're a dog. No one knows you're a mess either. Things focus on how you come across, your knowledge, and your answers, and that worked for me. Being able to share knowledge helped a certain part of me thrive.

I'm reading Slashdot and I see an open beta for this site about "computer questions". I'm curious, and bored and start hanging out. I figure I could ask a few questions... and I end up answering questions (and not quite noticing the steady increase in my reputation). One day I get an email saying I'm in the first two pages... and SU will send me a T-shirt (Today, I have swag from SU, Server Fault, Ask Ubuntu and so on... it’s still the special SU T shirt). I realise I actually know a little. Then I hit 10K, then 20K. I'm over 70K now. I went back to school knowing I could kick ass (with a few small bumps to show along the way when school kicked back). I graduated last year, and I have a job. I'm also a moderator on SU.

I have skills, and more importantly I have faith in those skills. I've turned the tacit skills of my oddly misspent youth into things that people actually can read about and benefit. I've gotten better at finding problems, and describing them (even if it’s a work in progress). I've learnt a lot from people around me, and there's a sense of community on my home site which is awesome. Life's normal again.

It’s not the thing that pulled me out of the hole I was in, but it sure helped a lot. So... it’s not a Stack Overflow story, but I figured I'd share it anyway.


I'm a self-taught programmer, and I've gotten a degree, but in something entirely nonprogramming-related (animation). I had learned enough when I was younger to know how to string code together, and the concepts that make a program. But I was always pretty uncertain. I would just throw in code that I thought should work, and then slowly work through why it wasn't working and what was causing problems.

I eventually stumbled onto Stack Overflow when solving problems, I made an account and asked some questions. It was great to have my brain mangled around an incomprehensible problem that someone could answer and untangle for me so I'd both fix it now and understand what was actually happening.

I started browsing a little too, wanting to become more a part of this site. I primarily use Python, and started to find out about some of the finer points of what it does just from reading other interesting sounding questions. Some of the tools and quirks are incredibly helpful, but I never would've found them otherwise. I even started answering questions and got to untangle other people's mangled brains to show them their problems, the gratitude and relief that help brings is one of my favourite feelings on here.

This all happened in less than a year. At the start I didn't think I could answer questions at all or really be of help, but now I'm a proud contributor.


TL;DR - Stack Overflow. Allowing me to live the dream!

As far back as I can remember I've always loved anything geeky. Computers. Technology. The Internet. How things work. From that first moment that every adult in the world ever wants to know "what do you want to be when you grow up?", I knew the field in which I wanted to work. It's has got to be IT! Maybe I can build my own programs and websites? The beef with big dreams like this is that as I found out, it isn't easy.

I took everything IT-related at school. I went onto take a degree in computer science at university and the moment that I graduated I felt invincible. I've followed my passion and got my degree. This is it! I'm unstoppable, baby! It's going to be easy to walk into that dream job now, right?? Right?? Nope.

I went to several interviews around that time. Flunked all of them. I had the drive, but none of the real-world experience. Stuck in that ol' Catch-22 of needing the job to get the experience, but not being able to get the job because of not having any experience. Wow. I was absolutely crushed. I don't think I've ever felt as low as I did right then at that moment. I lost a lot of faith in the dream at that time.

I eventually picked myself back up and decided that the only way to get to where I wanted to be was to take a low-level job and claw my way to the top of the shop. So, after some time wallowing around in self-pity, I found an internship job working as an analyst for a small company that in all honesty was slightly too far for me to drive, but I wanted so badly to move towards my goal so I took it anyway. The position was due to last four weeks. Can I prove that I've got some skill in that time? Challenge accepted.

From that moment forth, Stack Overflow played an invaluable role in my career. I had work to be done in areas that I'd never looked at before. The company initially wanted Excel and Access skills, macros, VBA, SQL... to be honest it was intimidating. I had a technical background, a passion and some good ideas, but I just didn't have the knowledge to deliver. So I found myself trawling Google for information. Hmmm... this Stack Overflow site is popping up a lot. I have got to bookmark that bad boy! Literally any time I got stuck from that point onwards, I could count on Stack Overflow and its users to give me that nudge. That perfect example and explanation to back it up. This site is like the holy grail of development resources, man!!! I've stumbled onto a gold mine here.

