As we continue the celebration of 10 million questions on Stack Overflow, we want to give away more stuff!

We’ve already received some awesome stories about users going above and beyond for others, but before we give away more swag we need something from you.

We want some stories about how Stack Overflow has helped you or how it made you a better programmer. It could be that your participation:

  • changed your career
  • helped you succeed in school
  • or some other way it helped you

As an example, I’ll use my own experience:

I was working on a project that needed to convert an Microsoft Access application written from VBA to a Winforms C# application with a SQL Server backend. I had never touched either of those programming languages before, so I turned to Stack Overflow.

I was able to solve most of my problems using either existing questions and answers, or from the help of the users. Through my use of the site, I learned that I loved SQL and loved answering those questions, but realized quickly I had a lot to learn. I used the site to strengthen my SQL skills which eventually lead to several database developer jobs and ultimately changed my career path. Without Stack Overflow, I wouldn’t have had the same exposure to SQL. The site helped advanced my career and everyday I’m grateful for finding it.

I’ll stop gushing and get to the good stuff.

What swag can we get?

  • A Stack Overflow branded ruled notebook, with a pocket in the back and quality, acid-free paper (actual brand will depend on availability)
  • A Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's cut) along with some stickers
  • Pens & retractable sharpies
  • A mug or BPA-free water bottle (Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange) depending on availability


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can with an emphasis on how the site helped you.
  • Submission deadline is September 11, 2015
  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline
  • 10
    @BhargavRao This is different from the previous question posted by Tim. This is more about how Stack Overflow helped you, not necessarily how another user helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:22
  • 7
    @BhargavRao As long as you make an effort to answer the question in the way we are asking and you're not solely trying to get free stuff... then yes.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:25
  • 4
    @BhargavRao, Shh you're asking too many questions. ;)
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:50
  • 7
    @Trobbins I had 10,000,000 more questions. If I ask them all then we can have a 10m-milestone for meta also! :D Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:51
  • 1
    Are stories from other SE sites welcome?
    – Anko
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:22
  • 4
    @Anko This is a celebration of Stack Overflow, so the story should be about how Stack Overflow helped you.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 12:24
  • 27
    After this celebration can we just get a store to buy SO shirts, etc. please?
    – TylerH
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 14:07
  • 1
    How are the winners picked?
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:01
  • 6
    @DavidG If a good faith answer that follows the rules (2+ paragraphs) with a story about how SO helped you, then yay you'll get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:04
  • 6
    @bluefeet Wowzer! That's super generous of you guys. Lets hope you don't get 100k answers and bankrupt yourself!
    – DavidG
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 15:06
  • 2
    I would like to hear the same story from staffs or moderators of sof as well :) Why did you participated in sow and how have you experienced or learnt from the career.
    – kenju
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 7:16
  • 2
    @McAdam331 When it hits September 12 you will no longer be entered.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:31
  • 5
    The email went out today (September 18, 2015) regarding the swag. If you posted an answer but didn't receive an email (we got at least one undeliverable), post a comment or shoot me an email and we'll investigate.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:54
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is no longer accepting answers.
    – enderland
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 18:21
  • 5
    @enderland People could still post answers they just might not get swag.
    – Taryn
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 19:19

141 Answers 141

2 3 4 5

As a Stack Overflow user, I have learned a lot. Let me start with my story:

When I joined my first company as an Android Trainee, I was trained under their training program which went for just 10-12 days only. Thereafter, I was assigned to a project. As I had never been into programming in my college days, it was difficult for me to grasp concepts and deliver codes for the project. Moreover, you need to learn how a project must be managed, along with CI/CD.

Whenever I used to get stuck, I used to google for finding relevant contents and guess what? Most of the times it forwarded me to our own Stack Overflow.

My project manager used to tell me, "Don't worry if you're not able to find something relevant; try Stack Overflow. It'll give you a perfect suggestion". Then I thought of joining this forum; and then the journey began...

Stack Overflow helped me in various ways. Android development, self development and knowing people from around the world (Thanks to chat.stackoverflow.com). I am an active user of chat SO where I keep sharing and helping other users.

It's really nice to see people from all over the world come and share their knowledge on a single platform. We have our room's Facebook page as well where we keep posting about Android and Java updates. We have more than 300 followers of this page now. That's all because of Stack Overflow.

At last, I would like to say

This site has given us a lot! Let's get together to make it better. :)

  • 7
    +1 .. and I am totally agree with your words @TheLittleNaruto. When I started my career as a Developer, Stack is best way to get quick solution of problem .. and best thing is people share code with instead of suggestion :p ..
    – Simmant
    Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 7:47
  • 1
    @Simmant I want to make your comment perfect "People share knowledge instead of information".
    – Ketan Ahir
    Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 18:16
  • 1
    I started as a student asking questions on my final project in 2011, when the community could afford to be more patient with discussions, overly specific requests etc. I worry a student in 2015 will be driven away with the stricter policies that evolved since then, and hence I am an avid reader of "we are scaring users away" posts on meta. Commented Sep 4, 2015 at 6:14
  • @KetanAhir correct (y) :)
    – Simmant
    Commented Sep 4, 2015 at 7:11
  • 1
    @TheLittleNaruto I am fully agree with you.! I can simply say "Thanks SO"
    – TheFlash
    Commented Sep 4, 2015 at 11:44
  • 1
    Great answer, TLN!
    – AdamMc331
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:28
  • Thank you! :) @McAdam331 Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:30
  • 1
    Yeah Agreed @TheLittleNaruto :)
    – InsaneCat
    Commented May 18, 2016 at 8:52

TL;DR: Stack Overflow was a key resource on my quest to transition from a student networker to a professional programmer.

I've mentioned before that I started my journey as a networker, not a programmer. Through college, my focus was purely on networking, though I did intend to go back after a short break from school for programming. Instead, I interviewed with a company that was looking for programmers (They had told the school they wanted networkers too. Oh well.) and through soley my drive and commitment to learn, and the one C# class I had opted to take as an extra course, I got hired on in a foreign field to me.

The team I got hired on to has been great- They're smart programmers, and they're good guys. However, they aren't the "teaching" type- Rather, they believe in a trial-by-fire method of learning. I was dumped into this strange new world with an internet connection as my weapon and a search engine as my main guide.

Whenever I hit a snag, my supervisor would give me hints in the right direction but made it clear he thought I would learn more by researching the issues myself, rather than by having him tell me how to fix it. He was right.

As I got familiar with Java, the language all our apps were using at that time, one of the more experienced guys on the team started on a new project quest, and pulled me on board chose me for his party. This new project quest was a VB.Net website, and I was to help with the front-end of the site.

