
Have a look at this Meta post for the current status of your swag!

It's easy to look at numbers; numbers tell us that many developers have been helped by what we built. That alone is very warming and makes us feel exceptionally great about what we're doing, wouldn't it be nice to take a little time on a Friday to share some stories that the numbers can't convey?

As I mentioned here, we're going to be running some special events here on Meta to celebrate hitting 10 million questions and reflect a bit on everything we've done together; this is the first of those events.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to regale us with a tale of a Stack Overflow user going way above and beyond the call of duty in order to actually teach something to someone that wanted to learn, and anyone else that desired the knowledge going forward.

This could be written from several perspectives:

  • You just happened to be around when the answer was posted, and saw them continuously expand their answer to teach the subject more effectively.

  • You wrote one of these kinds of answers - don't be shy to share your own awesomeness. Talk about the experience a little, how did you feel when the person eventually 'got it'?

  • You asked a question and someone provided an answer that gave you more than some stuff you could try in your editor, they gave you the knowledge you needed to figure it out properly for yourself.

Examples of this don't need to be nearly as epic as explaining branch prediction like a boss - it could be as simple as an answer where someone finally grasped how memory is addressed, or why a regular expression did what it was doing, or the like. Let's pick some of our 10 million moments that we're the fondest of, and allow others to share in them.

Can you get to the part about the swag, now?

Why yes. The good news is, this isn't a contest, everyone that shares something here will receive:

  • 1 Stack Overflow T shirt (Men's or Women's)
  • 1 Stack Overflow mug
  • 1 Stack Overflow padfolio and aluminum pen with the logo, and some extra pens
  • 1 Stack Overflow 'Koozie' (it keeps canned beverages frosty)
  • 5 Stack Overflow stickers

In addition to this, we will contact the author of the answer that you mention and offer them the following:

  • 1 Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's)
  • 1 Stack Overflow Ruled Notebook (acid free, high-quality paper, I'm not mentioning any brands because we have several and it depends on availability)
  • An autographed copy of "Smart & Gets Things Done" by Joel Spolsky.


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs and link to the answer on the main site you're talking about. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can. Put emphasis on what was learned, why it can be hard to teach, how someone could possibly have so much patience, etc.

  • If you're the author of the answer, you get both prizes.

  • Submission deadline is September 4, 2015

  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline

  • 36
    Actually, I need a coaster to go with my SO mug. Do you guys happen to have any of those?
    – BoltClock
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 14:45
  • 31
    If "teach" becomes a trigger word on Stack Overflow, we're screwed.
    – user50049
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 14:57
  • 14
    Has Mystical gotten swag for the branch prediction answer yet?
    – durron597
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 18:06
  • 40
    billions of developers Wait, really? That means at least 13% of all the people in the world are developers who have been helped by Stack Overflow. That doesn't seem correct Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 1:51
  • 13
    What do downvotes in this thread actually mean? Lousy answer or lousy story about the answer?
    – PM 77-1
    Commented Aug 27, 2015 at 17:57
  • 35
    Sept 5: wheres my email to fill out the form and get my SWAG? Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 18:21
  • 27
    Am I the only one who came here several times after 4th of Sept ?
    – Akash
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 12:19
  • 20
    are we supposed to recieve a email? :,(
    – CptEric
    Commented Sep 8, 2015 at 17:49
  • 23
    I'll be contacting the initial round (folks that wrote something here) tomorrow, and then those that you've nominated through writing about them near the middle of the week. Hang tight!
    – user50049
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 14:27
  • 32
    Just askin: who all (did not) get a mail (yet)? 1. me. Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 17:32
  • 11
    A mail with a confirmation will be nice. The suspense is killing me.
    – Haris
    Commented Sep 17, 2015 at 0:45
  • 23
    Sorry about that, something exploded while I was sitting on it. Mail going out on 9/18 for everyone that answered here, and on 9/22 - 9/25 for mail going to the folks that wrote the awesome answers you linked (it's a more manual process, hence a few days to get it together).
    – user50049
    Commented Sep 17, 2015 at 15:39
  • 11
    Emails sent! If you feel like you should have gotten one but didn't, let me know (after checking your spam folders, and connecting your computers directly to your modems after turning them off and on again).
    – user50049
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:25
  • 14
    @Tim your "Instructions for the locationally challenged" have made my day better, hilarious.
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:28
  • 13
    @TimPost Just a suggestion (not to be interpreted as a complaint), but perhaps it is a good idea to update this thread/question with the current state of things. Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 12:47

237 Answers 237

4 5 6 7

The Question:

Getting location for an iOS app when it is in the background and even killed

I was really really lost trying to get the location of an app that had to locate so many stores. Days and days walking down and up the street testing my app, with no good news. After trying so hard by myself, I decided to write ask my question on Stack Overflow and...voila!! As always in this community, someone, in this case @utsav, give me the clue to solve it.

