I've been on SO for a while now and I've always assumed that a "bad" answer is an one that does not provide anything useful to answer the problem (or that provide false or already given information).
But this morning, I felt on this post, which has currently 4 answers (it had 5 a while ago), 3 of which are downvoted by @juanchopanza, the fourth one being its own answer.
While I agree that his answer is the best one regarding the currently available information in the question, I do not understand the need of downvoting (and denigrate) the other answers.
Are these answers so "bad"? Isn't it allowed to provide an answer which is not "perfect"?
The first time I cam on that question, the only available answer was by Steven Kryskalla, and my first though was "Okay, it is a correct answer, I will simply add a comment saying that the temporary list is useless." (which would have made his answer equivalent to the one of @juanchopanza). Instead of that, should I have downvoted his answer and write my own, simply changing one line of his?
Maybe, as @juanchopanza say, I don't understand the voting system very well, so I hope someone will be able to clarify things for me...