As I started to teach myself jQuery and HTML, I hit fewer snags, though the ones I hit were slightly harder for me to find. (My Google-Fu was under leveled at that point.) As I continued to try to research, one website mystical land of sages consistently appeared in my Google results: Stack Overflow. Time and again, this amazing land would appear before me and present me with guidance in the right direction.

One day, however, I failed in my quest to understand why my code did not behave as I expected. I had entered the realm of Regular Expressions, and it was like a maze to a newcomer such as myself. Why could I not get my string to match my regex? It all certainly looked right!

Ah, but I had misunderstood the map given me by the wise Google. I could not compare my string the way I had thought, but instead had to test the string against the regex. As I corrected my code, I realized how I should have searched for my answer, and tested that theory. Sure enough, my new search phrase turned up results other than my Stack Overflow question. I kept in mind how I had phrased the search so I could improve level up my Google-Fu and more easily find answers to my future problems.

As time has gone on, I have learned, mostly by browsing, tricks and tips to apply to my coding. I have learned of things magics I did not know even existed, and how to apply those properly to projects I could use them in. I have slayed countless bugs thanks to the weapons given to me by the great sages of Stack Overflow. Thanks to these ever-present weapons, I have become a true professional programmer and not just the coding wanderer I had started as.

Stack Overflow has helped me progress level my skills farther and faster than I ever thought possible. Without Stack Overflow, I might have taken far more time to find several solutions to several problems. In fact, with some guidance and tricks from the Regex Reference question and the Learning Regex question, I have become the regex expert on my team. I owe Stack Overflow and the sages therein a good deal for the level I'm at now, and don't know what I'd do without this amazing resource to aid me on future quests.

  • 9
    I admit, when I started writing this, I didn't intend to make so many "adventuring hero" type comments... I think I've been playing too many RPG games again.
    – Kendra
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:54
  • 7
    Speaking of programming and RPGs, have you played CodeCombat? It's a programming RPG, and I love it and think it's a very well executed concept. :-) Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 16:56
  • 1
    @ChrisJester-Young I'm looking that up on my lunch break and will likely try it out tonight, then. Thanks for that suggestion. =)
    – Kendra
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 16:57
  • 2
    www.regexr.com is my best friend for regular expressions.
    – Luminous
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:16
  • @Luminous Wish I'd have known about that one when I was still learning them. =) I'm to the point now that minus a typo here or there, I can usually write a regex for what I need without a site like that. Looks like a super helpful site, though, so I'll be passing that one around the office and bookmarking it myself. (Never hurts to have a sanity check!)
    – Kendra
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:39
  • 1
    As I'm one of the top three regex answerers, my very best friend is regex101.com which helps me to earn 100k within 1.6 years. Because this is one of the famous regex testing site which has three separate regex engines for php, javascript, python languages. Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 13:13

During my interview, the interviewer asked me "why ~True in Python prints -2"? Well.. It's my most voted answer.


First I wanted to answer it without telling him that I actually know this question, but then I decided to show him my answer in Stack Overflow. He was really impressed, and then we went through some of my posts and I talked about how I use Stack Overflow to improve my programming skills.

Everyday I learn something new through reading more posts here. Sometimes I find myself investigating questions that I came across just because I was curious about, I challenge myself to find a solution for that problem. By doing this, I do research, I try new things, I dive into other fields and not only that I'm helping the original poster, but I'm learning new things.

SO has become part of my daily routine, and I decided to publish a post on LinkedIn about this.

I'm now the official Stack Overflow consultant in the company :)

  • 5
    It happened to me too! I was asked one of my answers. (He had actually upvoted it). :) Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 18:44
  • This is a very interesting and inspiring post, thank you :D
    – ABcDexter
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 6:15

Back in 2011 I was implementing a C# server application, I worked with WCF and other cool and fancy techniques. I got stuck at some point and started googling. I found often a strange site where you had to pay for answers which where partial visible in the Google results. That was so disturbing for me, and there was that site called Stack Overflow. I found very concentrated answers there to many different topics. From that point on I preferred all search results on this site.

Then I added a Android app to my project, and I was wondering why my app had constantly 4 KB memory usage on the device even when I did not store anything. I googled a lot and did not find a answer, so I registered and asked my first question: How does Android calculate cache and data size?. There I finally got an answer which could not been answered by all people I knew at that point.

From that date on I was almost daily on Stack Overflow. I guess I was less than three weeks offline from that date. Since that date I wrote 890 answers and asked 119 more questions.

The coolest feature of Stack Overflow is in my opinion the chat. You meet so many different people there from around the world. In comparison to other chats there are almost no dead rooms and you can read the full history of the chat at all times, so you can easily join a conversation. I am daily in the chat on working days where I help countless people. In the chat I hang around new technologies are often discussed, so you are up to date regarding the newest APIs and features.

I got all my jobs since my registration via Stack Overflow Careers. I love the idea to show what you have done based on tags. That makes it easier for getting a fast overview over my skills. Just thank you Stack Overflow for all!

Recently I wrote a small letter to you. I hope that I'll get some stickers from you guys soon :-)

Stack Overflow just rocks!

  • Nice one @rekire
    – InsaneCat
    Commented May 18, 2016 at 8:53

Stack Overflow…

  1. Gave me an outlet to share my programming knowledge with other users (I'm currently at 128k and counting).
  2. Got me both my last job and this job. :-)
  3. Helped me learn a lot of the skills needed for this job.

To expand on each of these items:

I was one of the first users on Stack Overflow (#13). I was between jobs at the time, and needed to hone my programming skills. I was spending a lot of time practising Scheme coding, like writing a pure-Scheme MD5 implementation. So when Stack Overflow was announced, I was only too ready to sign up and answer programming questions!

As a very early user, I got to know other early users. One of the top users back in those days was Mike Virata-Stone (back then known as Mike Stone). He came to the #stackoverflow IRC channel asking for a second opinion of a candidate he interviewed that day, and I happened to mention that I was looking for a job. Shortly after, I got a job at On-Site (where he still works today), where I worked for 6½ years.

When I first joined On-Site, the code base was pretty much totally in Java. Since Java was one of my areas of expertise, I was able to do my job without needing outside help. So most of my time on Stack Overflow was for answering questions, not searching for or asking questions. Later on, Ruby was added on as a primary technology (the code base is, these days, about 50/50 Java and Ruby), and I learnt Ruby on the job.

Anyway, I love helping people with programming problems, so I continued building rep on Stack Overflow. This eventually got the attention of Stack Exchange, and I started working here earlier this year. The Stack Exchange codebase is primarily in C#, so I am learning that (and PowerShell) on the job. I love learning new things, and so, now, I get to use Stack Overflow in a new way: searching for answers! (I still haven't had the occasion to ask a work-related question yet. Maybe one day I will.)

