Stack Overflow is my main web environment. Of course I've got several social media accounts, but if you want to know me professionally, Stack Overflow is the place, even more than LinkedIn. I don't have a blog page. But in fact, I do blog. Some of my SO answers have grown into blogs. I return to them frequently to keep them up-to-date, and I refer to them in other answers or duplicates.
However, I can't refer other people to my blog portfolio. Of course, this is entirely my fault, but still here's my question. What do you think of an option to mark your own answers as "blog", so they are easily accessible from your profile page? Maybe as an extra tab "Blogs" besides "All/ Questions/Answers"?
Another reason why I'd really like this is that when I see a great answer I'm curious to the user's other answers. But often there are so many of them... I'd love her/him to make a selection for me.