
Have a look at this Meta post for the current status of your swag!

It's easy to look at numbers; numbers tell us that many developers have been helped by what we built. That alone is very warming and makes us feel exceptionally great about what we're doing, wouldn't it be nice to take a little time on a Friday to share some stories that the numbers can't convey?

As I mentioned here, we're going to be running some special events here on Meta to celebrate hitting 10 million questions and reflect a bit on everything we've done together; this is the first of those events.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to regale us with a tale of a Stack Overflow user going way above and beyond the call of duty in order to actually teach something to someone that wanted to learn, and anyone else that desired the knowledge going forward.

This could be written from several perspectives:

  • You just happened to be around when the answer was posted, and saw them continuously expand their answer to teach the subject more effectively.

  • You wrote one of these kinds of answers - don't be shy to share your own awesomeness. Talk about the experience a little, how did you feel when the person eventually 'got it'?

  • You asked a question and someone provided an answer that gave you more than some stuff you could try in your editor, they gave you the knowledge you needed to figure it out properly for yourself.

Examples of this don't need to be nearly as epic as explaining branch prediction like a boss - it could be as simple as an answer where someone finally grasped how memory is addressed, or why a regular expression did what it was doing, or the like. Let's pick some of our 10 million moments that we're the fondest of, and allow others to share in them.

Can you get to the part about the swag, now?

Why yes. The good news is, this isn't a contest, everyone that shares something here will receive:

  • 1 Stack Overflow T shirt (Men's or Women's)
  • 1 Stack Overflow mug
  • 1 Stack Overflow padfolio and aluminum pen with the logo, and some extra pens
  • 1 Stack Overflow 'Koozie' (it keeps canned beverages frosty)
  • 5 Stack Overflow stickers

In addition to this, we will contact the author of the answer that you mention and offer them the following:

  • 1 Stack Overflow T-shirt (Men's or Women's)
  • 1 Stack Overflow Ruled Notebook (acid free, high-quality paper, I'm not mentioning any brands because we have several and it depends on availability)
  • An autographed copy of "Smart & Gets Things Done" by Joel Spolsky.


  • Answers must be at least two paragraphs and link to the answer on the main site you're talking about. You need to tell the story, with as much detail as you can. Put emphasis on what was learned, why it can be hard to teach, how someone could possibly have so much patience, etc.

  • If you're the author of the answer, you get both prizes.

  • Submission deadline is September 4, 2015

  • Allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery after the submission deadline

  • 36
    Actually, I need a coaster to go with my SO mug. Do you guys happen to have any of those?
    – BoltClock
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 14:45
  • 31
    If "teach" becomes a trigger word on Stack Overflow, we're screwed.
    – user50049
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 14:57
  • 14
    Has Mystical gotten swag for the branch prediction answer yet?
    – durron597
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 18:06
  • 40
    billions of developers Wait, really? That means at least 13% of all the people in the world are developers who have been helped by Stack Overflow. That doesn't seem correct Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 1:51
  • 13
    What do downvotes in this thread actually mean? Lousy answer or lousy story about the answer?
    – PM 77-1
    Commented Aug 27, 2015 at 17:57
  • 35
    Sept 5: wheres my email to fill out the form and get my SWAG? Commented Sep 5, 2015 at 18:21
  • 27
    Am I the only one who came here several times after 4th of Sept ?
    – Akash
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 12:19
  • 20
    are we supposed to recieve a email? :,(
    – CptEric
    Commented Sep 8, 2015 at 17:49
  • 23
    I'll be contacting the initial round (folks that wrote something here) tomorrow, and then those that you've nominated through writing about them near the middle of the week. Hang tight!
    – user50049
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 14:27
  • 32
    Just askin: who all (did not) get a mail (yet)? 1. me. Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 17:32
  • 11
    A mail with a confirmation will be nice. The suspense is killing me.
    – Haris
    Commented Sep 17, 2015 at 0:45
  • 23
    Sorry about that, something exploded while I was sitting on it. Mail going out on 9/18 for everyone that answered here, and on 9/22 - 9/25 for mail going to the folks that wrote the awesome answers you linked (it's a more manual process, hence a few days to get it together).
    – user50049
    Commented Sep 17, 2015 at 15:39
  • 11
    Emails sent! If you feel like you should have gotten one but didn't, let me know (after checking your spam folders, and connecting your computers directly to your modems after turning them off and on again).
    – user50049
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:25
  • 14
    @Tim your "Instructions for the locationally challenged" have made my day better, hilarious.
    – CubeJockey
    Commented Sep 18, 2015 at 15:28
  • 13
    @TimPost Just a suggestion (not to be interpreted as a complaint), but perhaps it is a good idea to update this thread/question with the current state of things. Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 12:47

237 Answers 237

6 7 8

The Day I Learned How Much I Had to Learn

Let me start with this: I'm young. I'm in high school. I'm not a professional computer scientist with thousands of rep; I'm just this kid who really hopes to one day get there. I'm nothing big in the site (but my 440 rep certainly beats the overwhelming 1-rep population...). I first got drawn here in December 2014, and I've stuck with it not just because it helps me learn, but because the sense of community is unfathomable and the way I can learn and teach by simply browsing through millions of questions and lines of code is overwhelming.