  • I wish "they gave me my dream job" could be my answer. :)
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:56
  • @Trobbins Wait till you get to 25k rep; you may be able to say that then. :-) (Actually, I was at 60k rep when SE first wrote me, but we do have people in our team with much less rep, so, no pressure. ;-)) Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 15:57
  • thanks for the encouragement ;) I suppose I'll have to continue working with a corporate agile-waterfall mishmash until then!
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 16:03
  • 7
    The fact that you have 127k rep and somehow have no gold badges confuses me.
    – Dave Zych
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:22
  • 9
    @DaveZych You're looking at the meta, which has separate badges from the main site. On the main site, I have 26 gold badges. Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:23
  • 8
    @ChrisJester-Young for some reason I don't think I never noticed meta showed different badges. That's a confusing mix of normal rep and meta badges.
    – Dave Zych
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 17:27

In Late 2012, I had been out of the programming workforce for four years. Yes, I have a degree from a good school, but if you don't program more than a few hundred lines of code from Nov 2008 to Oct 2012, you get rusty. Not only do you get rusty on what you did know, but you also get rusty on what's come out since you stopped programming. I managed to talk a small company into taking a chance on me, mostly because I am smart and I did go to a good school, but honestly I was probably quite out of my depth when I started my current job.

Stack Overflow saved me. This site is such a good repository of knowledge, I learned about so many different techniques and technologies. It really helped me get up to speed on things I now use every day and feel comfortable writing answers here that, in my opinion, explain things better than the documentation often does. I'd like to go over a few posts that really helped me:

Other things I learned on Stack Overflow that I don't have a proper "favorite" question to point to, but I know I learned here:

  • How to write Swing code properly, in a thread-safe way. Prior to Stack Overflow, I always had problems with screens being unresponsive and/or not updating.
  • What MVC and MVP really are, and how to keep concerns separated in UI programming.
  • How to use an asynchronous I/O library to do server client communication without using raw Java sockets.
  • How to encapsulate API calls to third-party libraries.
  • How to use mocks when testing code, and test-driven development in general
  • How to write multi-threaded code properly, using queues, immutable objects, and avoiding poll waiting.

This isn't Stack Overflow, but I also learned a ton of stuff from some questions on Programmers, my other most frequented Stack Exchange site, that I'd like to mention here too; especially their chatroom The Whiteboard. These also helped my career greatly as a programmer:

Stack Overflow made it possible for me to retrain myself and get current in many new technologies. I went from being an out of practice, untrained novice to being, in my opinion, a senior level programmer. My small company has hired a recent college graduate to work directly for me two months ago. I got my gold Java badge a few weeks ago, and I should hit 20,000 reputation points any day now.

Thanks Stack Overflow! I couldn't have done it without you.

  • 5
    +1 for the Programmers references in addition to the SO references.
    – user1345223
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 18:58

I am happy to share my story about Stack Overflow from my iOS beginning career to the current level.

Stack Overflow really helped me in my iOS development career for the past 3.5 years. I regularly visit Stack Overflow and spend hours reading questions and their answers to sort out my problems. I also look for those questions for which I can give the best possible solution. But the main thing is that I learned those answers from different sources on Stack Overflow questions.

In another way Stack Overflow also helps me how to find a query on Google, how to ask queries to other developers on this platform with the help of relevant tags, images and well-formatted text. Using Stack Overflow I also learned the iOS development coding style, format and structure which boost my iOS application in speed and quality.

My usage history on Stack Overflow (previous questions and answers) also helps me to compare myself with present and past activities on this platform. This way I can measure my improvements and identify my mistakes, so I can improve myself much better.

In some interviews companies also ask candidates whether they have a Stack Overflow account or not and if yes how they use them. So Stack Overflow is also useful for getting job opportunities.

So I would like to say thank you to Stack Overflow for providing me wonderful knowledge and opportunity to become a successful iOS developer. Now I can proudly say that I am a user of Stack Overflow with 29K reputation.

Enter image description here


I started on Stack Overflow very young. In fact, odds are I was probably a few months shy of being able to legally say yes to the T&C. Then again, I didn't read it, so I didn't know.

Stack Overflow has helped me solve many, many, many of my problems, without actually have to reach out to other people each and every time. As I start out with any new technology, I always have an ever ready plethora of questions and answers ready, waiting for me to hit my first (hundred) errors.

More than that, Stack Overflow has helped me grow as a person. The Android chatroom serves as a reasonably decent chronicle of my life, and I've made some really close friends from the years of hanging out in there. In fact, in the coming days, I will be meeting many of them in person for the first time, after knowing them through Room 15 for months, if not years.

I have learnt to deal with all kinds of people, while answering and performing mod(ish) tasks on the Android tag, which is a bit like a busy fish market where the fish keep dying, the fishermen don't know why, and the ocean just keeps churning out the next version of fish.

Running for the moderator elections repeatedly has given me a great insight into pitching for community leadership, dealing with questions well, and a whole range of other personal development skills.

Stack Overflow is a site without which teaching myself to code in various languages, use various frameworks, and engage in projects, all starting nine years ago, would have been nearly impossible. Nothing else on the Internet rivals the information we have here, and I'm happier than ever to have contributed to one tag significantly among the thousands we have here.


Instead of having to wade through totally useless confusing MSDN articles (wonder why they can't have somebody write them who has English as a first language) if I have a problem, I formulate it into a question, Google it, and virtually every time Stack Overflow is the top of the list of results. I click, scroll down to the first green tick, bingo! Solved.

If that first answer isn't the solution then that nearly always means I have the wrong question.

Over the past 8 years or however long it's been going, I scientifically estimate Stack Overflow has saved me a ton of time and freed me up to do more interesting things.

  • Revising the question is so true, and one of the great lessons I've learned as well
    – Mazyod
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 16:01

Learning through Teaching

As several people have already mentioned, the most important and rewarding thing that I've gotten from Stack Overflow is the chance to learn by answering other people's questions. I've learned a lot by asking questions, but I've always found that I don't fully understand something until I've explained it to someone else.

I'm a geologist by background. I don't have any formal training in computer science. The bulk of what I know about programming and software development I owe to Stack Overflow.

I've putzed around with writing simple odds and ends since the first time I came across a school computer in 8th grade. I was even paid to do web development back in the early 00's. (Tip: don't let a 20-year old who's never owned a computer write his own PHP-based CMS for your website. Who needs https?? I'll just write a bit of js to obfuscate the login form and give the admin page a funny name... I have no idea how that stuff was never hacked and defaced...) In grad school, I wrote abominations of stitched-together csh, awk, Fortran, and Matlab. Later on in grad school, I managed to make even Python completely unreadable.

