I know there is a process when it comes to Stack Overflow moderator elections, with votes, questions, and so on, ensuring a person that knows the rules well and has the qualifications for the job is elected. There are some requirements, like badges, and the elections last several days. For example:
Our general criteria for moderators are as follows:
- patient and fair
- leads by example
- shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
- open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions
For the Stack Overflow election, an eligible candidate for the election must have all of the following badges:
- Civic Duty
- Strunk & White
- Deputy
- Convention
What is the process for SO Python chat room owner elections (are there actually elections)? By whom are they chosen and based on what criteria? I understand the criteria aren't as strict, since they have fewer responsibilities, but what are they? What are the minimum requirements a user must have to become a room owner, and what process is followed?