Here's some abstract math-y stuff for you. This is where the learning begins. I wanted to compare sequences of numbers based on the expressions used to generate the terms of the sequence. I didn't quite understand how difficult that might be until Scott Chamberlain and some other users got involved, talking about Expression Trees and parsers and visitors and what kinds of equality did I need. They helped me refine my question to simplify it and have a more direct answer. But they showed that there was a lot out there that I didn't understand. Scott's answer was phenomenal, but it was more than that. It was a jumpstart into "deep compiler theory," a pretty large topic for an aspiring computer scientist. But it was fantastic.

The beauty of it all is, I wanted to start with playing with things I'd learned about from SO. I'm a big C# fan and user, so I wanted to start trying this fancy yield return statement and lambda syntax. Enumerables were a convenient starting point. But little did I know that it would take me into compiler land, where everything is just a memory location. I had so many things to learn. I had no idea what was going on when I looked at this Expression Tree. Scott Chamberlain put up with my simple questions like "How does it handle differently-named variables?"--it doesn't have to. He gave me examples and showed me things I never would have thought of, only to lead me on to bigger and better things which eventually started working.

It's not perfect (the solution). There is a part two, and it is limited in its capabilities. I haven't gone back to work with it for a while, but it will always be for me a legacy with a lesson. Sure, I think I know what lambda syntax is and what function delegates are, but do I really? What about all the "stuff" that I've never heard of and won't hear of 'til college, the "fancy stuff" that I want to get my hands on? Scott Chamberlain and the others showed me that this community will help me with the "fancy stuff," and they showed me that I really did want to grow up and do this. I loved it too much not to.

  • 2
    I just noticed this post, thanks man! :) Commented Dec 14, 2016 at 21:02

Change and transition dataset in chord diagram with D3

AmeliaBR has provided many great answers on . I'd like to nominate her answer on this question as for me it really demonstrates what it means to go above and beyond.

Instead of simply answering the user's original question, she gives detailed background on several different relevant concepts in D3, the general visualisation technique, and the data required for it. All of this is illustrated with code samples and links to further information (often in Amelia's other posts). It is probably the most detailed answer I've ever seen on SO.

The answer hasn't received a particularly large number of upvotes because it is quite niche -- specific to a particular visualisation in a particular Javascript library. And this is another reason I want to nominate it -- Amelia put obviously significant effort into it even though it was clear that there wouldn't be a lot of "reward" because of limited scope (one of the Unsung Heros).

D3 has quite a steep learning curve and especially concepts like the different selections are concepts that are hard to grasp for newbies. Even though the question didn't ask about it explicitly, Amelia went into a lot of detail about this concept (even though she must have explained it about a million times before).

It's one of these answers that I upvote simply because of the effort put into them and the attention to detail.

  • Thanks Lars! I missed this whole exercise back in August, but it's nice to discover it now. That particular answer was definitely a whopper. I know I posted it batches, adding each step piece by piece. In the end, I had to cut out some demo code because I hit the maximum answer length!
    – AmeliaBR
    Commented Mar 14, 2016 at 18:35
  • You're welcome! The most difficult part was deciding which one of your answers to nominate! Commented Mar 14, 2016 at 20:03

Google it... is an old term...SO it...is a latest one and its expanding

Joined the SO almost 3 years back. SO is great place to learn, share your knowledge. Initially I was just referring to SO to find solution that I was needed, was always looking for hint, code which will solve my purpose. And yes, all the time I got the answer. At work place whenever we stuck we use to ask other people like "Google it" and you will get an answer but now a days I suggest my fellow colleague to go on SO site and "SO it". I know they will get whatever they are looking for. And if lucky they will get entire piece of code. They just need to copy paste it and they are done.

Same thing happened with me as well. I was working on one of the client requirement related to Bootstrap 3.0 navigation menu bar. Requirement was to add Previous-Next arrows on top of navigation menu so that end user can traverse through all main menus even if they are viewing website on iPad mini like screens which are relatively smaller than desktop/laptop screen. I was struggling with animation for nearly 3 hours; so posted the following question:

Bootstrap 3.0 Horizontal navigation menu - How can I add Prev-Next arrow on top of it if I have lot of main menu

And to my surprise I got following answer within just an hour:

Bootstrap 3.0 Horizontal navigation menu - How can I add Prev-Next arrow on top of it if I have lot of main menu

The answer was perfect. Just needed few alterations to incorporate it in my existing code base. The other person just saved my entire day. How helpful was it.It was Awesome.

Recently I started looking at newer questions, open questions and started posting answers wherever I could. While doing that I observed that sometime people do down vote to the questions which are not so straight forward, or have some confusion in question statement. Just few days ago I came across this question:

how to call @Html.Action(“”,“”) and @Html.Widget(“”,“”) using javascript,jquery or json into mvc

and the answer to this question was:

how to call @Html.Action(“”,“”) and @Html.Widget(“”,“”) using javascript,jquery or json into mvc

We know that by reading question statement we really gets confused and thinks like what that person want to achieve. But generally we ignore or don't try to visualize the situation the other person is in. The person might be under tremendous work pressure, dead-line, new comer or don't know exact word, syntax to explain his/her issue. Personally I feel we should think twice before doing that. Also we should always add comments if we are down voting any question or answer explaining why we think that way. By down voting we simply discouraging the people to come forward and help each other. I request to SO team to make "add comment" step mandatory in case of down voting. And if contributor don't provide comment then down vote should not be considered. Number of comments should always be greater than or equal to down vote for any specific question or answer. Thanks a lot.