Finally and after some questions more I found the answer and I made everything work. No more zombie-walking-mobile-in-hand-testing days XD

I have to recognized that I've learned most of my iOS skills thanks to Stack Overflow. I think nobody that works in the development world could live and keep their jobs without it :) So thanks to you all!



My first job out of college was (and still is) working on maintaining and old ball-o-mud legacy project where the original developers were not the greatest developers ever. As such, we had a ton of stored procedures in a poorly designed database. Which meant I had a lot of SQL to deal with.

Before I came to this job, my SQL knowledge was minimal at best. Thankfully a coworker showed me SO. And I ended up searching a lot here. Almost everything I needed I found here. As such I credit SO and its community with teaching me SQL, which has proved invaluable.

Being both inclined to help and grateful for the help I have received, I try to answer as many questions as I can. This answer is just one where I was able to take what I was taught by SO and turn around and share that with someone else. The question was one where someone had a particularly crazy bit of SQL that was doing what looked like some business logic to pull a report. The OP was trying to understand what was going on there and because of my experience on my own project and what I had learned from SO I was able to interpret it and put it into English.

Seeing that SO has hit 10M questions is humbling and inspiring. I am honored to be even a small part of something that has helped me so much and grateful that I can give back.


Just an answer isn't enough


I always find solutions to my problems here or when building my minimal example, so I've never asked questions. To give back, I've been writing answers, so I'm afraid the only Q&A for which I know stories are answered by myself.

My strongest suit are maths, since I've been doing a lot of it throughout my life, and it's often a bit of weak spot for other users.

Discussing to work out the details

Giving the answer and how to use it may not always work for the user. He/she then might end up with getting a wrong or unexpected result, and questioning the answer since it is for them the "unknown" part. This is a pretty usual pattern with newbie math questions, but there are only a few questions or answers where I didn't delete my comments.

In nearly all cases, the initial answer is correct and could help another user encountering the same problem, but taking the time to discuss in comments allows to help the author of the question find out what he's still missing.

Chasing out false expectations

For example, Determine angle of a straight line in 3D space shows that guiding the user to question his/her assumptions allows to make the correct answer work. Here, the expected result was simply false, which the user saw when asked how this expected result was set.

Also on the answerer's side

I've answered a number of answers on transformation matrices, and I always assume the "usual" definitions of affine transformations. On How to find the transformation matrix for given scale, skew, and translation values?, it turned out after answering, some discussion, aksing for example values etc, that I had to insert an addendum, taking into account the fact that the skew transformation is implemented incorrectly in actionscript.


It took me some time and effort to understand the exact OP needs

As originally presented, the question was unclear and gave a wrong impression of being super easy.

We went back and force, and over a course of a couple hours and multiple OP edits, it became much clearer. The solution was no longer obvious but still not too difficult. By then I didn't have the time to test and post it.

Since the next day the question was still unanswered, I posted my answer.

I treated original question as the same way I would any other business requirements. Since in real life we almost never get them clear upfront, the whole situation was just business as usual.


A positive experience with receiving down-votes.

No one likes receiving down-votes, but on this occurrence, my experience was ultimately a positive one.

The Question:

Scope of uninitialized variable in JavaScript, by Yamcha

The Answer:

Accepted Answer, by me, Alexander O'Mara

This isn't a particularly glorious answer, but I decided to chose this answer because it was a unique experience for me, and really exemplifies how the community and voting system produce higher-quality content.

My original version of the answer wasn't a very good answer. The revision history doesn't appear to show it, but I believe it was just the first 2 sentences of the first stored revision. While technically correct (excluding ES6), they were not a very good answer, and I probably should have waited until I wrote something more descriptive to post the answer. What can I say, I fell for the "Fastest Gun in the West Problem."

