The question Is uninitialized local variable the fastest random number generator?'s accepted answer currently has 256 upvotes, trumping the second upvoted answer by 116 upvotes and a better answer (one that earned a 200 point bounty) by 120. The comments express why this answer is problematic:
[+5] There's no such thing as an "uninitialized register" on any architecture. The machine doesn't understand initialization or lack thereof; it's a language construct.
[+47] I really object to the "it kind of works" notion. Even if it was true today, which it is not, it might change at any time due to more aggressive compilers. The compiler can replace any read with unreachable() and delete half of your program. This does happen in practice as well. This behavior did completely neutralize the RNG in some Linux distro I believe.; Most answers in this question seem to assume that an uninitialized value behaves like a value at all. That's false.
[+19] Also, I'd fire you seems a rather silly thing to say, assuming good practices this should be caught at code review, discussed and should never happen again. This should definitely be caught since we are using the correct warning flags, right?
[+2] I have to agree with @usr here, you can see my live godbolt examples in my answer, at least for clang this does not kind'of work.
[+14] This answer makes it sound as if "invoking undefined behavior is bad in theory, but it won't really hurt you much in practice". That's wrong. Collecting entropy from an expression that would cause UB can (and probably will) cause all the previously collected entropy to be lost. This is a serious hazard.
[+6] "I'd fire you?" What an arrogant thing to say. He was trying to come up with a creative way of solving a problem. Hopefully nobody works for you.
I could go on but I'll stop there. Furthermore, the "better" answer (the one that earned a bounty) has the following comments on it:
[+4] It is very unfortunate that this answer (which is well written, well cited, researched and correct) is voted lower than the top answer (which is at least misleading, in my opinion).
@TheodorosChatzigiannakis considering my answer came almost six hours after the question was asked I am doing pretty well. With these hot network question it is very hard to overcome first mover advantage. I only added my answer because the existing answers really left out a lot of important points. Most likely the only way I will end up on top is if the OP accepts my answer.
None of the tools to combat this seemed to have worked:
The bounty gave the "better" answerer some points, but doesn't affect its ranking. If anything, bounties just give the question more attention, which leads to more upvotes to the accepted answer.
Downvotes take forever to drown out upvotes. It's unlikely the people upvoting the accepted answer will read the comments, the other answers, or have the technical prowess to determine which answer is better.
So I bring this to meta. What can be done about this?