However, I'd never learned much beyond the immediate bit I needed to get the job done. Stack Overflow was started about the time I was beginning to want to learn to do more than make "copy-pasta".

It took a couple of years, but I eventually began participating instead of just lurking and reading other people's questions and answers. Once I started answering questions, the rate at which I was learning skyrocketed. There were many questions I knew the immediate answer to, but didn't know exactly why. I made a point of digging in until I could give a complete answer, and learned a ton every time.

Because I was more confident in what I was doing, I started to build larger and more complex side-projects. In the process, I learned how to be an at least occasionally-competent software engineer. Starting a few months ago, I've managed to wind up in a software development role at work. I would never have had the background or confidence to do that without Stack Overflow.

Learning More than Programming

I've learned to be a far better developer over the past five years on Stack Overflow. However, it's not just about learning programming, or even proper software engineering. The best and most valuable things I've learned from SO are more general methods that can be applied to many problems.

One particular category stands out: I apply machine learning methods regularly now, but I was very intimidated and confused by them initially. That changed when I had some time one Christmas break to really dig in in answering a specific question. It's the question I've learned the most answering by far, and it started me down a path that's been very useful as well as fun.

A specific example: Eigenpaws

Largest 9 Eigenpaws

Over a few months in the fall of 2010, Ivo asked a series of fantastic questions (bottom 10-15 questions in the list) relating to analyzing "puppy paws" on a pressure plate. His initial question about peak detection spiraled into a wonderful series of semi-related questions as he built his application.

Because Ivo's questions were clearly-stated and exceptionally fun (puppies, anyone?), they received a lot of attention and very good answers. I answered a few of them. One of my answers wound up being very popular, mostly because it had animations. However, the focus of this story is on one of Ivo's later questions. He asked about ways to identify individual pawprints (e.g. left front, right hind, etc).

I felt very invested in answering this particular question. It was partly because it was a follow-up to a question where my answer had been very popular. Mostly, though, it was just a fun problem! Furthermore, Ivo happened to ask it right as I was leaving on a trip to visit my wife's (girlfriend at the time) family. I had a long train ride and several days of "down-time" to dig into the problem in more detail at night.

Why Isn't This Working?

In a nutshell, I had figured out how to correctly classify paws based on the temporal and spatial order they contacted the sensor in. However, this method only worked for a subset of them (dogs that were walking). I needed another method to classify the rest of the dataset.

I knew enough about classification problems to know I could use this subset as training data in a supervised classification problem. I thought it would be identical to the land-use coverage classification methods I was used to, where a simple distance is a good metric. Get a mean vector for each of the four types of paws and then classify things based on their distance to the nearest of the four mean vectors. The fact that the "vectors" are 20x20 images should be irrelevant. They're just 400-dimensional vectors, right?

I was completely flummoxed when it failed miserably.

I couldn't understand why distance wouldn't be a good comparison of similarity. In the past, I'd compared plenty of images by subtracting them and summing the differences. It worked pretty well. Why was this so different??

A bit of googling about image classification led me to the concept of "eigenfaces". A bit more reading led me to the "curse of dimensionality". I started to understand that I'd need to reduce the dimensionality of the problem to something more manageable.

I tried to implement things using scikit-learn and a few other frameworks, but I couldn't understand the terminology at all. Regardless, I wanted to understand what I was doing. The math behind eigenfaces looked pretty familiar and easier to understand (at the time) than a machine learning framework.

I decided to implement my own "eigenpaw" algorithm. I was amazed when it actually worked!

Long-term Result

What I learned when answering that question gave me the background and motivation to begin picking up machine learning methods. Not too long after, I became less intimidated by some of the frameworks like scikit-learn and began to use them regularly. Overall, it's been an incredibly useful addition to my "toolkit". I don't think I would have picked up those methods without doing the research to answer that question. Thank you Ivo, and thank you SO!

  • 2
    "There were many questions I knew the immediate answer to, but didn't know exactly why. I made a point of digging in until I could give a complete answer, and learned a ton every time." I feel like that all the time! :-) Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 12:44

First, an amusing anecdote: in my last 1/1 with my boss, he asked me rather out of the blue, "Have you heard about Stack Overflow? It's a good resource for IT-related questions." "Yes, yes I have." :D

helped you succeed in school

My first questions here were from graduate school. Dealing with linker errors on Linux as a student complete idiot was painful. Now, I'm just less of an idiot. But it was helpful to find an online community where I could learn (and read crazy amounts of useful information, ignoring my first posts here).

changed your career

It absolutely has. Even though is a, ah, less than desirable tag for most folks, it's been a huge use in my career. There is "I recorded a macro in VBA!" and there is "I use VBA and do (mostly) object-oriented programming!" VBA. Stack Overflow has contributed to not only my questions, but allowed me to research other people's needs/questions.

It's far easier to learn by teaching than "just" doing. Both have their place, but when you are forced to explain to someone you must understand it better than you do just to copy/paste a solution.

This part of Stack Overflow has exploded my ability to work with coworkers. The skills required to be good at Stack Exchange translate very well into a career. Indirectly, Stack Overflow also got me hooked into other sites here too.

Plus, Stack Exchange has a great community. It's a great opportunity to bounce ideas off other talented people.


I started my career in a job where I'd have roughly 11 hours of meetings jammed into an 8 hour day. This type of environment made getting work done difficult. Of course there were deadlines that were impossible (unless, of course, someone with a bigger stick comes along and rearranges your priorities each morning). When I started my career, there was no Stack Overflow. If I had questions, I had the random web forum, listservs, or if I was lucky, the older person in the next cube who was hanging on until retirement (thank you experienced coworker!).

Looking at my reputation chart, it seems I joined in late 2009 and then took over 18 months to get 100 rep. I think that's a great testament to how helpful Stack Overflow is. I didn't have to ask every question I had, because someone else had done so and received an answer that was useful. I escaped my job of meetings to another position - to a technology I'd never used. I spent countless hours browsing Stack Overflow (and official documentation and tutorials) learning this new technology. Without Stack Overflow, I would not have had the practical examples (a very conveniently timed answer, if I do say so myself) that I needed.

Over the years, I've gone from lurking to answering questions. I've found that providing answers was rewarding, because it gives me a short break from "real work" and allows me to learn new things. There has been countless occasions where I've read a question and thought "That should be possible...but I have no idea how to do that" and then spend a bit figuring out a solution. I learn something, someone else learns something and if I'm lucky I get to use that new knowledge later.

