I'm very active in sublimetext and all the related tags (sublimetext2, sublimetext2, sublime-text-plugin, etc.), so I have this page set up to monitor them all at once. Scrolling down the page a few minutes ago, I noticed this:
All the questions from today were there, as well as one from yesterday, then it skipped back to one from July 24, then May 3, then December 2014, and so on. These tags (combined) typically get anywhere from a few to 10 or more questions per day, so this is definitely a bug of some sort. The missing questions still exist, because I can go to the Answers section of my profile, see them, and click on them. The only other page I have set up like this is for python and related tags, and that one seems to be working just fine, so this doesn't appear to be a universal problem.
Any ideas on what might be causing this?