  • Agreed, I've had a few of my posts down voted. I have no idea what the reason was for the person who did it to do so. In most, if not all cases, I feel that I presented a well written, considered answer. But then someone comes along and clicks the down vote button for no apparent reason (i.e. there was no comment). I've noted a few others reply in the comments with "WTF, why was this down voted" style of responses, so I feel that I am not the only one who feels this way. If SO is concerned about retribution, maybe do not publish the author of the comment who does the down voting.
    – GMc
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 9:09
  • Sadly, your links you cite as examples ("how to call ...") have been deleted - there is no specific reason, just a "post has been deleted" page. Sigh :-(
    – GMc
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 9:11

How do I use extern to share variables between source files in C?

I joined SO in late 2013. In those days, I had very very little knowledge of programming. I started learning C with a bad book. Then, I tried making several programs but they all were hard and there were so many unexpected stuff happening when running the program. I couldn't find the problem.

Then, I googled something and found this site from several of the search results. I inspected the site closely, and became fond of the site. I joined the site, but wasn't active for several months (because I was busy playing games in facebook).

Then I starting looking at the answers and questions and Wow! So many stuff that I don't know about! I read several of them and started posting some answers.

I soon became good with C but there was one user whose behavior and attitude has always fascinated me. His excellent answers such as this is just awesome!

That is one of the longest answers that I've ever seen but the content is very easily understandable and contains lots of information. It made me understand what actually is extern and where do we have to use it. It highlights the best practices to be used and things that are to be avoided. It also shows several examples.

Jonathan Leffler has helped me understand several other stuff and the quality of his answers is just excellent! His answers always contain information that I don't know about and is always understandable!

I would like to thank him as well all other users for contributing to SO and sharing your knowledge.


The question

How to return the response from an asynchronous call?

The answer

How to return the response from an asynchronous call?

The story

Felix Kling's excellent self-answer to this question has already been nominated but I'd like to highlight the answer by Benjamin Gruenbaum that helped me personally the most. I'm primarily an embedded systems programmer and recently for a simple cross-platform mobile app decided to go down the Cordova / AngularJS path neither of which I've used before. After reading the docs I was struggling to understand the concept of promises thoroughly and how they worked but Benjamin's answer quickly made it crystal clear and the concepts snapped into place.

Apart from the clarity of the answer on a subject not always easy to explain in a concise way I was also impressed that Benjamin took the time to add an additional answer specific to AngularJS when sometimes those later answers attract a little less attention. Not to mention he also added a second comprehensive answer when not using jQuery which I wish was around a few years earlier when I was doing something similar in plain JS.

That question and associated answers are a great example of how collaboration on Stack Exchange can provide many different approaches to similar problems and build a great knowledge base that can end up infinitely more useful than official documentation often written by a single author. I ended up completing my project within a week using a multitude of questions and answers on Stack Overflow along the way and I just don't think that would have been possible using the official documentation or books on the subject.


Learning how useful SO actually is

I started not that long ago, and I just experienced the amazing community today.

I was having issues getting an app to run without errors (I'm working on my first iOS project), I had seen other people do what I was trying to figure out, but I just couldn't get it. Then I thought 'Maybe I should post my issue on SO', so I posted my question. Along came @Massimo Polimeni, and he answered it. It wasn't fancy, and he taught me a couple things about posting on SO, but it was just what I wanted. I am so exited be part of this community.

  • Yes, that is the answer I am talking about. I'm not sure why the link is not working for you, because it works for me. Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 12:27
  • Does my answer follow the guidelines? Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 12:37
  • Looks good, I just didn't want you (or someone else) to lose recognition if they just try to parse these responses for links to answers instead of hunting down the links one by one. Commented Aug 26, 2015 at 12:40

My career as a Software Developer started in July, 2008, about two months before the official lunch of Stack Overflow, so it always has been around for me when I needed help for something. Besides using it to find answers for my issues, I frequently checked the most up-voted questions to see what kind of problems developers face during their work and learn something new on the way. However, it was not until two years ago, when a fellow colleague and friend suggested that I start answering questions and try to help other developers on certain topics. And so I did...

The first couple of questions I answered, received little attention, but that didn't discourage me. I searched for questions that I can answer thoroughly and found a question, that I was looking an answer for about a year before that. Although I didn't post the question on Stack Overflow then, I managed to resolve it, so this time I was able to answer it and share my experience.

The question

MEF with MVC 4 or 5 - Pluggable Architecture (2014)

My answer

MEF with MVC 4 or 5 - Pluggable Architecture (2014)

The challenge of writing an answer was to split the answer in as many parts as issues I faced when setting up the architecture myself, and all of that to be easy to follow and as detailed as possible. It took me around two hours to write an answer that I'm satisfied with, and since I was relatively new in answering questions on Stack Overflow, I was not completely sure that the others will find as satisfying as I did. In the past I would frequently think of a "perfect answer" for something, that didn't sound that perfect to my colleagues and instead of focus on the problem itself, we would end up in not so productive discussions.

Finally I decided to post the answer and in the next couple of days it was my answer that received most attention. It felt rewarding. It is even more rewarding that more than a year and a half passed since I posted the answer, and I occasionally receive a hangouts/facebook message from developers around the world asking a follow up question or stating that the answer helped them a lot. It really encouraged me to continue answering other questions.

The biggest reward for me was that I finally succeeded to explain something that others find easy to understand.


The question

How does str(list) work?

My answer

The story

The question got a flood of downvotes as soon as it was asked. I added a small and "to the point" answer. However after a few days the OP put a bounty on this. This was the day before my examination. However I left studying for my exam and started improving my answer1. It took me two hours to completely get the answer correct. Much to my surprise the OP accepted it as an answer and awarded the bounty!

