What do the guidelines say about asking to translate pseudo-code into a given language? Is it against the guide lines? If it is or if it isn't, should it be, or should it not be? (I can think of good arguments either way). And in the case which it is not acceptable, what should be done?
So I was reviewing the following question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31098125/how-can-i-write-this-codeimage-processing-in-matlab which basically asks for translating pseudo-code into Matlab code.
Is this currently an acceptable question? Should it be an acceptable question? I mean, after all, it is a programming question. And it is a very clearly defined question. But on the other hand it seems like the asker didn't put much effort into trying to figure it out for themselves first.
And in any case, what should be the proper course of action for such a case?