To my surprise, I received a number of down-votes in a very short span of time. I can't remember how many, I want to say 3-5. Another user commented suggesting the voting was suspicious, but I'm guessing it was just in the VLQ queue. I could have deleted my answer right there and gave up, but I wasn't finished yet. I knew my answer could be better, so I continued improving it. I added examples to help the OP and others understand exactly how the code was being interpreted, and thus explaining the behavior. Even when another answer was marked as the accepted answer, I continued to improve my answer.

Ultimately my answer received a reasonably positive score plus the accepted mark, and all but one of the original down-voters eventually returned and reversed their vote. The question itself has had a mixed reception, currently having 5 votes in both direction for a total score of 0, but I think it's a good question about a specific pitfall to JavaScript's variable scoping.


I appreciate when the SO experts recognizes when somebody is asking the wrong question and gets the person back on track. The poster generally seems to ask the same question, re-worded ten different ways. By educating them we stop the needless questions which will never get an answer because they don't know what they're asking.

Closest example I can think of is when I provided this answer. The poster was trying to do something that didn't make sense to be done within the confines of the application. It looks to me like it finally made enough sense to him to not keep asking the same questions, just worded differently.


Fastest way to strip all non-printable characters from a Java String

User GreyCat needed to filter out control characters from a large amount of strings.

For that he benchmarked several possible solutions then posed the question on how to improve his best found method even more.

10 minutes later I came along posted a method which by removing an array allocation got a 24% improvement.

A few hours later Ed staub posted an improvement that cached the allocated array for later re-use for another 12% improvement.

There was some back and forth discussion in the comments where it was found out that the real-life data does not always need filtering. Which allows skipping creating a new string when it's not needed.

In that time other users also came along and posted suggestions. Of note is Voo's method which used reflection to sell his soul and violate the immutability of java's String class.

Then the OP went and benchmarked all the proposed solutions and provided nice bar graphs.

This is an example of a collaborative search for a solution.


The question

How to change the color of a SwitchCompat

My answer


My story

When I first saw the title of this question I thought it was another classic question about Android styles so I was about to flag it as duplicate. But by reading the post it appears that it was a question related to the freshly (1 week ago) released Android support library v21. As an Android fan I tried this lib in personal project just after the release and haven’t face any problems of tinting. So I started to google this SwitchCompat thing, after diving in the source code of this class and reading articles of (the well known, at least in android community) Chris Banes for half a day I eventually succeed to understand « the why » (which was linked to the tinting process).

But only half of the work was done because as a SO member my goal is to provide understandable answers that explain the How and if it’s possible include the why. So I wrote an answer that take in account Android version fragmentation and also contains important parts of my investigation, moreover as I get multiple upvotes I update my answer 2 or 3 times with solutions based on the new Android support lib releases (thanks to comments or other questions).

With this question/answer I was going to taught and finally learnt a lot instead, that’s a part of StackOverflow magic!

PS: Sorry if you find my story not as epic as others, I’m better in programming than in story telling ;)


Creating an Open Source Bootstrap Plugin via Comments and Revisions

Full Disclosure: this is tooting my own horn a little, but it was a wonderful experience that I think epitomizes the iterative nature of providing up to date information in revisionable Stack Overflow answers.

Sometimes I browse questions, not because I have ever consider myself an expert at using Bootstrap, but because they make for fun little puzzles that can generally be answered using only html/js/css, which greatly enhances the ease of reproduction across different machines. I want to give someone else a working code snippet that they can run on their machine and see work. It still might need some tweaking in their source code, but that is more a problem of translation than implementation.

I saw this question on using bootstrap to provide a context menu. How terrific, I thought! With web applications becoming increasingly complex and interactive, it would be great to provide the same level of sophistication as almost any native application. It's something I hadn't even thought of adding before, but I'd love using in my own applications, so I thought I'd spend some time devising a solution.

But before I could even get started, another used, letiagoalves, posted a simple, elegant solution that made use of the browser's native contextMenu event and bootstrap's dropdown menu. His answer was posted less than an hour after the (extremely open ended) question was posted, and came complete with the almighty working demo. I fired it up, and it worked right away! I was so impressed! The idea of context menus in web applications have gained a little bit of traction since then, but back in 2013 this was pretty novel.

The user continued providing support in the comments to help the OP wire up some interactions. I had made a suggestion to add some more polish, but the answer had already more than delivered any expectations I would have had regarding answering the original question. But I had some time and so I decided to add my own version with some minor improvements to help ease the learning curve for more people.