The interesting part - What I learned

The most important part to the story that I would like to share here is that the question/answer had -5/+2 votes respectively before the bounty. After the bounty it went to -7/+3 (So I felt sad that the bounty made no impact on the question). However a few days down the line the question and the answer both got nearly 6 votes hence it proved that quality answers over the time do get recognised and not only FGITWs. Hence my bit of advice to fellow answerers is to add more required information to the answer which may help other viewers than just answer to the OP's problem. In this way the quality of your answer also builds up.

Other Facts

  • It was the first time my answer got more votes than Martijn's answer.
  • It was the first time I gave a long and detailed answer and not a short and to the point answer.

1I screwed the exam and got bad marks :-(


3D DEV for Dummies

I had to tackle a 3D project in three.js with webGL, and it had been a couple of years since I last had to use that part of my math knowledge, so it was all quite rusty if I'm being completely honest. After a couple of days of searching on my own, I decided to ask StackOverflow and see if someone there could help me out.

That's where I met TOAOGG who seemed intruiged by my problem and first asked me some basic questions about the problem through comments, and gave a solution short after. Only: the solution didn't solve my problem, but did fix something else I was stuck on. I let TOAOGG know, and decided to contact him in the SO chat. It was the beginning of a 4-hour long chat session where we tried to solve the problem together: trial and error, checking of formulas, rewriting entire parts of code.

TOAOGG helped me tremendously to get all those dust-collecting math formulas to the active part of my brain again. To rediscover the fun in 3D and, at that moment the most important part: to solve my issue.

Thanks for spending your afternoon, trying to solve a problem of a random stranger!


c# add clickable images to gui using code and not the designer

I've been on SO consistently for the past year, trying to answer everything that I can. I am usually pretty good at finding answers myself through here and other sites, and I'm not really working on anything cutting edge at the moment: That plus a great team where I work leaves me with few questions unanswered.

So, in an attempt to give back, I'm always looking for questions to answer. I find I learn a lot by researching answers to questions I don't yet know the answer to as well, which is great.

This particular question didn't really stretch my knowledge too much, and it was kind of vague. Nevertheless, it was a good first question by a new user, and I was able to identify with someone trying to learn the tech from scratch themselves, so I answered. This turned into a long discussion regarding other portions of the app they were trying to create, and ended up with us chatting in an AHK chatroom for almost 8 hours while I helped walk him through how to get the other portions of his app working the way he wanted. It was incredibly rewarding, and along the way the user was able to teach me some stuff about how this would work in AHK, which I've used before but never really got into, so win-win there.

Anyhow, he was incredibly thankful and it felt great. Sometimes answering a hard question through lots of research is rewarding; sometimes helping a newbie through the simple things is too. I had a blast teaching him and it's helped me with teaching my kids at home too... It's easy to forget how it was when everything you tried to program was a struggle, or hours of reading blogs/articles/SO posts to try to understand why and how things worked. I think about that session every time I'm answering a new question: having a great database of useful info and answers to problems is why SO is here. Helping other people is why I'm here.


Data binning in Hadoop

Although the tags where I usually post do not get much attention, there is one answer I am really proud of. One year ago, a question about data binning in a mapreduce job came across, and I tried my best to help this user. Since he didn't seem to need code, just a guidance on how to achieve it, I answered as best as I could. I tried to teach him about one of the design patterns that are not so common for Hadoop newbies, such as in-mapper combiners.

What the user wanted was to find the minimum and maximum values of different values from a CSV in a MapReduce job as efficiently as possible, so I talked about how to store in each mapper the local minimum and maximum and only emit one max,min pair when the mapper ended processing the data, using the cleanup method. This would avoid having to send millions of values to the reducers, so that they would try to find the maximum and minimum values of huge lists. With this approach, only one pair for each mapper (and for each column of the data) would be sent.

After my first attempt, the answer was not clear enough, so when the user asked for further clarification I edited the answer to explain it better. However, the user still asked for more information which I tried to answer in another comment. Finally, the user decided to continue the discussion in chat since we were flooding the answer with comments. Luckily, he was able to understand the problem and to code himself the concept we had been discussing.

It doesn't have many upvotes or many views, but it is by far the answer I am more proud of, due to the effort I put into it.


I am really thankful for all the help I got from other users when it comes to one of my answer, on this question: Average of 3 long integers.

The answer I provided first was not that long, but it answered the question and it seemed mathematically fine. And it was, but just for positive numbers.

Others stepped in to test the formula for correctness with their mathematical programs, suggesting improvements, etc. I am proud of the end result we all created.

It was a very nice experience to see all the ready-to-help users. Often we hear people complaining about the general population on SO and the lack of kindness or will to help. I have experienced a lot of help that time and I want to give something back.


The question: PHP/mySQL: Import data and store in hierarchical nested set for use with jsTree

And its answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11832325/1443080 (written by me)

Why do I feel this is worth sharing?

I think this is worth sharing because it is, at least to me, a clear example of how even those who answer questions, rather than asking them, can always learn something new, and even useful, to be added to their wealth of knowledge.

In fact, when I first saw that question, it was the first time for me I got placed in front of the concept of "nested set", I had never seen it before, even though I used to consider myself a somewhat experienced developer.

At first, I really struggled with it, going through many tutorials to understand the logic which formed its basic rules, and only after quite some hours of study I was finally able to glue together the first draft of the answer, which I posted.