Stack Overflow has helped my pick up new technologies, provided a way to expand my knowledge and given me a way to share some of my experience with others.


Everything I needed to know about programming I learned on Stack Overflow.

Perhaps my story is becoming more common as SO ages, but I've picked up most of my programming knowledge on SO. I could say that I'm "self taught", but that wouldn't really be true. Most of the practices and techniques I use everyday I learned here.

I've subsequently started taking college courses in programming, gotta get that paper you know, but so far most of the material I've seen in class I've already been exposed to on SO.

Some of the things Stack Overflow has taught me:

I started out making stuff on the web when my boss at the time delegated the company's website to me simply because I was of the appropriate generation. It was assumed that because I wasn't a senior citizen that I should know how to build websites...

I didn't have any experience building sites, I'd never even heard of CSS, but there I was rebuilding/updating a website on a hateful content management system.

I mention that the CMS was hateful because that was really what got me under the surface and into the code. I was plugging away just trying to update content when, as things usually happen, I had to center an image. And of course, being a hateful CMS, the button that was supposed to center things didn't work.

That sent me under the hood to try to figure out why it didn't work. Which in turn led to a google search, which led to the strange and wonderful world of Stack Overflow. As mentioned above I found my center here. Perhaps more importantly I found new and interesting problems to solve and an obsession was born.

Thanks again Stack Overflow.

  • 1
    The failure of "helpful" technologies like CMSes is a frequent reason for people to poke under the hood and can really be a blessing in disguise. I also loved your bulleted list of lessons learned. Thanks for sharing!
    – Ana
    Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 0:28

Stack Overflow has helped me in a countless number of ways, but I will limit this to the three I've considered most valuable:

Stack Overflow helped me understand the value of learning through teaching. When I answer a question on Stack Overflow, I am doing so much more than helping someone else learn. I am also helping myself. This comes in many forms:

  • I see a really good question, and I want to know the answer, so I do my own research and effort to get it, and come back and share it with the other person.
  • I see a question I think I know the answer to, and I share it. Sometimes a commenter comes along and says "there's a better way" or "this isn't really right, you should do..." Assuming it's done in a constructive way, I really appreciate these comments because I know I'm not perfect, and instead of being shamed, many in the community reach out to help me improve.
  • By convincing myself to pass on my knowledge to someone else, I am forced to stay up to date and involved in the topics I am passionate about.

Stack Overflow helped me find new friends. I am an active member of the room-15 Android chat where I have met a countless number of incredible people. The people in that room have helped motivate me to do more in Android, leading up to the publishing of my first application, and more recently starting a blog on Android. They provide a comfortable environment for passionate Android developers to go and offer help, seek help, or just share pictures of cats. Through this I have built friendships that last outside the chatroom, and have even called with some members on Hangouts, or met up in person at a hackathon.

Stack Overflow made me a better person. Beyond making me a better programmer, my experience on Stack Overflow has instilled in me values that I see carry over into my everyday life. For example: I don't think less of someone just because they asked a trivial question. In fact, seeing someone take the effort to come here and learn is great. I have learned to appreciate someone's eagerness to learn, regardless of whether they're learning how to write a "Hello, World!" application, or if they're trying to configure some complicated network. I think this lesson can apply to skills beyond programming.

These are just a few things that come to mind, and are very important to me. I can go on and on about how Stack Overflow made me a better developer, or helped me write more complex MySQL queries, but I think we all know that. I have always viewed the primary goal of the site to be a place for people to learn programming skills. I never thought I would learn so much more than that.

  • 2
    Very nicely done!
    – codeMagic
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:22
  • 1
    Very nice McAd :) Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:34

TL;DR: Stack Overflow provides a feel-good atmosphere for procrastination for PhD students looking to learn and share their knowledge.

An Unlikely Aid but A Good Source of Release

I am currently studying for my PhD and recently have left the honeymoon phase and am entering the hard slog. As such, my use of Stack Overflow has increased in the past few months. Stack Overflow has provided me with an unlikely source of procrastination that also helps me feel good. Procrastinating on Stack Overflow for me takes two different avenues. On the one hand I can read various questions and answers and learn new things and improve my knowledge, while on the other I can answer questions and pass on my knowledge to others.

Non-Guilty Procrastination

The vast array of useful material on Stack Overflow has provided me with endless hours of reading and learning. As a PhD student I am well used to reading academic papers and advanced books. Stack Overflow is different; questions and answers are written by real people looking to help each other out. It is a much easier environment to read and learn in. This makes it an easy outlet for procrastination and most importantly a non-guilty outlet. As I am still learning and improving my knowledge by procrastinating on Stack Overflow, I don't feel guilty after having wasted an hour or two :(. However, that's not the most important aspect Stack Overflow has contributed to me.

A Feel-good Outlet

The most important benefit to me in recent months is the feel-good outlet provided by the Stack Overflow reputation system and its kind and thankful community. As a PhD student I am used to teaching others and passing on my knowledge. Stack Overflow allows me to augment this and with its reputation system provides (near) instant gratification in the form of upvotes and accepts. This adds a feel good atmosphere to my procrastination and helps me to keep going with my studies.

As well as this, I've found the vast majority of my encounters on Stack Overflow with the community to be enlightening and very interesting. The community at large is really nice and I've particularly found this with the MATLAB and Octave community after being invited to their chatroom.

All this will continue to encourage me to contribute and keep coming back to Stack Overflow. I'm glad I found it and I'm looking forward to using it even further and gaining more from it in the future.


Stack has helped me in the obvious ways of finding good answers to dumb questions, but more importantly it helped me get a new job and it did this in 2 ways.

First, I was able to show my potential employers my SO profile and show them real, concrete examples of what I know. Along with that, it displays thousands of interactions with other programmers, my ability to explain things, and examples of writing and usage of the English language. My SO profile has been such an incredibly useful tool for things like this because there is so much information a potential employer can see outside of the 1 hour, high pressure interview.

More importantly, it has humbled me and helped me get out of the I graduated college, therefore I know everything mode of thinking to I know very little. I can share the little I know with the world and help someone. I have a lot to learn and can always learn something from someone. Seeing how people are so willing to help strangers on the internet is very humbling as well, and is so vastly different than the usual, trolling-and-youtube-comment style conversations that happen on the web. It's great to see the "people" side of the internet and know that out in the cloud there are some good hearted human beings.

These 2 realizations have further fueled the programming passion and have helped me in my career more than anything else.


Though I have a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, my current line of work doesn't require any programming skills. I work as a Business Analyst and my day job is to capture requirements from users and prepare the functional specifications. Specifying how each screen in the application should look like is one of the key part of the document. As each member in my team used their own preferred tool for specifying screen details, there was a distinct lack of consistency in terms of the output.