Over the past two years I have continued to return this question time and time again. Providing support for the solution in the same way that a library author might use GitHub issues.

People would point out edge cases or ask questions in the comments, and I'd expand the answer to cover an increasingly sophisticated set of use cases and needs, fixing cross browser issues, issues near the edge of the screen, issues with multiple/dynamic elements, issues with scrolling placement, and dozens of clarifications along the way.

Here are some statistics:

Eventually, I began to wonder if Stack Overflow was the right medium for such a long answer. Perhaps my 7,763 character long post would be better located in a GitHub repo somewhere? And that may well be the case, but it was wonderful building something with the community here that would be worthy of a GitHub repo, with testing help from each of the 27,546 times the question was viewed.

There's even now another "fork" of the answer by another user who has added even more functionality.

The benefit to answers here is that they are not static. They don't go stale. They are tried, tested, and improved. And this example provides a small reflection of that.


The question

Using an import and a for loop when passing a program as a string to Python

Nominate 2 answers

(can I do that?)



From the question Using an import and a for loop when passing a program as a string to Python one incorrect answer led to the correct answer.

The question was very well written, explaining the problem and the desired outcome, even giving the scripts which were breaking. The question was about trying to get BASH to run a particular python script. I posted my answer before testing it. In the comments, we realized my solution wasn't working. However, asmeurer's answer expanded on mine, and provided the solution (thanks for the attribution BTW).

After the accepted answer came along, several other answers were also added, giving different ways to accomplish the same task.


I'm nominating two answers from the same question, because I'd like to point out that developers helping developers is, more often than not, collaboration, and not simply a one on one tutoring session. This collaboration is further shown in the later answers, showing more than one way to get it done.

I'm not sure if I can nominate two answers one one question. If not, I nominate asmeurer's answer, since that's the accepted one. I just wanted to show the progression towards the final answer.


When I was learning about the area I currently work in (business intelligence and data warehousing) I found that SO - which had been a great resource as an application developer - didn't cover my new area in anywhere near as much depth. Some questions were really unclear; I couldn't understand them, never mind any answers they might have, and wasn't sure whether it was me or the question that was at fault. Other times I found people asking the same things I was wondering about, only to see that no one had answered and months had passed. I didn't bother asking anything for two reasons: I suspected I might not get an answer, and I felt like I didn't know enough to even ask well. Ultimately, I learnt largely from other sources.

Once I'd gained knowledge and confidence in my new role, I remembered how frustrating finding good information had been. I set about finding some questions I could answer - simple ones at first, but more recently I've moved towards trying to pick up the kind of questions that I used to see sitting unanswered, where people were in the same boat I'd been in not long before.

The answer I feel proudest of so far is this one. The question was a little unclear at first, but I think largely because the poster genuinely didn't know what information would be useful. He'd been given some sensible pointers about database normalisation elsewhere but without a huge amount of context, and I suspect he didn't know what information to look for or where to get started on the topic - very much the position I'd previously been in.

I made an initial answer because there was an immediate aspect I could answer, and the rest I could give some advice on - which might have been enough for the poster. As it turned out, he wasn't sure what steps to take from there, and a comment thread ensued as we tried to clarify the situation. Ultimately, SO prompted us to move to chat, which was a good move - I was eventually able to find the words to both ask for the information I needed, and explain the issue with the existing design, and how it could be resolved.

As it stood, the poster was happy - he'd thanked me in chat, and I think he might have accepted my answer before I edited it. That really felt good, especially as I'd put effort into it; it was also a relief, as I was worried at times that I was failing to explain things clearly. While in some ways the job was done, I knew it was important for this answer to have some ongoing worth. As it stood, I couldn't see someone else stumbling across this Q&A and finding it useful.

I edited my answer to tackle both the specific issues experienced by the poster, and the general concepts that were at play and which could aid further understanding. I made it clear that the example I was giving wasn't the entire solution to all of the issues being experienced, but hopefully a jumping-off point from which to understand the wider problems with the database structure and create a comprehensive solution. I found a free modelling app to create a model and pointed readers to it, along with various resources on the larger topics of data modelling & database design to link to.

I ultimately spent quite a bit of time on this answer, and I felt like the asker and I had really worked together to get to a solution. We'd discussed the issue in comments, moved to chat, reached a point of mutual understanding, made edits on both sides, and cleared up the obsolete comments. While I can't speak for the other person involved, I felt like I'd genuinely been able to teach something, rather than just giving a solution to a single issue - and also felt I'd been able to turn a fairly messy discussion into a clear final write-up.

