If an existing question involves a technology other than what you are using, then you are free to ask it.
To avoid confusion of being a duplicate question, try to mention the technology in the Question Title.
Take an example.
If a question exists, "How to save data in database involving multiple tables?" and it involves mysql, then you can ask a question with title "How to save data in database involving multiple tables in mongoDB?"
It will help in avoiding confusions regarding whether it's a duplicate or not.
But keep in mind, if two questions are too much related then it might get duplicate.
Like a question "How to hide a div using onclick event in Jquery?" can be easily considered a duplicate to the question "How to hide a div using onclick event in javascript?".
A brief table of DOs and DON'Ts:
| Existing Question | Your Question |
| DO(s) |
| Title: How to save data in database | Title: How to save data in |
| involving multiple tables? | database involving multiple table|
| Tag: Mysql, Query | in mongoDB? |
| | Tag: mongoDB |
| Title: Write a query in mysql to | Title: How to delete data from |
| delete data from two tables | multiple table simultaneously |
| simultaneously | using stored procedures in mySQL?|
| Tag: Mysql, Query | Tag: stored-procedure, mysql |
| Title: How to fetch response from | Title: Fetch data from server |
| server side by ajax method | side via ajax response using |
| using $.ajax() | $.post() method. |
| Tag: PHP, JQuery, Ajax, javascript | Tag: PHP,JQuery, Ajax, $.post |
| DON'T(s) |
| Title: How to hide a div using | Title: How to hide a button using|
| javascript? | jquery? |
| Tag: javascript. | Tag: javascript, jquery |
| | |
| Title: What is the difference between | Title: Which is better to use, |
| get and post method in PHP? | get or post method in PHP? |
| Tag: get, post, PHP | Tag: get, post, PHP |
| | |