As part of a process improvement plan, I wanted to create a tool which would be used by all members of the team in order to produce a standardized output. Something like JSFiddle with built-in templates containing default styles used by my organization. Given that I had technical background, I thought it would be relatively easy for me. But only after starting the work did I realize that I had completely lost touch even with the basic things. At each step, I had multiple questions and whenever I searched, the best result was naturally from Stack Overflow.

Slowly but surely, I regained my touch and after a few months of part-time coding (a lot of searching and learning on SO), I completed the tool. It received very positive feedback from my colleagues and seniors. I am indebted to Stack Overflow and the various users who had asked/answered questions that I too had (because I never had the need to ask even a single question).

It is at this point that I realized a few things:

  1. I should give back something to this great community which had helped me so much.
  2. Debugging technical problems could help me better understand technical constraints and avoid writing requirements that are impossible/too troublesome to implement.
  3. By writing answers that other fellow SO users (who are primarily programmers, developers) can understand would help improve my document writing skills also.

Over the last couple of years I have seen a vast improvement in the way I have written specifications. Developers have appreciated the level of clarity and also my assistance/inputs in solving quite a few of the technical problems for them/along with them.

While it is possible that I could have improved my skillsets even without answering questions here, I must thank Stack Overflow for providing me with a platform through which I could improve both my technical and non-technical skills.


When I started programming, I came here. Every time I needed help, I came here. Endless hours and nights of google searches and SO questions.

At some point I decided to give back.

enter image description here

I'm definitely far from a great user of StackOverflow, but a couple weeks ago, I got this email:

Hey, man, I would like to thank you for suggesting I learn OpenGL on stackoverflow for my modding question. Not only did I learn how to use LWJGL, I got into game developement and am working on a collab soon with a developer called Coffee Stain. Just wanted to thank you again!

I had two comments on the post in question. Two sassy shitty "you didn't even try and I dislike you" comments.

How much LWJGL/OpenGL do you know? Probably not enough...

It's going to be pretty hard...

Somehow those two irate comments evolved into that huge result for some random guy out there, which is pretty awesome. Crazy internet butterly effect.


Oh, boy. Where to start?

I discovered Stack Overflow when I was just getting started with programming. I was in high school, very interested in computers, but I didn't know any programming. One day, out of the blue, I asked myself: "I have this Android phone with cool apps on it. Could I make some on my own? Is that possible?". I googled around and sure enough, it was.

The first few links led me to Stack Overflow. I made myself an account, and asked my first question. Everything was very new to me, and I didn't understand how this site worked at first.

I have to smirk when looking at the first question: Start Activity with Button.

I was a total beginner back then. I was very confused. But very motivated to learn. And Stack Overflow guided me through this entire process and I found a very supportive community on chat.stackoverflow.com. I'm not sure if I would kept pursuing this path if it wasn't for Stack Overflow.

I'm not in high school anymore. I've graduated this summer. And will be starting university soon: Computer science of course.

I've gone from being totally new to programming to landing an amazing internship as an Android developer at a very big company, which has turned to a part time position since, for as long as I'm in university.

It of course took a tremendous amount of personal dedication, but I feel like Stack Overflow is partly to thank for that.


A Big, International Community

SO has lots and lots of users around the world. No wonder it get's the 1st spot for all programming questions on Google. Every new coder searches Google when they run into a problem. Google has been redirecting me here ever since I started coding. Also, there is the merit of having no international restrictions because everything is in English. SO became the No. 1 site for asking questions and sharing my knowledge with the world.

Also, meta and chat further broke down this boundary. With no reputations at stake, I could freely discuss and chat with other users, and eventually, I got to know a lot of people.

SO is a Markup Language in Itself

SO uses the famous Markdown language for posting questions, answers, and comments. Markdown is widely used in a variety of places, such as Git, Jekyll, Ghost, etc. SO was the first place that I learned how to use this markup language. It was quite inevitable as I had to ask questions, and I had to use this language in order to do so. Markdown is an easy language, but it may not be easy if you're in the wrong context, such as writing for the first time without a WYSIWYG editor. SO gave me a head start in this.

Thank you, and as always,



Stack Overflow has helped me from where I started in school to where I'm at now as a software consultant. I can't imagine how many hours I would have otherwise spent searching for resolutions to any number of problems I've encountered. Instead there has been so many times where I've come over to Stack Overflow and found an answer in minutes. But finding an answer isn't all that great if you don't learn from it, and with Stack Overflow so many people give not just the answer, but they include a great explanation as to why that is the correct answer or why the issue came up to begin with.

I remember yesterday I was working on an issue with a "help" modal not displaying the "X" to close out the modal in the top right corner. I had been searching my code for what I considered to be quite a while... a simple google search lead me to Stack Overflow where I quickly found out it was an issue with jQuery-UI and Bootstrap conflicting with one another. I could have spent days trying to figure this out and how to fix it, but Stack Overflow lead me to the answer in just minutes. I was able to also learn why it was conflicting and how to try and prevent such an issue in the future.

I know that I'm not alone when I say that Stack Overflow saves so much frustration and time. It's a great resource for any developer hoping to expand on their knowledge, learn something new, get a problem resolved, or learn the basic processes of software development for beginners. I started developing as a young kid long before there was Stack Overflow, and Internet forums were really my only resource - and at that time even those were scarce. Fast forward today so much of that hopping around from one forum to another is gone because of Stack Overflow. It's my one-stop shop, and I really can't stress enough how vital that is to new and old developers as a way of sharing information with the rest of the world rather than looking through forum after forum and hoping to find something worth while that is still relevant.

With all that being said... Thank you SO much!!

  • 1
    Was "Thank you SO much" an intentional pun? If it was, that was great.
    – AdamMc331
    Commented Sep 11, 2015 at 16:48

I'm not sure how different my story will be from others but it is my story and I appreciate us having the opportunity to all have our own experiences and to share them with each other and possibly others.

When I first got my current job as an Android programmer (and many days I'm other things, as well), I hadn't done any Android. I was asked after my first interview to do a few small, simple apps to show that I could do it.

I started working on an existing app that, while a nice idea, it was terribly written. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at first just how terribly it was written. I picked up some bad habits by following what was already done. Then I started lurking around on SO when I had issues. I quickly(?) started to learn how things should be done in Android.

I started out by answering "simpler" questions. It didn't take long before I started looking at more difficult issues people were having and I thought, "What better way to learn than to try and figure this out". I learned a lot from researching questions people had. Questions that I had no idea what the answer was but, from looking at the documentation and at other posts on the interwebz, I learned a great deal and was occasionally able to give the answer or to add a more detailed answer than what was already given.