Aside from being accepted, the answer quickly picked up 3 up-votes. Not bad in a quiet area of the site, an for a question which still only has 65 views. I'm not too bothered about rep, but I do like the fact that I've received positive feedback from not only the asker, but from other people who came across my answer and found it worthwhile. It's nowhere near as impressive as plenty of other answers on this site, but all the same - it was great feeling that I'd contributed something which might help other people learn about a topic I love.


Why are interfaces not able to be marked as sealed?

Was the first question of mine I remember being answered by someone with an absolute authority on the subject (being on the C# language design committee), Eric Lippert: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9890933/360211

The answer is ideal, because it's short and to the point, but still contains enough background information to form a cogent argument. It even manages to impart advice about sealing classes, which is just a bonus for anyone reading the answer.

It's quite a naive question, but in a way that makes it that much more impressive that such a high profile and presumably busy developer took the time to answer it. In general, I think it adds an immeasurable amount of credibility to the community that the top software book authors, speakers, and developers of the ubiquitous tools/frameworks/compilers we use day-in-day-out are here donating their time to answering questions both great and small.


The Question - My Answer

The return of a rusty veteran to the industry after a decade hiatus

After programming for many years throughout the 90s and and early 2000s, I switched careers and worked as a high-school teacher full-time for about a decade, only doing the occasional coding side-project for fun or profit. As browsers finally evolved to a tipping point and single-page web apps and frameworks began to take off, I got excited again about web programming and felt an itch to get back in the game.

Beginning in 2012 I used SO heavily, reading answers about new frameworks and patterns voraciously, trying them out and retraining myself as a programmer. Coming back to the industry after a decade hiatus was very intimidating for a rusty veteran that hadn't kept up with the latest and hottest. My self confidence was pretty low.

I didn't really feel that I was 'back' until I started helping other folks on SO. My first successful answer was about what at the time was the hot new (now ancient) 'Backbone' framework. While the answer was at first just pointing out a small error in the questioners code, I also took the extra time to explain a coding pattern that would be useful in that context.

The questioner's feedback convinced me that I could articulate my thought process clearly, and thus had a chance to score well on technical interviews. In fact, the very pattern that I explained in this question came back again as a question in the interview for my first programming job offer in more than ten years! It was a good enough offer to move my family to SF from a small town in the southeast and significantly change the course of our lives.

While I don't mean to say that one answer on SO "changed my world forever," I also can't stress enough how much participating meaningfully in a community and feeling the real value that you've offered, however small, can build your own self-confidence and enable you to achieve more than you would have otherwise.


Of my small collection of answers, I'm most proud of this one. It deals with a very nondeterministic problem with build servers, where previous workarounds didn't work after a TFS update. After ages of trial and error and some decompiling, I discovered a solution to keep the random build failures at bay. Since I was also doing many searches in my quest and found practically nothing, I knew that I had to share my discovery to help other poor souls. So I attached a detailed answer to the question thread with the most relevant keywords.

Why this is a special answer for me is because every couple weeks I see a reputation notification pop up saying that I got a vote on that answer. And it feels satisfying that somewhere out there someone was able to use my discovery to probably save a ton of time and effort.


C# Chat leads to knowledge.

Some weeks ago, while hanging out in the C# chat. A guy (Kevin Maxwell) came by and asked if anyone could help him with his question regarding an exception while trying to persist some data to his database.

We had a nice chat, and I provided him with an answer based on what we had talked about. (The answer aren't the best one out there, because it lacks the conversation we had about the problem.)

Over the next few days we continued to chat about different issues/obstacles he encountered while getting ASP.NET Identity running within his webforms application. I answered his questions at my best, and while trying to explain why, what and where, I realized that even though the questions were fairly easy to answer, I learned a few things here and there.

The bottom line is that even if I knew the answer (or partially knew), I didn't know it well enough to explain it without having to read up on some documentation, and do some actual research. So helping others made me gain a few bits of knowledge. That is the reason for why I contribute to this community.

Warning: While helping others, you might learn new things. Proceed with caution.

If you're reading this @KevinMaxwell: It was fun helping you out, because it made me think about things from another perspective, as well as learning some new cool stuff.


On this occasion when Stack Overflow is celebrating for attaining ten million quesiton, I would like to thank all those programmers, coders, well wishers (except demotivators) who have helped me to improve my programming skills.