However, that was far from being complete, in fact there was more than one issue, which I am happy to say, was finally solved in the end with some tweaking and modifications of the conversion algorithm I came up with.

This all happened more than three years ago, when I was still a fresh and inexperienced StackOverflow-er, and the question itself didn't really receive much views or attention, probably because it was really a well known topic for all the other programmers; however I remember feeling so proud to have been able to really help someone solve a problem they had, for simple it might have been, and earn my first bounty :D

And that, helping and be helped, is what keeps me always returning here, searching for new questions to answer, whether they're simple or difficult, if time permits I'll always try to give a hand.


Question - how to use markdown parsing technique in php to make separate automated process

Answer - how to use markdown parsing technique in php to make separate automated process (By me)

Why is this low rep answer so important to me?

Around the time of answering this question was when I started contributing answers to StackOverflow.Initially, I thought this question was simple enough, but as the OP clarified it in the answer's comments, It kinda grew into something a bit complex(atleast for me :P).

So I sat up that night(determined to get a green tick :), learning more about PHP and using regexes and came up with a workable recursive solution that I was proud of(which eventually got the tick and a thanks from the OP too).
Then I realized how important that was. How much I learnt by simply thinking over how I need to tackle the problem(rather than reading/finding it somewhere). This made me learn a lot of things experimenting by myself
Seeing soo many posts with extended comments/discussions from incredible people and experts in the field joining in to come up with a viable solution is how learning is done.

From then on, I tried to be as helpful as possible with my answers(and my limited domain knowledge :p) Bottom line is this - Being helpful by answering a question is useful because not only does it help the OP, but also the person answering.

Thankyou SO :)

  • 4
    Downvoters, can I know the reason for the downvotes? Did I miss the brief? (I concentrated on the You wrote one of these kinds of answers - don't be shy to share your own awesomeness. Talk about the experience a little, how did you feel when the person eventually 'got it'? part)
    – Kamehameha
    Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 19:59

Fixed digits number in floats

The reason why I want to share this question is because I actually learnt a lot putting the answer together and revising it. I have to admit I did not fully understand the question at first - and the first version of my answer reflects that. However, eventually it clicked.
Most importantly, in writing the new answer, I learnt a lot about the newer Python string formatting using curly braces {} instead of the percentage symbol %.

Personally, this is what the stackoverflow-experience is. I like and enjoy helping others. But more so do I like learning myself. I browse new questions in my favorite tags and try to answer those that spark my interest. Often I do not know the full answer when I decide to answer (I won't be the fastest gun in the west). But I like trying to figure out something new. Thus, my personal coding skills have improved greatly since I joined this site - all, by trying to figure out answers to questions I find to be interesting puzzles.


Making complex things simple.

I like helping people and I like learning. Stack Overflow has always been so intriguing to me because I get to do both and usually at the same time. My favorite memory of doing so is when I came across this question, which I believed I wouldn't be capable of answering for years. I figured those years wouldn't really amount to much if I weren't trying the whole way, so I wanted to at least understand the question and keep an eye out for someone to answer. Fortunately, the more involved I got, the more curious I became and the more I started to understand the realm of the problem. After reading the question repeatedly and messing with the demo for a good length of time, I realized that the problem is complicated because it is made up of many pieces, but that the pieces are individually easily understandable. All that was needed to understand the big picture was to write a few simple lines of code to interact with each of the little pieces and have all of them log what they were up to. At that point, the code explains itself!

It took most of the day, but I was able to answer the OP's question and leave a helpful resource about Angular's internals. That experience helped develop the way I now see that discouraging difficulties are usually just a series of simple things and that getting past them is more a matter of trying than being a genius. Bonus: the OP (great guy) contacted me and we solved some other mutual problems together (i.e. this, which is actually kind bad, but we learned!).

It didn't quite fit into the flow of my story above, but I wanted to note that the question was fantastic and I feel that the learning value is more from the well asked question than my answer.


The day I apparently taught someone about arrays

Looking back, I'm not sure why I even answered the question. Maybe it was because I remembered being a beginner developer and wanted to help someone else who was obviously just starting. Normally, I would cringe at the use of eval just to pick which side of a die to show, but for some reason I looked past the syntax errors and use of eval decided to help this JavaScript beginner.

I started by suggesting using an array, offering code that resembled the existing code, but after a comment about a 100-sided die, I realized that this wouldn't scale. I decided to help the OP make the leap into a for loop. I even gave a JSFiddle example of a 100-sided die. The user apparently understood my code and was then even able to implement my suggestions without needing me to write the code.

The user has gone on and asked many more questions, and seems to have gotten many helpful answers, but the one I was able to answer was his least popular question, and I was still able to help him, which is the whole reason why I answer questions on Stack Overflow*.

* Possibly other than working to increase a nearly worthless number beside my name


The first vote I received

I joined around 26 December 2012. Questions in my areas are not common, so I'd answered three and still didn't know what things were all about (I though "reputation" was number of answers given, for instance) before I read the question which lead to my first vote.

I didn't attend regularly, and on January 13 I discovered a new question, from January 11, AS/400: Using COMPUTE function, inconsistent results with different field definition. With an answer, that was wrong, but which already had four votes, and from a user who'd answered 7,000+ questions (err, no, see above).

The issue in the question is a simple one, faced by all new COBOL programmers and often "bodged". The issue is that a COBOL COMPUTE does not work like a calculator (ddvice given to me 35 years ago). COBOL uses fixed-length fields. The bodge, on discovering you don't get the answer you want, is to include an absurd amount of decimal places on all the source fields (absurd amount = any amount more than the original source fields are already defined with). The correct way is to rearrange the code to ensure that the code you have written doesn't lose significant digits. Multiply first. Divide last.