Needless to say, I have learned a lot from SO which has helped me in my current job (and hopefully to soon help me in a future job). From learning debugging tricks and understanding documentation better to learning how to create better code (not just usable code). But from being a more active participant on meta and in chat, I have also gained skills not directly related to programming. I have gotten better at being more decisive, direct, objective, and tolerant. I have also met quite a few nice folks in chat to learn about different customs in different areas of the world and some who I can chat with about things not related to development such as having personal/life conversations with.

In short, it's amazing how I came here to be a better developer (which has happened) but I have also made some valuable contacts and maybe even friends around the world.

Oh ya, and...



I was walking on an unrelated path (classical ballet dancer) and had an accident which disabled all my opportunities to continue professionally. At the same time I always had the top scores for maths and natural sciences. Reading my mom’s BASIC and COBOL notes, I was also into programming, but well, I was still a teenage kiddo.

Later on, I won a scholarship to study software engineering at a local university. We had a 1 Mbit/s Internet connection, but we were 40 students. We started with learning Scheme, and I completed the book that we supposed to finish in half a year, in a month. We were supposed to learn C by the end of the year, but everything was proceeding so slow for me and I started studying myself. The same year I had to leave the school and all I could do was studying autodidactically, so I kind of walked on my own way to learn and do things...

When you are walking on your own, you make a lot of mistakes. You will fear making mistakes that you won't be able to solve, thinking no one is there to guide you. You think that you'll never reach to the point you aim to. Overcoming feelings like that is never easy. Since I've found Stack Overflow, I realized that the education or information I needed was actually out there.

Since then I went to other two universities (and left again, this time because of really bad education and I was working so much). By the time I left the third school I was already working as a full stack developer, making web applications to companies and individuals from eight different countries. Now I have my own company!

I've been learning from Stack Overflow for about three years and the second year I got an account. Since then I'm here to learn more or solve more or help someone if I can, almost everyday. I even taught what I learned from here to other people out there. There are many ways Stack Overflow (and other Stack Exchange communities) helped me for all these. How?

  • Community wikis and answers like below which gives a good load of high-caliber information:

The definitive guide to form-based website authentication

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

How do JavaScript closures work?

MVC for advanced PHP developers

Most importantly,

  • Having a really good and strict way of (in)directly making me learn how to properly ask questions, and how to maintain my code to share with others for different purposes,

  • How to find the real issue for a problem that I'm having (thanks to the community) and how to maintain this mindset to solve future problems,

  • Always being surrounded by people who are trying to solve problems or helping others to solve their problems, thus giving courage that you can do the same as well (sometimes we really need this),

  • Having the chance to see how professionals do their work/solve their issues and learn about optimum/general standards of doing things.

There is no way to count how many problems one solves, and how many hours one saves while browsing on this vast network of information. Once again, thanks a lot to everyone who was/is a part of this.



TL;DR: As a college student who's a self-taught coder, Stack Overflow helps me gain experience interacting with other software developers.

Stack Overflow has mainly helped me in two different ways. The obvious one is that I frequently find solutions to challenges I encounter here, so I'm going to focus on the second way it's helped me.

I'm a mostly self-taught developer. I've never really worked on a team of developers, so I haven't had much experience working out coding challenges with other team members. Stack Overflow has given me a chance to analyze problems others are having and then explain a solution in a way they'll understand. I feel it's been instrumental in helping me learn how to interact with other programmers. It gives me the opportunity to get feedback on how helpful my explanations are and the chance to improve them.

Now that I'm in college, I think it's given me an edge when I need to communicate with classmates. One of my classes even has a group discussion board, so it's almost like our own mini Stack Overflow. This summer, I got to help kids learn how to program during a tech camp at my college, and my Stack Overflow experience helping beginning programmers made me comfortable helping the kids, who were also mostly beginners.

There are so many other things I could mention about how it's helped me develop my skills, from deciphering hard-to-understand English to how to form a good question. Thanks to everyone at Stack Overflow who's given me the chance to develop my skills while helping other people.


TL;DR: Stack Overflow has given me an outlet to do my best to help others which inevitably returns benefit to me ten fold.

The best example of this is a couple years ago when Swift was first announced by Apple. I decided that day, that I wanted to be one of the first people to become proficient in the language, but where should I begin?

The announcement came with a book written by Apple to help us understand the language, but this was incredibly dense and hard to follow, especially as the language evolved through the betas. Also, I am the type that learns best by doing, and without Swift being ready to use for a real product, that learning path was hard to follow. Well at least it would have been without the existence of Stack Overflow.

I of course spent time making little utilities and fooling around in Swift playgrounds, but the most efficient and valuable way I found to learn Swift was to scour Stack Overflow for unanswered questions about Swift and to do my best to answer them. I was pleasantly surprised that I was not the only one who was diving into Swift and even though Apple provides their own developer forums, many people had taken to asking questions on Stack Overflow.

By finding unanswered questions and trying to answer them, I was able to learn by doing and benefit from the experience of many other developers. We tend to learn best by running into problems and solving them. If we don't ever run into problems, we are almost certain to stagnate in our skills. By pushing myself to solve other peoples' problems using Stack Overflow, I exponentially increased the problems I solved thereby exponentially increasing the rate at which I learned the intricacies of Swift.

As I did this, I found myself ranked near the top of the answer's list for the Swift tag which not only brought me great joy and satisfaction, but also lead to me being approached to write a book about learning Swift. This book has brought me a lot of admiration from friends, colleges, and family. I have Stack Overflow to thank for that; not only for providing me a platform to teach myself the skills necessary to write the book, but also for providing me the exposure to be noticed by a publisher.


I am not a professional programmer (just someone who writes a lot of code for research). But Stack Overflow has helped me immeasurably as an educator.

Take last semester. A week before classes started, I was given a graduate-level course in embedded systems to teach (it was kind of an emergency situation, where the department had to scramble to find coverage at the last minute). This subject is so far outside my comfort zone, it's in a different time zone. Not only have I not taught it before, I've never taken even an undergrad course in embedded systems or a related area.

I can pick up the material myself, but you need a lot more than that to be an effective educator: you need to also understand what concepts are most difficult to beginners, what stubborn misconceptions you will have to uproot, and what the really bright students will grapple with. And you need multiple ways to explain key concepts, to reach different learners, and some idea of which explanations are most effective. I can't get those things from a textbook or from traditional online resources.

This is where Stack Overflow came to my rescue in a HUGE way.

