Much along the lines of this discussion on MSO and this one on MSE, can we merge swift2 into swift?
At the time of writing, there are over 650 questions tagged swift2, with over 100 in the last week. It seems pointless to differentiate between different versions of the language, especially when it seems a vast majority of the questions don't relate to the specific features of Swift 2 anyway.
Something is worth noting in this case that I think makes the Swift tags worth treating differently to other languages that happily use different version tags...
In a matter of months, next to nobody will ever concern themselves with Swift 1.2, and the distinction between Swift 1 and Swift 2 will cease to be. Apple will stop accepting submissions to the App Store that do not use the latest version of Xcode and the Swift language, and so everybody asking questions on SO - even questions directly asking about Swift-2-specific features such as the error handling model - will just tag it swift, and won't even think about looking for the swift2 tag. This will probably leave us with a small, dirty pile of swift2 questions that will eventually be synonymized or merged anyway.
What's more, judging by Apple's current release cycles, this could well happen every year between June and October. Other languages (such as C++) generally have a new version every 3-4 years, and older versions continue to be widely used years after a new release. As a small example, 5 questions were asked with the c++03 tag this week (4 of them were specifically relevant to that version of the language); I'm not sure people will be using swift2 in 12 months' time, let alone 12 years' time.
The following quote is from @BradLarson's answer in the discussion linked above, and I think it neatly explains this point of view:
While Swift is an evolving language, is anyone going to need to have a solution for something in "Swift 1.0" in six months? You'll note that there are no [swift1.0] or [swift1.1] tags in existence on the site. People will just be using Swift. We don't want questions to get lost because someone only tagged them with [swift1.2], which far fewer people will watch than [swift].
Look at what happened with "Objective-C 2.0". Back in 2006, Apple branded all the enhancements they had made to Objective-C that year as "Objective-C 2.0" (properties, fast enumeration, class extensions, etc.). Today, we just refer to that as Objective-C. You don't tag something involving properties as [objective-c2.0], you tag it [objective-c].
Apple likes giving iterative improvements to languages grand-sounding version numbers like this, but they aren't clean breaks in the language and eventually everyone just uses whatever is the latest iteration on the language. Also, if you look at what happened with "Objective-C 2.0", you'll note that Apple stopped giving the language version numbers after that, even though they kept adding features. It's all just "modern Objective-C" now.
There really isn't a compelling reason to refer to an older iteration of one of these languages, so I don't see the need for separate version tags.