The answer I provided, https://stackoverflow.com/a/14299489/1927206, had two audiences: the questioner; @NealB who wrote the incorrect answer. So it is somewhat deeper than is needed for the question, because Neal had thought the issue was with intermediate results.

At 04:28 on January 14 (no, I don't have this memorised, it comes from the reputation history in my profile) I got my first vote. +10! (immediately reassesses the meaning of +7000).

I had commented on Neal's answer, and he stated it was wrong, and even updated the answer to say that on the first line. A couple more votes arrived for him, a second for me. Then two more for Neal. Then his answer disappeared, and a bounty notice appeared, saying there was an exemplary answer. Rats!, I thought, I'd better try to make sure it is mine, so did some more editing (see, clueless) :-)

As to the OP, they made an interesting closing comment: AS/400: Using COMPUTE function, inconsistent results with different field definition.

In part:

Next time, I will try my best to understand the manual before asking a question.

Although https://stackoverflow.com/users/1969051/user1969051 has visited the site as recently as 21 August, they have not asked another question. Hopefully my answer and what they took from it helped with that.

A special thanks to @NealB. My answer cost him 180 points, and that behaviour was a good introduction to the good people who answer on my favourite tags, who are both knowledgeable and people who can get along with people.

(if you look at my profile, ignore the apparent first answer, and vote: that was a drive-by answer, as an unregistered user which I later merged, made before I knew anything about Stack Overflow)


Satisfying my curiosity!

The Question: Chain Increment Operators

On one glorious summers day developing I wondered firstly if I could chain increment operates. Then secondly after testing why I couldn't. I.E. Why is i++ allowed but not i++++.

There was no situtation in which I thought about using this as where would it end? i++++++++++++++++++++. However the question was just to satisfy my curiosity.

The question did receive a couple of good answers but I personally got a little bit of joy from this answer by the skeet man: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28860388/1398425

For me this is what SO is all about asking questions for help with a specific problem or just for the programmings sake. SO has had its ups and downs but when it comes down to it, we really are a great community. I will always try to convince people to signup even just to upvote answers they found helpful.

P.S: I assume the day was nice I don't really know as obviously I had the blinds closed to stop any glare on my monitors.

P.P.S: This Question has more than 30 answers, are you sure you have something to contribute? - Yes Always!


The question that made me understand how much answering can mean

This is a short but true story about how I learned that answering someone's question can really mean the world to the them.

From the day I signed I had seen several questions on the same topic as this one, regarding how Fragments could communicate in Android. There were good answers and suggestions to libraries that would make it easy, but somehow the basics had been left unexplained. Having just solved the issue in my own project, I took the time to write an answer that would address the communication issue, which really was nothing more than writing an interface and implementing it. And of course I did not nail on the first attempt.

What resulted was a discussion that went on for almost two hours. I ended up receiving code and from the person who asked the question and took the time to really make it work in the way he wanted to, leaving my own projects aside for the evening. But it was really worth it. The words this user chose for thanking me were

... People like you is the reason that the world is a better place for us to live. I can't thank you enough. Thank you so so so much for giving me your time. Thank you so much. ...

I am sure many more feel the same towards those that take the time to answer questions as this user. I was just extremely lucky to stumble on one that was gracious enough to put it to words. And it really made my day. I keep coming back to this question when the I feel like "why would I answer something today..?".

So take this write up as a reminder:

Taking the time to help always means the world to someone, and often for many others out there too! Be proud of your answers :)


A lot of great stories have been posted so far, and I cannot come close to topping them, but I will share my experience because I think it is one that a lot of enthusiastic-but-casual Stack Overflow users can relate to. Stack Overflow can be a very intimidating place for a newcomer. A lot of very smart people post a lot of very smart things on a daily basis, and figuring out how one can contribute to this can be daunting. But that is the great thing about Stack Overflow: it is a level playing field. Anybody can ask a smart question, and anybody can post brilliant, encyclopedic answers.

Like a lot of people in software development, I am primarily self-taught. Despite success in my career, like a lot of people have already posted, I suffered a long time from Imposter Syndrome. Stack Overflow has always been a great resource, and I have learned a lot from many of the brilliant Q&As, but for a long time I did not feel like I had anything to contribute other than some quick answers to low-hanging-fruit questions. That is, however, until this question. It is pretty inocuous, but this question lept out at me for a few reasons. First, it was asking about Regular Expressions, which I had unwittingly become pretty adept at through writing many a Perl script. Second, it wasn't just asking 'how' to do something, but asking 'why' a line of code does what it does.

I posted a pretty basic answer, explaining why each regex pattern outputted what it did, expecting someone else to come swooping in with a much more authoritative and elegant answer to bury mine. Instead, I quickly received positive feedback and a few additional follow-up questions. Over the next day or so, I kept expanding on the answer and adding links to additional resources. Before I knew it, I had not just written the accepted answer, but it had become my highest voted post on Stack Overflow. This was great, but the kicker was that OP felt like he finally understood why Regular Expressions behaved like they did. Not only had I helped another user wrap their head around a complicated topic, but my answer had gained the overwhelming approval of the community which had intimidated me so much up to that point. I can honestly say that this experience made me a more confident developer, and has even ecouraged me to engage in other mentoring activities. To this day, I am still addicted to SO.