My first step after writing my syllabus was to go to Stack Overflow and look up all of the tags related to topics featured heavily on it: , , , , , and , for example. Then I read Q&A for about three days. These questions and answers featured heavily in my classroom. Some examples:


If you have to teach a university-level course in a technical area without having any experience teaching that subject before, Stack Overflow is an amazing resource. It helped me understand how people learn the subject, which is so valuable to me as an educator.


I started trying to program when I was about 11. I relied mainly on asking teachers and my parents about various programming concepts. The first real script I wrote was an application that allowed users to get their iOS UDID from MobileSafari (http://udid.falkirks.com). I hit a bunch of roadblocks with the text encoding and by searching Google I stumbled on StackOverflow, this magical website where everyone had already answered every question I had had about programming. With the help of StackOverflow, I was able to complete my first project, which gave me a big confidence boost.

Fast forward to last year, I was taking Computer Science AP a year ahead of most students. I had skipped Computer Programming Advanced which covered most of the topics included in Computer Science AP, so I was out of place. StackOverflow helped me patch whatever titbits of knowledge I was missing and I ended up getting a 5 on the exam. I left that class with a bunch of random knowledge about the inner workings and inconsistencies of the Java compiler, which I hope I never have to use again.

I am now 16 and entering my final year of high school. Over time, I have acquired a methodology where I don't want to use something or apply an algorithm, unless I understand everything about it. All the drawbacks, edge-cases and intricacies. StackOverflow has helped me learn things about languages and products that I use, that I would have never found out by myself.

Also, whenever I have a problem with git. I just Google "How to do this with git?" and the first result is consistently StackOverflow. Click it and I get a quality solution to my problem which would otherwise have had me pulling my hair out for hours (and probably end with git push -f origin master).

All in all, StackOverflow helped me gain confidence in programming, succeed in the AP exam and is here for me whenever I have problems. I wish I could give back, but I still think I have so much to learn before I can match the answer quality of existing contributors.


Being an autodidact developer who often "learns by doing" Stack Overflow quickly became my prime resource for general (beginner) programming questions and any kind of problems I encounter during everyday programming tasks. Answers to questions which might be found in some lengthy tutorials or forum threads are available here at a glance, often with even more information than the answer to the actual question alone, e.g., explanations, reasoning, background information, performance considerations (when asking about algorithms), or simply useful (further) advice. Altogether, Stack Overflow helped me increase my performance by providing very good, to-the-point answers which can be found easily and often provide even more than just the solution to my programming problems.

Additionally, Stack Overflow helped me learn and gain knowledge I doubt I'd find that easy somewhere else. Especially, the highest voted questions and corresponding answers are excellent. Two examples are the well-known answer about branch prediction by Mysticial and Jon Skeet's ultra-fast answer about a time zone change to Freewind's question about an unexpected result of the difference between two timestamps.


StackOverflow got me my first job.

I always wanted to work in aerospace. I picked all my subjects at school and college to aim for that career, and embarked on a degree in aerospace engineering. Halfway through that degree, I'd discovered that it wasn't at all like I thought, I wasn't enjoying it, and I was only barely scraping a pass. Along the way, I'd discovered that my aptitude with computers went deeper than I thought and I'd picked up some basic programming skills, so I switched to a computer systems degree at a different university. I discovered StackOverflow in my first year on that course, and it helped me find answers to all sorts of questions that the course led me to ask - not just coursework, but also in my extracurricular pursuits, which involved games programming and robotics.

Remembering my disappointment when I discovered what aerospace was really like, I took a year in industry to make sure that software development was really for me. The professional environment proved to be a serious challenge, forcing me to really up my game and learn a lot of new skills - and once again, StackOverflow was invaluable in helping me find answers to all these new questions. As my skills progressed, my interactions with StackOverflow evolved from mostly asking questions to mostly providing answers, as I became comfortable with the commonly-used areas of the technologies I was working with. I assumed that my questions would start to go unanswered as I dug deeper into the more advanced topics, but I was pleasantly surprised to find just how knowledgeable SO's community are, and how willing even the most experienced developers are to spend their time answering questions asked by relative novices. I gained over a thousand rep in six months, and started gaining access to moderation tools. I started reviewing questions in my spare time, wanting to give a little back to the community that had helped me.

I continued to use StackOverflow as both asker and answerer throughout my final year of university. My dissertation provided me with some challenging questions (forcing me to work out how to properly cite a StackOverflow answer in an academic paper), and answering other people's questions helped to consolidate my knowledge, helping me to produce better code for my coursework. I scored first-class honours in my software design and development module.

Towards the end of my time at university, I started to think about employment. I signed up to all the usual places, but something in StackOverflow's sidebar caught my eye: a careers site just for programmers called careers.stackoverflow.com. I signed up, filled in some details, linked a few of my favourite question, and went back to proofreading my dissertation.

I was contacted by a company based in the city a few weeks later; they'd picked me out based on the technologies I'd said I liked. They said that my StackOverflow answers showed that I knew the tech, and the content of some of my more interesting questions showed that I was doing cool stuff with it. I went for interview, and was offered the job later that same day - a full month before I sat finals. Thanks to StackOverflow, I entirely skipped the period of worry between graduating and finding employment - instead, employment found me!

So there it is: StackOverflow helped me change careers, complete a degree, and get my first job.


My first experiences with Stack Overflow were as a student. Luckily, it seems that my questions were common schoolbook questions that had well-established answers. Reading Stack Overflow answers was often a lot easier than the corresponding Java documentation. It was super nice having someone take the time to better explain the underlying concepts that are often lacking in documentation.

Fast forward a few years, and I started working with technologies that weren't part of my "standard computer science curriculum," specifically AngularJS. All of the sudden, my questions were a lot more specific and harder to find answers for. I now finally appreciated the effort that people put into answering these really random questions.

Finally, I decided to create an account to upvote some really helpful answers. But I couldn't do that until I had 15 reputation points. OK, so I tried my hand at answering questions. At this point, I realized how little I actually knew about the vast world of programming. I mean, I could solve some of the schoolbook problems that I faced in the past, but it took a few heavily downvoted (and subsequently deleted) answers of mine to fully appreciate what I didn't know. Thanks to some comments, I learned my answers were fine for some situations, but they were terrible coding practices. Sometimes my solutions would not scale, and other times they were horribly inefficient. And the helpful comments and the downvotes really helped me better understand the concepts I overlooked.

It was a real eye-opening experience, and I finally became a consciously incompetent programmer. And with a bit more practice at work and answering questions, I hope to move onto conscious competence soon.


Stack Overflow is not only a great resource that answers my questions. The community in general also helped point out my programming shortcomings so that I might improve them. I'm grateful for all the helpful comments, answers, and even some of the downvotes.

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