I got offered a full time position after that internship. Things were looking up! The faith in the dream was reinvigorated and I once again I felt like I was on the right path! I continued to use the (now legendary) Stack Overflow and my own drive to produce the results that started to get me noticed. Suddenly I found myself in a world in which an IT developer position had become available within the business. I had an "in" and an impressive backlog of functioning solutions for the business. The only issue is that the IT team work with Windows technologies. ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, Web Forms, jQuery, etc. I don't have any experience in any of that stuff! BUT WAIT! Stack Overflow to the rescue once again!

The company agreed to give me a trial as an IT developer and in that time I had to evolve rapidly to learn so many things that were completely new to me. Stack Overflow's community changed everything for me. Made it all only a click away. This collaboration of knowledge pushed me to succeed. Needless to say, I got offered the IT developer job - and I'm still here today. I can't thank this site enough for everything it has done for me. I'm now part of the community I love so much. If I can give back even a fraction of what I got from it, that'll make me very happy indeed.

Thank you Stack Overflow :-)


I would define SO as a place where one will get "Solution for any and every problem you can face while coding".

Some people might not notice, but it had changed the way question and answer websites work. The time it takes for a good solution and the accuracy of the answers are truly astonishing. Whenever I search for any problems, I always look for an Stack Overflow link. May be it's the trust, that I would get a reliable, clear and complete solution. The answers are complete, even if some point is missing in some answer, others will extend their hand and fill in the gaps. It's sometimes enlightening to go through answers, and I end up smiling most of the times. :)

Coming to the main topic, how did Stack Overflow help me?

Well, it helped me in everything.


I have done a number of projects in my academic career, and I am still working on one. The amount of help I have taken from Stack Overflow is massive. Almost every project I had faced some issue, either with some programming construct, or the way the application was suppose to work. The surprising thing was, I never had to ask questions. I always got answered questions, to go through and help myself pick what I needed. I remember one project where I was struggling with the use of ptrace() and after a lot of searching I got the solution finally on Stack Overflow.

How to answer

When I started my master's degree, I got this zeal and passion to help people and answer their questions. May be because I started using SO a lot. Anyway, I started of by answering a few questions about C (because that was all I knew properly at that time), but somehow my answers faced some critics. In the beginning I didn't understand why it use to happen, but then I widened my gaze and tried to look properly. I understood where I was wrong, and to make people understand, you need a clear understanding of the language yourself. It encouraged me to take a step forward and understand things in a good way. It made me a better programmer, and definitely a good teacher. Now, I teach my classmates also sometimes if they face trouble.

Collaborate and Help

It happened in some questions only, but it was a different experience. Sometimes, when it so happened that questions were a little confusing, and there was a little confusion with the answers as well. That time it was a great experience to comment and communicate with users who have answered, and try to understand or improve the answer. It encourages new users (which I was a year back), and gives a comfortable atmosphere for contribution. I learned it on my journey and now I strive to do the same for other new users.


Stack Overflow did not change my programming career. It saved it!

I was starting my first job ever (still as student. I was there to learn, but...) and I was assigned to just read PHP documentation and learn it because they had no work to give me (I never used PHP before). Three days after, they told me that I was hired if I could solve an Android bug that they had been struggling with for a couple of weeks.

It was an Out Of Memory Exception. They were trying to take a picture, encoding it in Base64 and send it through a REST service. After a morning investigating it, I found this Stack Overflow question: Strange OutOfMemory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object and that was just exactly what we needed, because uploading a 10 MB picture encoded in Base64 was just... horrible (Those were just profile pictures of a social network that would never be shown more than like 300x300 so having a 2800x2800 picture was pretty useless.)

I reduced the sample of the picture, so it would take just a little less than 1 MB and presented the solution to my boss. He was kind of impressed and hired me. It would not be the first time that Stack Overflow gives me the answer of whatever I ask for, but that one was life saving!

My salary was awful, but I got enough experience to go to my current place where I am so happy working as a programmer!


Like many others, I think I was a non-contributing user of Stack Overflow. I didn't even have an account, and the site just always gave the answers I needed, not like many other sites who buried me under a lot of ads without actual any helpful information.

Almost two years ago, our company became more involved with Stack Exchange when we decided to profile ourselves better as 'subject experts' using our contributions to Stack Overflow.

Since then it went fast. First I had some trouble adjusting to the way Stack Overflow works, but when I got used to it, I really got addicted.

I have learned a lot from contributing and reading contributions of others. It really made me a better programmer. It learned me new techniques and technologies.

Now, we even use Stack Overflow as an input source for our job interviews. One of the first things we ask during the technical assessment is whether they contribute to Stack Overflow. It really gives a lot of insight. If new employees don't contribute yet, we encourage them to do so.