When I first came to Stack Overflow I was a novice programmer with only a limited understanding of programming (also English) and having only a little knowledge of C programming. But now I can programme in more than five programming languages and databases and these things I learned without paying any extra penny (which would have otherwise cost me thousands of dollars).

The best part of Stack Overflow is the helpful and patient programmers who teached, helped and pointed out the mistakes I made in my programmes with at most respect for the questioners.


P.S.: I am not a programmer by profession, but by enthusiasm.


Getting involved on Stack Overflow

I started answering questions on Stack Overflow this April, a few months after I got my first Android job contract and started gaining experience, and, having used Stack Overflow during my studies, I wanted to contribute and "give something in return".

I still remember one of my first answers, in which I involved myself to solve it and even requested testing of the app. The answer was not perfect (it isn't still), but it was one of my first "voted" answers and one where I got really good feedback. And all the problems were caused by a deprecated permission that didn't throw any error at all.

The answer

Over the weeks I got better at answering, and I can relate to one of my answers that fits in the "teaching, not only solving" level, when I explained a simple concept (for an Android expert) such as HashMaps, to a complete newbie into Java and object-oriented languages.

The answer

I'm not a question man (my problems are usually caused by lack of proof-reading code / documentation or by higher forces (library bugs), so I haven't had the opportunity to meet a Java / Android guru to enlighten me.


I would like to nominate @Veedrac, for his answer on Why does tuple(set([1,"a","b","c","z","f"])) == tuple(set(["a","b","c","z","f",1])) 85% of the time with hash randomization enabled?

Tuples and sets are basic data structures in Python. I had landed on the initial question from the home page, when @ZeroPiraeus had answered it. Though @Zero's answer explained things substantially, and even pointed in the right direction (hash randomization), it wasn't until I saw @Veedrac's answer the next day, on a new question he had posted, that I really understood why things were happening the way they were in the original question.

It is one thing to see something and accept it as wizardry happening in the core code (which is what I had done when I saw 85% in Zero's answer), and another to go into the internals to figure out why and where the magic was happening.

@Veedrac did the latter, and gave a very informative answer where he solved the maths behind the seemingly random percentage of 85% actually being the ratio 5/32, and his methodology on arriving at it. That, has been one of the best experiences I have had with SO (which does not involve me directly/indirectly), where a user went beyond the original problem, to find out the root solution of the big picture question.

PS: @Veedrac has nominated another user, but I couldn't find him being recommended.

  • 1
    No reason to remove your answer if another user already brought the same user up- THat's happened a few times already in the answers here. As I understand it, the point is in sharing the story behind the answer, not in just getting yourself and the other user some SO items.
    – Kendra
    Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 21:08
  • @Kendra Oh that's cool :) Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 21:09
  • 2
    @mu無 Thanks a ton for the comments. These things are half for the self-education and half 'cause of the lovely responses I get :). It seems I'd missed the email I was sent, so I've no swag yet, but luckily GMail's cached it for me. I'll see if I can get a late delivery.
    – Veedrac
    Commented Jan 30, 2016 at 14:27

The day on I got 1st complement from with the help of Stack Overflow

Question:- ios-twilio-ip-messaging-initial-integration-steps

Answer :- https://stackoverflow.com/a/35457572/4910767

The Story behind them

Stackoverflow helped me a lot in my programming life especially my 1st month of job when i am alone as iPhone developer in my company.I have only 10 months as worked with iOS development as well as joining in stackoverflow but i am addicted with stackoverflow.

This is not highly voted answer but it was a great experience for me,i want to describe story behind this answer, on the first month when i joined my company senior Php developers discuss regarding Twilio and they are facing difficulties regarding implement it in application. After three months i got a project to integrate Twilio in my application(iOS) and i didn't get much response from senior developer. so, stack overflow is my final source and really stackoverflow questions and answer helped me a lot to solve my problems. I have integrate it successfully in my application after dedicating four months of hard work.As an achievement (because i am fresher and done my project successfully with hard work)my companies provide me increment only after 5 months. This all i got because of stack overflow.At that time i heartily thanks to stackoverflow. Before few days i show question on stack-overflow regarding initial steps to integrate it in Application. Then i Nostalgia my old days. so, i decided to give Answer in more detail as much as i can on this answer so other developer didn't face any difficulties to integrate it in application. Twilio has provide all in their tutorial but it is bit hard to understand for the 1st time users. Moreover, on the other side occasionally , after 2 days i got mail from Twilio like ,

I’m *** from the Twilio Developer Community team. I spend time on StackOverflow and I’ve noticed that you’ve answered a Twilio tagged question there.

