In this question, I'm the first to post the answer but the oldest tab displays only the accepted answer at first. I don't know why?
My timestamp is 4:44:15
Blorgbeard's is 4:44:25
So shouldn't my answer appear first when sorting by oldest?
In this question, I'm the first to post the answer but the oldest tab displays only the accepted answer at first. I don't know why?
My timestamp is 4:44:15
Blorgbeard's is 4:44:25
So shouldn't my answer appear first when sorting by oldest?
According to here this is status-bydesign .
ChrisF states:
The accepted answer floats to the top (except when it's the OP's own answer) because it's the most important answer regardless of sort order. It floats to the top when sorting by votes even if there are other higher voted answers.
Also, your question is a dup of this meta.SE question that was marked status-bydesign.
So it doesn't appear to matter which sort order you choose for answers, the accepted answer will always appear first unless it is the questioners own answer.