Stack Overflow changed my life in different ways, so I need to divide the history in parts.

When I finished my degree in computer science, I was good enough (not the best) in math and in computer science theory, but I was never a good programmer and this wasn't the only problem because all the good content that could make me a good programmer was in English. English is not my mother language (maybe this text shows this clearly) and I had a kind of fear in learning English just to improve my programming skills, so I didn't do it, even knowing that English is the "official" language for IT world.

When I started to work as a developer, I needed to google for some things (after all, I was a bad programmer) and then I started to find all the answers that I needed on Stack Overflow. I didn't do my registration at first, but I started to read a lot of information in English and the registration was natural, when I realized that my questions could be answered and that I could answer some questions...it was perfect, but I still had trouble with English. However, I was excited to answer something and ask new ones, so I forgot my problems with the language and did it.

Nowadays, I do not have the best English skills, but I improved it a lot, so:

First change of life made by the Stack Overflow: Improve my English skills, what gave me new job opportunities and also helped me to finally get the original materials in English to learn new things.

Using Stack Overflow daily, I discovered the awesome Stack Exchange Network and after that I was in love with the possibilities to share my knowledge about many things and at the same time learn more and more. The spirit of this community throughout the network that has been created around Stack Overflow is amazing. That changed my way of learning and also changed my vision about sharing things.

Second change of life made by the Stack Overflow: I learned with the community to share my knowledge in different ways and today seek to do this in different ways, either by asking / answering questions or helping open source projects.

While improving my skills as a programmer I feel that this is not the work of my life. I see that my real vocation is to share my knowledge with others, and then I decided to be a professor. I’m doing my master's degree right now and I’ll start a PhD course in the first semester of 2016. Remember I improved my English because of Stack Overflow? So, I want to do all my PhD in English.

Third change of life made by the Stack Overflow:

I changed the course of my professional life and now I want to be a professor just to take more and more opportunities to share my knowledge and my participation (passive and active) in Stack Overflow certainly contributed to the decision.

Beside all these stuff, participating in Stack Overflow is really cool. 8-)


Wow - where do I start...


I - probably like most of the other users coming to this community often - started out as a pure consumer of answers. If you have a problem - Stack Overflow is most of the time the way to go - if you can articulate your question properly. I've touched a number of areas in software development throughout my carrier - be it SQL, Hibernate, iBATIS, Spring, JavaScript, AngularJS and more recently also Android app development. I find it happens very rarely that I cannot find a similar question or the exact question that I have already here. Most of the time there is either a spot on 100% answer or a couple of close answers that give me fresh ideas on how to approach my problem.


Then I became a contributor myself - this was a rather recent event - and I find the award system highly motivating. Even more motivating is providing someone with an answer that helps that person progress or even solves the problem completely. I'm now hunting badges and trying to get to my next milestone in terms of reputation - and I made it a habit of spending 20-30 minutes every morning going through new questions in my preferred areas and trying to help where I can. It says a lot about the quality of the contributors that it is not always easy to find an unanswered question to which I can provide some help. Most of the time new questions are answered properly within minutes - a really impressive community of very smart and getting smarter people.


Stack Overflow actually helps me on a daily basis.

Between working with languages I'm unfamiliar with, lurking on Code Golf (I love attempting to understand the logic of all the different solutions), and learning enough each day to improve my usefulness at my current job, I can safely say that Stack Overflow is extremely useful and important in my life.

Every day there is something new for me to search for. Even though I don't ask questions on this site, I often find my answers with a quick search, and off I go to learn.

In fact, I've been looking into class reflection lately, because I saw a reference to it in one of the answers to the above question.

To me, Stack Overflow is more than just a website with information on it. It's both educational and entertaining, and I wouldn't even have my job today without it. I've learned so much about SQL, Java, C#, and more just reading other people's Q&A's. Without that, I'd still be baking donuts at Safeway.

As I've said in another post, Stack Overflow is more educational than college courses for teaching programming: I've learned more here in two weeks than I have throughout my entire two years in regular courses.


School is hard. Especially when all your classes are 10 weeks and you have to sprint to get all your work done. I started computer science in college in 2010, and ever since then Stack Overflow has been there to help me understand all the new languages and concepts that I was introduced to.

When I first transferred schools, one of the first classes I had was called Advanced Programming Techniques. That's where we first learned how to use Linux (officially). I also learned some of the different programming languages that exist in the programming world. I went over languages like Python, Bash, Awk, C, C++, Java and a few others. The biggest problem was that I had to pick up a new language every week, and at first they all seemed to be very different and confusing. This is where Stack Overflow came in. I struggled so much rushing through all these languages and switching back and forth that they started to run together. Stack Overflow was able to help me wrap my brain around any new language that I had to learn. I was able to get answers to simple questions that other had asked before about quick syntax problems. Every time there was a new language I had to learn, I had a little bit of a head start because I could see some of the little nuances between then before we started in class.

A few years later I had a class specifically in programming languages. This is where I learned things like scheme, lisp, ML, haskell and even basic logic programming. Again I found myself in the same spot; trying to learn completely new syntax, rules and style. Like before Stack Overflow was there to help me understand.

During my years in school I have had to interview with a few companies for internships. A usual part of those interviews was a question: "What language do you use most often?" My answer to this question is usually along the lines of, "I can work with most of the popular languages out there and I can pick up any language your company works with." One of the places I interviewed with had asked me a follow-up question that I wasn't really ready for. He asked "What languages have you worked with in the past?" I had to think for a minute. the list was not a short one. I started listing all the ones that I had used in school and that Stack Overflow had helped with. About midway though the list the interviewer stopped me. "Have you really used all of these?" He sounded surprised. I told him that I had to learn them all for school and that I had used Stack Overflow to help understand some of them a bit more thoroughly. He offered me the internship a few days later.

Stack Overflow got me through these tough classes and even helped me understand the differences and similarities between all the languages. Now that I am about to graduate, I thank Stack Overflow for being able to help me understand what my professors were talking about, and for helping me start getting out into the real world. I feel that I have a deeper understanding of all the tools I have at my disposal.


Stack Overflow has helped me become a much better mentor. Since I started answering questions, I have become much better at:

  1. Debugging other people's code
  2. Explaining myself much more clearly
  3. Having patience

Over the years, I have worked with quite a few junior developers and interns. Early on, I often found myself having to explain things more than once and in multiple ways. I often wondered to myself why I wasn't getting my point across. It wasn't until I joined Stack Overflow and started answering questions that I realized what the problem was. It was me! I wasn't good and describing the problem and solution effectively.

I attribute this to the fact that on Stack Overflow I had to type out my thoughts rather than express them through spoken word. And not only that, but I had to do so without writing an entire book! It taught me to be concise, which at the same time also taught me to truly understand the problem!

Many people have heard or seen this quote:

If you can't understand something simply, you don't understand it well enough.

Who said it may be up for discussion, but regardless, it was true for me. Stack Overflow helped me realize that in order to be a better mentor, I had a lot to work on. To this day, I still find myself not being the best mentor, but I'm definitely better than before!


I can't begin to enumerate the ways SO has helped me as a programmer and a professional; it taught me that I don't know everything (which is a tough lesson to learn, especially when you're 18 and top of your class in CS), it taught me that I shouldn't be upset about not knowing everything because nobody else does either, it taught me to ask myself hard questions about the code I was writing, it taught me that being a jerk to people smarter than me was no way to go about getting smarter myself, and it continues to teach me new things every single day.

Probably the most important way SO has helped me generally is that it taught me how to research; I don't want to spend time writing up a question just to have it flagged as a dupe because I didn't do enough research. This has been hugely helpful both in my personal programming endeavors and my professional career (I mean, the word research is right there in my job title).

I guess if I had to pick a specific instance, it would be a question I found yesterday about how to write a proper benchmark in Java. See, I have been having issues with a particular problem for a while now, and I thought I had come up with a very effective solution without compromising performance, but the best I could come up with was "this should perform better than what I had before". The benchmarking question really helped me to figure out whether and why I was seeing performance bottlenecks, and sure enough: my independent research into the problem had lead me to an effective solution that perfectly fits my needs.


tl;dr: Stackoverflow showed me that I am not as stupid as I thought at the beginning of my career.

During university I had many doubts about my abilities as a software developer. I had a hard time understanding algorithms. I was not very good at math. And I had to look up the simplest things constantly. I really felt like this was way to hard. But the code I wrote usually worked, so it couldn't be that bad.
But the impression of not being fit for the job just got worse when I started to work on a side job, with a tiny embedded software company that was overwhelmed with projects and only employed two top-notch developers. Since I was playing in my free-time with similar things, they asked me if I want to work for them.
Which I did. But soon I realized that I'm not fit for that job. Their code worked on first try (it seemed). I was still fixing bugs a week after the deadline. I never consciously realized that they had at least a decade more experience than myself. I thought that everyone expects me to do the same work in the same time, with the same results.

