In all the places I've ever worked, Stack Overflow is frequently used by practically every developer there, and they have a positive experience in which they quickly find a good answer to the problem they're facing.

Yet, I am the only person I personally know who even has an account.

That's right, none of the developers I've worked with (about 100) has ever bothered to even sign up.

Why is that? Why do so many people not consider signing up, let alone contributing?

I suppose I'm wondering why people don't get a little rep (15) to be able to upvote to give a stronger indicator of which answer works plus as a thanks to the posters - to "give back" to the site.

What are we doing wrong, or not doing? Or is this just "the way people are"?

Do other people find the same level of apathy amongst your co-workers?

  • 8
    @Servy I suppose I'm asking "why don't they sign up to get enough rep (15) to be able to thank posters by upvoting". