I'm not great at using the Data Explorer. I am relatively new to programming, and I'm curious as to how the average Stack Overflow user interacts with Stack Overflow over the course of their career.

Ideally, more experienced programmers pass on their wisdom to less experienced ones, or exchange ideas amongst themselves. Unfortunately, I get the sense that there are many people who only use Stack Overflow to solve their own problems without contributing.

Do most programmers start their careers with significant use and taper off as they become more experienced? Do users transition to answering more questions as they gain experience?

I guess my real curiosity lies in whether askers remain predominantly askers or if this role actually shifts.

  • 16
    Predominantly, people seem to ask a question only once - ever. Also, predominantly, it's a bad question. See meta.stackoverflow.com/a/266506/2564301 for a nice graphic. You may want to exclude the huge 1-rep crowd from your question. (And it is huge. Another post proved convincingly that the average reputation on SO is "1". That's how huge it is.)
    – Jongware
    Commented Aug 1, 2015 at 10:23
  • 8
    @Jongware but the median is 92...
    – rene
    Commented Aug 1, 2015 at 12:38
  • 5
    While this doesn't specifically address transitions between asker to answerer, read about Nielsen's Participation inequality theory, which suggests that most people just... lurk: nngroup.com/articles/participation-inequality Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 15:39
  • 1
    @yochannah wow that's very interesting... thanks for that link! I think the "How to overcome Participation Inequality" section is particularly interesting because I've seen many social media outlets use some implementation of these suggestions.
    – eddyjs
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 1:25
  • 5
    "Do most programmers start their careers with significant use and taper off as they become more experienced? Do users transition to answering more questions as they gain experience? " I think Stack Overflow is still young enough that most programmers started their careers without Stack Overflow at all. Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 17:42
  • Most of the women developers I know have never even bothered to create a stack account. The handful that do have accounts participate minimally. Given the context and wording of your question, not sure how you'd handle ghosts, if they're even relevant. If it is, there's also that closed-circuit mentoring network that is likewise not represented in these numbers. But I digress. Commented Sep 6, 2015 at 9:14

2 Answers 2


Interesting question! Here's a small start, open to critiques as I feel I'm bound to've made some kind of reasoning mistake...

First things first, this is what my hacking around initially results in:

SO Transitions (click img for "high fidelity" / meta-proof version by @jeeped)

Note that -since the question is mainly about transitions- only the arrow widths are meaningful. The size of circles obviously isn't, as there are different number of users in each group.

My initial thoughts here was: "Askers will be askers, answerers will be answerers.".

Here's the terms I've used:

  • Answerer is a user that has answered more questions than (s)he's asked in a certain period;
  • Asker is a user that has asked more questions than (s)he's answered in a certain period;
  • Undecided is a user that has asked exactly the same number of times as (s)he's answered;

In addition:

  • MidPoint is the moment exactly between "now" and account creation date;
  • Part1 is the period between creation date and the MidPoint;
  • Part2 is the period between MidPoint and now;

Also, for now, let's look only at the more "interesting" accounts (>101 rep total). Though (over?)simplified, this should get us started.

The data.se query I hacked together for this (suggestions welcome!) gives the following pivot table:

Part1       Part2Asker   Part2Answerer   Part2Undecided      SUM
----------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  |  --------
Asker       72837        23149           40315            |  136301
Answerer    28340        112078          74333            |  214751
Undecided   4724         12132           5215             |  22071
----------  -----------  --------------  ---------------    --------
SUM         105901       147359          119863

So, to get to your question:

Do users transition to answering more questions as they gain experience?

My preliminary query doesn't show big transitions between Asker and Answerer, but does show that you'd have to look further into the Undecided category to know what's really going on.

  • I'm not sure how heavy the query is pushing the sede server but you could see if instead of reputation>101 remove the users that should have been deleted already as shown in the last query in my answer here
    – rene
    Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 11:23
  • Thanks for this well thought-out answer Jeroen! This is a great starting point and it kind of confirms what I thought. Thanks for putting in the effort :)
    – eddyjs
    Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 15:18
  • 11
    Here's a very speculative interpretation of the data: first of all, whether you ask more or answer more depends not on your SO experience but on your knowledge and experience in general. This sounds fairly reasonable. Secondly, asking a lot of questions on SO isn't going to make you more knowledgeable. Why? Because underlying it is often an inability (or a lack of motivation) to figure things out for yourself. It would be interesting to correlate this data with age, maybe those who do cross the line from asker to answerer are going through the transition from teenagers to adults.
    – biziclop
    Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 21:13
  • 59
    That is just way too nice a graphic for meta. It should be closer to this.
    – user4039065
    Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 23:14
  • 5
    lol @Jeeped. Anyway, yea, I agree that it's fairly speculative... but I'm not so sure that asking more or answering more depends on knowledge and experience in general. I think people with more knowledge and experience are more likely to answer questions than those who are not, but at the same time, I think personality affects this as well. Some who are quite knowledgeable may not be inclined to answer questions they are well capable of answering, and those who aren't knowledgeable may try to answer whatever they can even if they aren't as qualified to.
    – eddyjs
    Commented Aug 2, 2015 at 23:41
  • 11
    @Jeeped Agreed. I've included your high-fidelity meta-proof version in the onclick of the image.
    – Jeroen
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 5:24
  • 1
    Now to post @Jeeped's diagram to CodeGolf "write a program that can analyze this image, create a representative Markov chain, and predict the probability of a given sequence of states." Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 16:14
  • 1
    If anyone else was curious the big bump on undecideds in the second half is people with no activity. data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/342817
    – Sign
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 17:47
  • @Sign Aye, it dawned only hours later on me that it might've been useful to split that group into "Undecided" and "Inactive".
    – Jeroen
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 18:26
  • @jeeped that made my day. ok .. midday. Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 19:13
  • Very nice, Askers remain Askers, Answerers remain Answers, but those who start undecided can become Answerers, but not Askers. Makes sense.
    – GolezTrol
    Commented Aug 3, 2015 at 21:44
  • 1
    I think "Undecided" is a bit misleading. If you ask 100 questions and answer 99, this division puts you in the "Asker" category. To me, that's the sign of someone who is pretty balanced between posting types. I'm not sure how to fix that or whether it would change your conclusion, however. Commented Aug 4, 2015 at 23:47
  • @JonEricson You're very right, had crossed my mind. What kind of Q/A ratio do you think is a reasonable boundry (for a simple analysis, that is)? Shall I re-run it with say 0.67 - 1.33 as "Undecided"? Re-running it is also a chance to filter out the "zero-zero" posters see if that matters...
    – Jeroen
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 5:30

My experience is that I started as a Asker, transitioned to an Answerer as it was the only way I had to show up my coding skills, and then settled to be asker/answerer in small bits.
Stackoverflow really helped me to transition to a remote job. After i got my first remote job, experience became more important than Stackoverflow reputation.
And i really wanted to be in the top 100 for a month and unlock everything. Probably if there was something to unlock at 50.000 I would have gone up to 50.000 probably :D
I still try to mantain my answers up do date, expecially the accepted one.

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