I missed deadlines left and right, my code contained dozen of bugs. In hindsight I probably did reasonable well. It was just completely stupid to give me the sole responsibility for a project. And I was stupid to not admit that I need help. I was always (and probably still am) too proud to admit that I am overwhelmed with doing something alone.
I never consciously realized that I just had a few months "experience", and they were doing these things for years. So after a couple months I quit that job. And I quit university as well. Or lets say I switched from computer science to electrical engineering (which I later quit ;).
Programming was still something I was very interested in, so I continued to play around in my freetime. And I made a few small custom projects for small businesses, as a self-employed developer. No boss, no coworkers, just me, the code and some embedded hardware thing. But I never felt that the work I did was very useful. The feeling of doing mediocre work was always there.

And then someone showed me an iPhone, must have been around 2009/2010, until then I was never interested in that Apple crap, Linux all the way. But I fell in love with it, and I wanted to make an app for that thing. As smooth as the apps I saw. Until then I was working primarily with embedded software. Where the user interface are a bunch of buttons and a 7 segment display. So iPhone was something new, exciting and very different.
Anyway, I started to learn iPhone programming. And then I learned some more and then I bought another book and learned some more. Soon I was very good at following tutorials for beginners. After months of wasting time with learning stuff I already knew, I actually started my first real project. During that time I discovered stackoverflow, not sure why I never stumbled upon it earlier. Once I found it, it basically had answers to almost all questions I had. Sometimes I found a question that didn't have an answer. In that case I was a little bit disappointed and I continued to search for a solution. That's what I did for a couple months.

One day I thought I should answer a question myself. So I did. And then I answered another one. And another one. According to my profile I answered 7 questions the first day. 3 on my second. 13 on my third, and 14 on my fourth day at stackoverflow. And holy ship. My advice was actually useful for people. They thanked me for helping them. And they upvoted my answers. Sometimes I actually guessed the solution to incomplete questions.

That's when I realized that I actually know what I'm doing, that I'm good at diagnosing problems and finding solutions.

Helping people on stackoverflow really boosted my confidence about my developer skills. And seeing that people who are professional developers have questions as well, really helped to get rid of the feeling that I'm a lesser developer. I sometimes found (already answered) questions of people well known in the community, and I thought that I could answer this.

Now, 1256 answers later, all doubts about my skills are gone. Turns out I am actually a very good software developer.


I am a self-taught programmer and, like many self-taught programmers, I lacked understanding of even the importance of things like architecture, patterns and good practice, let alone the details.

This issue was compounded by the fact that I started my career in a backwater company with two other self-taught developers, neither of whom was any more knowledgeable than I was.

I stayed there for six years. Why wouldn't I? The work was easy, and we all had a great time congratulating one another on how awesome we were because none of us knew any better.

So on paper, I looked like a hell of a lot better developer than I actually was.

When I did eventually leave, I went to another small company with two other developers. They were both very good, and had built a system I could barely understand. Then they both announced their intention to leave. Then my wife had a baby two months early.

When I got back to my job, I found myself the sole developer on a system beyond my comprehension with no documentation and no handover whatsoever, working under a tyrannical boss who wanted results yesterday.

What could I do? Ask stack overflow. My opening shot is still one my best-rated questions on the site: Getting up to speed on modern architecture

I did what people said. I read the books. Scoured the forums. Asked more questions. Got answers.

I got fired from that job, and rightly so because I wasn't competent enough to deal with the day to day demands of the role, especially as what was ostensibly a development lead.

But I'd learned a lot. From you. All of you. Enough to prepare me for a middleweight job in a proper software house.

Now, five years and two more jobs on, I'm acting as the Technical Architect for a company of eighty people. I've been been happier or more productive. Cowboy Coder to Architect in five years feels like one hell of a sprint: and it's all thanks to Stack Overflow.

Thank you.

  • Inspiring!!!!!! Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 12:40

Learning and Recruiting - two aspects where Stack Overflow has helped me

I think it's futile trying to list all of the ways that Stack Overflow has helped me in my professional career - it is without doubt the most important website for finding information on programming topics. It's usually the first site in any of my programming-related Google searches (it's strange that I still search through Google, even though I know that I'll find an answer here). I'll try to describe the importance from two different angles (in addition to the general helpfulness for finding answers).

Learning a new technology

When learning a new technology or tool, I find that following a tag on Stack Overflow is a great way of getting hands-on information. I've used this several times (e.g. with git or with AngularJS), where every morning I for several weeks, I spent a couple of minutes on browsing through the latest questions and answers for that tag. Even if I couldn't answer any of them initially, it gave me a good impression on what functionality is out there, what some of the common problems are, and how other people (hopefully with more experience than I) solve them.