I’d love to send you a t-shirt to show our appreciation for your work and contribution to the community. If this sounds good to you, reply with your shirt size (American Apparel Men’s sizes available) and an address I can send it to.

(Thank you Twilio Developer community)

I can see difference in me when i gave may 1st answer on stack-overflow and currently i gave my all the answer. And one more thing with see my reputation and interest in stack-overflow currently my all colleague have stack-overflow account and they regularly open stack-overflow and help to others.

To sum up, I just really thankful to Stack-overflow for the help in my development life till now.#soreadytohelp is true for stack-overflow.As we can say another definition for stack-overflow,

Stack-overflow = A place where people helping others without his own agenda



Oracle 10g: Connect by prior

My answer


My story

When I saw this question I was actually at the stage of writing a really complex PL/SQL script for a big database and job which was performed every night. During that I was also trying to improve my PL/SQL skills in writing efficient and easy-to-understand and maintainable code. Unfortunately I had some tree-like structure in our database and I had to use complex queries to extract correct data.

Before I have not heard about "Connect by prior" (which was a topic of this question which I saw). I have started searching for the meaning and goal of this query clause. When I saw for what this is, the first thing I did was changing my complex code and instead of using complex queries I started using "Connect by prior". It was working really good and code looks much nicer and cleaner than before.

What is really good in Stack Overflow is that you can be inspire by someone question to learn something or to check something and sometimes it occurs really usable in our own program!


The question

Want to animate splash screen on Android

The answer

The first answer

The story

This was my first issue on Android and four years ago I didn't know how to resolve this, so looking for it in Google I met Stack Overflow. From then I frequently used that page. I have opened many issues with many answers and also helped to resolve problems. I'm a better profesional thanks to Stack Overflow and all the community. Thank you so much.


Selected Answer

Should I always use ViewModel or ViewData (.NET MVC)

The Story

I see a lot of similar questions around using Viewdata and Tempdata etc. But it seems there are not that many good high quality answers that actually answer this question.

I see someone post the above question and I thought to myself, I'm going to let this user know excatly why he shouldn't be using just ViewData in MVC. I just wanted to stop overuse of ViewData in code, I have had to maintain some very awful code that someone just used ViewData all over the place, it's terrible to maintain. I don't want people to experience this. In the answer I tried pointing out all of the possible flaws that using ViewData has (without sounding like I was having at go).

What is excellent about this is that the user fully understood the answer, this means that another developer does not have to attempt to maintain horrible code with ViewData everywhere.

Now this is quite a recent answer so not that many people have seen it, but I really hope other developers come across this answer so we have better controllers in the future!


I'll nominate one of own answers as it's an example of why I get so much out of answering Stack Overflow questions - a seemingly simple question can lead to a rabbit hole of investigation.

The question was puzzling - why is the number of days between "2013-10-01" and "2013-10-07" calculated as 5 and not 6?

It became apparent this was a daylight-saving issue, but I was puzzled why one possible way of coding it appeared to give the "right" answer of 6 days even though technically, 5 days and 23 hours had elapsed.

If this was my problem, I might be happy just to adopt the solution, but because I was writing publicly, I wanted to find out why the solution worked. This lead to delving into the PHP source to find out what mystery logic was being applied. As well as learning more about PHP internals, I was documenting some interesting behaviour I hadn't previously been aware of.

It gave me a deeper appreciation of how difficult date calculations can be, but also how useful it is to be able to take a deep dive into open source software.


Using THE ZONE to answer questions on Stack Overflow

I no longer remember if I was trying to be one of the faster guns in the west or just by chance stumbled across Array push as the first index PHP on that day. I do remember I was quite zoned in to PHP arrays from fixing some scripts that some collegues and I wrote months before that should only live a couple of weeks as a proof-of-concept.

Reading the question along with its inherent fact right as the first sentence, my brain locked into auto mode, and I had my answer written in seconds. Usually I cross-read my answers at least twice (I am not a native English speaker, and even in German I tend to speak techno-babble sometimes) - but at this time my brain already chalked up that problem as no longer interesting and went fishing, no other possible solutions came up.