Teaching how to hack the standard streams

Question: How to test code that writes to stdout?
Answer: My answer on testing stdout

Checking that output actually hit one of the standard streams (aka stdin, stdout, stderr) is a bit unusual, even for the most fervent unit testing advocate.

And early versions of the question picked up some rather pointed commentary trying to discern what was really being asked.

What. Are. You. Asserting? What condition do you want to check for?

When you look at the initial revision of the question, it's quite clear that the OP was quite unclear in their original question.

But the community rallied around the question and edited a terri-bad question into something a bit better.

A hard question, an interesting question, no. A clear, useful question, possibly.

Which is where yours truly stepped in. The challenge involved combining a couple of different aspects together. Specifically, a redirect was required, a file system check was needed, and then that needed to be tied into a unit testing framework.

My answer pulled together those components and also provided reference links showing where the core information came from.

Unit testing the standard streams certainly isn't a common task, but it can be done when you take a moment and reflect upon how the operating system is handling those particular mechanisms. And that, I think, is what makes my answer notable. It ties together related, but different concepts and puts them together into a useful whole.


Life lessons, besides code

I'm a 18 years old italian guy, and I'm not the best developer ever, I just really enjoy my passion, as everyone in here.

I haven't asked many questions in here, since every time I had a problem I instantly found the trouble already solved by someone else, but I signed up anyway, because I did want to give my (little little) contribution to the community, as I received SO much.

The life lessons I want to tell are about the Good Will we all have inside, and that in life nothing comes for free and without effort, everything needs passion. I was picturing in my mind my account with thousand reputation just by saying a couple of words in a few random questions. Well that was terribly wrong. I figured out that reputation comes with a huge amount of KNOWLEDGE (what a wonderful word, isn't it) and most of all generosity and patience.

I'll take for instance this question: Google Visualization stacked bar chart: colors and labels for each value

I was having a work experience outside my country, and after a couple of hours spent on a problem I still I wasn't able to figure it out. I looked for an already-asked question but nothing good, so I decided to post my very first question on SO. I was kind of nervous because I was afraid that someone could find my problem really dumb and not answer to it. And... I was wrong again! In a couple of minutes @Balrog30 cleared my doubt, being very kind with me.

Link to answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31030974/3771035

What I learned is that knowledge, the most powerful thing in our universe, becomes so great only if shared and used for the others. As for powers come responsability, with Knowledge comes a mission: SPREAD IT! HELP EVERYONE YOU CAN! It doesn't matter if it's free or not, it doesn't matter if you're helping Bill Gates or the most irrelevant fellow in this world, your mission is to teach him that everything we are is nothing else than the result of SOMEONE ELSE SHARING THEIR KNOWLEDGE WITH US! May it be a teacher, a friend or a co-worker! This is not open-source, this is BUILDING! Building a better world becoming better people!

Long story short... On this site you don't only learn software.


A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

--An Essay on Criticism, Alexander Pope

On Stack Overflow, there's nothing I like better than being told I'm wrong.

But let me start with my second favorite thing: my second favorite thing on Stack Overflow is questions that I can't answer. Those are the questions that help me grow as a developer, either by trying to find the answer myself or by reading answers from other knowledgeable people. Stack Overflow has been the single most important resource for my growth as a professional software developer, and it's been driven by the questions that I can't answer.

The really valuable questions, though, are the ones that I think I can answer, but I can't. I can read a great, educational blog post or find a brilliant Stack Overflow answer and walk away from it without realizing that I've understood it completely wrong. But the moment I turn around and try to apply my mistaken ideas to an answer, the SO community is there to set me right.

In particular, I'd like to give a special shout-out to Rob W's edits to my answer on the [google-chrome-extension] question Is it possible to inject a JavaScript code that overrides the one existing in a DOM? Content scripts and webpages share the DOM, so when you inject a <script> into the DOM, it runs in both places, right? Wrong. Not only did Rob help to clean up the readability of my answer, he fixed a couple major inaccuracies and handed me a few bonus facts to boot.

I'd read the Chrome documentation and more than a few SO answers on the topic, but I hadn't realized that I'd gotten the finer points completely wrong. It's corrections like these that you can only get by participating in a vibrant community like Stack Overflow.

(Just to be clear, that answer is mine, but I'm nominating RobW for the teaching-award for his phenomenal edits (and general history of being a great SO participant).)

  • 1
    Thanks for your kind words about my abilities :)
    – Rob W
    Commented Mar 14, 2016 at 18:45

The Question: Socket options SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT, how do they differ? Do they mean the same across all major operating systems?

The Answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14388707/1681994

I've run across this answer several times when working with socket programming; in most cases, it has even been more effective at explaining how socket reuse works than the official documentation.

In the most recent case, I was working with what was essentially a C++ UDP "client/server" program. As the client and server components each needed to be able to both send and receive data, they were effectively both servers (hence the quotes around "client/server"), and couldn't run on the same computer at the same time. I was curious to see if there was a way to connect the two programs on a single port (effectively using it as a broadcast address).

I stumbled across the SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT flags, which looked like what I wanted, but none of the documentation I found was particularly clear on how they worked. When I found this answer, everything made sense; the confusion was due to cross-platform incompatibility, where it seemed every OS had decided to interpret the flags differently.

In addition to a solution to my problem (use a different port for the client; none of the implementations had the feature I was looking for), I discovered that SO_REUSEPORT can be used to load balance between application instances within the network stack in Linux, which may prove useful in a later stage of development.


