Before I start, I'll say that I both wrote the accepted answer of the duplicate target and engaged in the "too broad" discussion in the comments. I didn't vote for closing or re-opening.
I agree that the older question does not clearly prompt the same answer coverage as this new one. I would not have voted to close as a duplicate, although I may well have pointed to this question in a comment to avoid repetition.
That said, the revision at the time does make it very tempting for this closing. You start by asking much the same question. In one question we have
In which situation would we use the first version?
and in the other
What are the practical differences [between the two]?
If we know what the differences are, that's informing our choice of when to use one form rather than the other. I didn't think it appropriate, for the level of the person asking, to cover what became your subsidiary questions. After all, "is the second version even an allocatable array?" suggests a very low level of understanding where the points would be far too arcane.
Coming to your complaints about how my first answer wasn't of interest to you. I can understand that. However, let's look at the bit you say you don't care about. A simpler example question is:
What is the difference between these two arrays
integer :: a(5)
integer, allocatable :: b(:)
except for the fact that one is an allocatable array and one is of fixed size?
At the level of the Fortran language there really is nothing to say there. Indeed, the only thing of interest is that one may be dynamically changed.
You have a number of questions:
- Do they draw on different memory stacks?
- Is one faster than the other?
These are totally outside the scope of the Fortran language. While it's implementation detail and there may be some overlap between very common systems/compilers there cannot be a universal answer. Certainly for this second question.
- Does it make a difference if the arrays need to be passed onto another subroutine?
- Does it depend on how the variable is used, in a predictable way?
Any difference comes from their declarations: one being allocatable the other not.
- Is there a best practice associated with choosing which case to use?
When one is better than the other will be subjective except for the situations when only one can be chosen.
- Do the subroutines have different "interfacing requirements" ?
This is an interesting question, but again any answer really comes down to the fact that one is allocatable, and in many situations there would be no difference.
To summarize, many of your sub-questions are too broad or subjective as they depend on other use cases or just aren't defined by the Fortran language. The part of the duplicate question you wish to ignore is such a significant component that it doesn't make sense to consider the question without it - except in ways which are implementation-specific (too broad). Even if the duplicate were wrong, the question as a whole is still off-topic as too broad.