Doing this for a couple of days or weeks slowly builds up familiarity with the topic, and often leads to new ways of doing things. On a regular basis, I found new patterns, scripts or clever ways of solving problems, and I was able to apply them to my daily work. In addition to that, it raised awareness on how to ask questions. What is the required information, how to present examples, how not to ask a question - these are all things I learned through browsing of the most recent questions and answers.


Since I do a lot of job interviews for open positions in my team, I try to find out how people go about solving problems - since that is one of the most important skills in software development. In addition to asking questions about how they solved specific problems in their current or previous job, I've added two very simple questions to my standard set:

  • Do you know the website GitHub.com and can you explain what it does?
  • Do you know the website StackOverflow.com and can you explain what it does?

If people are aware of these sites, I follow up with questions on how they use these sites, i.e. whether they have an account, whether they participate actively, whether they upvote/ask/answer.

Believe it or not, but there are still developers out there who are not familiar with StackOverflow. This does not disqualify someone from getting an offer, but familiarity with the site and how it works is a plus in my book.


For a long time I used Stack Overflow just to look up answers - I didn't even have an account, because I never found that I needed to ask something new. While I learnt plenty of things along the way, I've gotten a lot more out of the site since I signed up and started writing answers of my own.

I often used to feel that one of my weak points professionally was that I struggled to communicate my work to others. I had always been stronger at written communication than spoken. I was an application developer for years, but I was essentially self-taught; most things that I knew I had picked up on the job as I needed them. I didn't always know the right terminology, sometimes I only knew concepts from the perspective of one language (usually , unfortunately), and the problem was self-perpetuating because as a result of it I tended to lack the confidence to speak up. I worried that people would constantly underestimate me because I couldn't get across what I knew or confidently explain how I planned to tackle a piece of work. I would have valuable ideas which I couldn't explain to people, causing them to be overlooked.

While there have been other experiences that helped me along - general work experience, a change of role into business intelligence & data warehousing, carrying out coursework for my masters degree, etc. - I have found that answering questions on SO has been hugely beneficial when it comes to both improving my technical and conceptual communication skills, as well as improving my confidence about my knowledge and my ability to communicate it.

I'm starting a new job very soon; I found interviewing a surprisingly easy process to say I used to struggle to put a lot of my technical and conceptual knowledge into words. At interviews, I found myself speaking about concepts and patterns that I have written about here, and which I probably would have never before explained to another person if it weren't for SO. Having practiced putting these ideas into words in my preferred format and at my own pace, I was far more prepared for a verbal discussion about them - both in terms of having the words ready, and in terms of my confidence about what I had to say.

I am also learning - bit by bit - how to teach people. I now look forward to having a role where I can coach others, and I'm considering starting up a blog to document and share useful and interesting things I come across in my field, and ideas I have that other people might find helpful. Who

For me, SO has been - and I'm sure will continue to be - an invaluable learning tool.


Its been 2 years now, since I've started frequenting SO on a daily basis. As a programmer, the access to knowledge base I had earlier was limited. Learning not so hard things can sometimes make you feel that you know a lot of things. Thanks to SO, I was able to burst that bubble I used to live in.

I now know my limits a lot better, that I can go a lot farther, that I can learn more in an year or in a month than what I thought I could, and that becoming a better me is a constant process.

There have been many users, who've inspired me to become better at what I do - be it @Martijn answering on Python, @daniel answering on Django, @Jörg answering on Rails, @mysticial answering algorithms, @VonC answering on version control, or @Ingo answering on vim. So many experts, all in one place, the whole environment has allowed me to learn on multiple fronts at very fast speed. There are many many many more experts who contribute in various capacities here, a lot of whose answers and conversations have helped me increase my knowledge base over the past 2 years

Through the exposure at Stack Overflow, I also started visiting other SE sites - Programmers, Server Fault, workplace, and many others, and the amount of quality content, advice and solutions I've found have only helped me broaden my perspective and grow even further as a person. The SO meta (which I've started visiting only a lot more recently) has made me appreciate how helpful the SO community.

Stack has taught me the meaning of humility, the importance of communication, what learning actually means and a lot many other good lessons that I hope I can remember for life.

I've a fair amount of rep now, and I get constant recognition from friends, peers, potential employers and recruiters all the time, but that is only a trivial bonus compared to how SO has helped me in other ways.

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