I nominate this answer to this question

I made research to make a login with php. First I just saved MD5 values to my database, without thinking that could be insecure. When I first read the question, I did not understand everything, nevertheless, I went to the answers. And I found that beautaful answer.

The other das I went to that page, I did not even recognized the answer. It totaly changed, the guy actualized the whole thing. At that time I understood a little bit more of that IT-stuff, and even then, I learned more from that answer. This answer is just great and I want to say Thankyou to all those dudes which update their answers to be up to date!


I got started with interpreters by analyzing Brainfuck 'hello world'

Question: How does Brainfuck hello world actually work

Answer: answer by Scony

At the time I came across this answer, I was wondering how compilers/interpreters work and had a hard time understanding it. I started reading a book on the topic and found the level of details overwhelming for a beginner.

I knew that a Brainfuck interpreter was supposedly easy to write, but had no idea how Brainfuck worked. It seemed too esoteric at first sight.

The great answer by Scony made it all clear to me. It's very thorough and simple at the same time. It showcases many points of a good problem explanation:

  • Use headers to logically divide the text
  • Mix the text with short code snippets and examples
  • Link to external resources if needed

This is one of my favourite answers on SO, and one that benefitted my overall understanding of a problem.


Question: Using Auto Layout in UITableView for dynamic cell layouts & variable row heights

Answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18746930/3711928

I started working with iOS right around the release of iOS 8. All of the existing codebase to our apps was written prior to iOS 8, so all of the example code I was going off didn't include a few things - specifically the auto-sizing of UITableViewCells.

When I was given a new project to work on, I decided the best implementation would be UITableView with cells that expanded to show more information if the information was present. I had some sample code to look at and decided it would be easy enough. I needed to calculate myself how big the cell needed to be. I then Googled the problem and every article I found suggested the same thing.

After all was said and done, I had auto-sizing cells that seemed to work about 95% of the time. When I asked a co-worker for help finishing this up, he said to me "why don't you just use auto-sizing cells?" I looked at him and said "I had no idea that existed." After he explained it was new with iOS 8, it was clear to me that all of Google's search results were still showing the best hits for what has been available up until now and didn't include anything regarding any of the new stuff Apple had just released.

So my co-worker tried to explain it to me and nothing we did seemed to work. Nothing worked until we stumbled upon the answer above. I was absolutely amazed at how easy it was to understand the answer. What seemed like such a difficult problem to us, really wasn't. The key was just simply to make sure my content was pinned to the top AND the bottom of the cell, letting the intrinsic size of the content do all the work!

Lessons learned

I didn't just take away one thing from this answer, I took away three things. I obviously learned how to auto-size my cells, but auto-layout finally "clicked" for me. It actually made sense. I now have such a better understanding of such a key feature of iOS.

And maybe more importantly, I learned that while Google may get you a great result, it won't necessarily get you the best result, especially in faster moving environments like iOS. An OS update can bring many new features that people just haven't gotten a chance to fully adopt and discuss yet, so don't just follow the first thing you find.

Building a great answer

Since the answer was originally posted, it has been edited multiple times, made into a community wiki and has turned into a one stop shop for everything you'd need to know about auto-sizing cells, complete with sample projects. It has garnered over 1.3k votes and has undoubtedly helped many like myself. It is just one of many resources that makes Stack Overflow great!

Thanks to everyone for all the help I've received over the years!


WCF client and server

Stack Overflow has been a wonderful resource, the above question and my corresponding answer means a lot to me because it was the first time I realized how much the community has taught me. For countless days, weeks, and months I asked questions about Windows Communication Foundation.

Then a random user asked about services, then interconnecting with Windows Communication Foundation. He received a lot of feedback, though he stumbled since the question was unclear he received varying answers.

So I answered, as I began to respond I realized that a topic I was weak at became a stronger area for me. He wasn't sure really what or where, so I began to explain the fundamentals and how they work together. It covered all the required details ending with the piece of information he actually was hoping for which binding to use.

That had major significance, since then several members have made lasting impressions, such as:

  • Travis
  • Kendall Frey
  • Reed Copsey
  • Charlie Brown
  • Roel
  • Spencer
  • Ton

Those members have been a tremendous help, as well as the C# Chat Room. For that Stack Overflow will be a resource I rely on and contribute.


The Question

Submitting hidden field data on Android/iOS browsers does not work

The Answer


The Story

I came to this question the usual route, as a lurker. As always after reading the question and accepted answer I had enough information to go and fix my own problem. My issue was with a legacy web-application not working when accessed via an Android device (an issue I was debugging and googling for 2 days). The question itself is great, it contains detailed analysis on the situation as well accurate description of the scenario and best of all existing code. This situation mimicked mine and my failure.

The answer became my saving grace. It allowed me to quickly fix my issue and walk away with some valuable information. Browsers are weird and like to make life difficult. Often I wonder how answers like the one found here are found originally, how many hours have gone into debugging it before a user was able to submit such a glorious answer. How satisfying that developer must feel to then share that knowledge. I want that, I will have that eventually. I will find my post to answer a question I reluctantly had to find.


This is just one such story like this, as I am a long time lurker. Back when I built an app for our local city (Kenosha Area Transit) me and the team used to joke that the app was brought to Kenosha by StackOverflow. I have no doubt that my degree in Computer Science was only made possible by reading the submissions of people struggling with the same issues I had while learning. So to you, early submitters, I salute you!

Thanks Stack Overflow!!!

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