I've read through a couple posts on CVs and flags, but couldn't find quite what I'm looking for.
Shog already detailed how the CV Queue is sorta sorted already, in that questions in the queue with more votes either way will appear more frequently, and preference is also given to recently-queued items.
When a question is initially flagged by a user who can't yet Vote-To-Close, that counts as a CV in that it sends the question to the CV Queue.
My question is whether additional closure flags will count as "more votes" or even as a "recent queuing" for questions that are already flagged, thus giving them a higher priority for being shown in the CV Queue.
E.g. a 1,500 rep user flags for closure > Question sent to CV Queue > A second 1,500 rep user flags for closure. Does the question in the queue now consider itself to have two flags/votes or just one?