As it was - in essence - not wrong and the use-case of the poster did not ask for a general solution to prepend the array with more items I sent it along. A couple of minutes later I read the other answers and suddenly remembered that function they used. Nevertheless, I kept my answer and not even tried to defend it (hey, array_unshift() does change the keys to be consecutive if he ever uses e.g. 1, 2 and 4 in his array!), but I was embarassed of being that much in the zone that I was thinking so literally.

I think this is what makes rubberducking so helpful. When in the zone you are in line with the machine, sometimes spewing out lines as fast as you can type. But when dealing with other human beings you have to think, reflect and explain.

  • 1
    It's difficult to tell which answer in that question that you're recognizing (you forgot to "link to the answer on the main site you're talking about"). Commented Aug 25, 2015 at 14:57
  • @PeterMortensen Thank you, I appreciate your revision : )
    – Stephan B
    Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 9:38

Teaching while learning, the magic of Stack Overflow

The Question: Intent.ACTION_SEND Whatsapp

My Answer: Intent.ACTION_SEND Whatsapp

Story behind

At the moment I answered to this question, I was a first year grade student in Spain. I was learning Java and giving my first steps in Android development. Concretely I was creating my first Android application, a simple funny sounds game.

I was trying to implement the capability of sharing sounds with WhatsApp, and I decided to check Stack Overflow searching for the help of the biggest knowledge community. But something very strange happened, someone here had the same problem but nobody had answered to his question. I step into the shoes of that person, unknown to me but directly connected by a shared problem.

Since that moment, my motivation was to find a solution to the problem, not only to complete my work, but also to help that invisible friend. Finally, I found an answer to the problem and, full of pride, I posted my first answer in StackOverflow.

This story happened about three years ago, now I have much more experience in Java an Android, and each time I find some useful question / answer on Stack Overflow I empathize with that invisible person that makes other peoples' life easier.


Stack Overflow helped our company not me make wrong decision.

Question: Transferring ownership of an iPhone app on the app store

An outsourcing company was developing a mobile application related to mobile payments, an was using its own account for application submission. But the client's company wanted to publish the application on its own account.

So, we didn't know how to and if it is possible at all to transfer an application from one AppStore account to another. And this question helped us to save a lot of time and discussions.


How HTML source-diving made a kid happy a year later

The post: Where can I download the software for old RCX-era Mindstorms sets?

Disclaimer: This is about a post on Bricks.SE, not Stack Overflow. If this makes it invalid, feel free to delete it. But I think this is "a tale of a Stack Overflow user going way above and beyond the call of duty", so I'm still posting it.

Almost exactly a year ago I was a young member (4 months) of the bricks.SE site, when I saw an unanswered question, in which a regular member who has been on the site for nearly 3 years asked where could one find software for a long retired LEGO robotics set. My first thought was "Hey, if someone this experienced couldn't find it anywhere, what chance would a newbie such as me have? Let's go do something more useful." But then I did a cursory Google serach. And found nothing. After nudging the search terms around and looking through the dozens of forums where others asked the same question, I was on the verge of giving it up.

But then I saw a promising result, from the preview it looked like as if it was some kind of file server with exactly those files we needed. My joy disappeared though when I opened the site and found a bunch of garbage (broken) HTML, with nothing that resembled the things I was looking for. Then it occured to me that if Google found the site, it must mean that the info is there somewhere, I just need to find it myself. For example by examining the source. And bingo, there were all the items, and the links leading to the files themselves. After verifying the validity of the links (they indeed pointed to the correct files which started to download without error), I copied them over to form an answer. For good measure, I included the other links too which weren't specifically asked for but were relevant to the topic. Then I made the answer into a community wiki to endorse others to expand and correct it in case the links later become broken and indeed there were a number of additions in the following days.

This answer was then accepted and voted up enough, that by now it is the second hit for the relevant terms in Google (the first being a post dedicated to the problems during and after the installation of this software). I moved on to answer other questions and promptly forgot about his one.

Until a few days ago (one year and five days after the answer was posted) I received a notification that someone commented on this answer. It was a regular of SO, a PHP developer who had just made a profile on Bricks.SE to thank me for making their godchild and them happy by solving their "missing software" problem.

Reputation is one thing. Being ranked high on Google is another. But knowing that my work brought joy, happiness and possibly a career-forming learning opportunity to a child is an entirely different form of that warm, fuzzy feeling :)

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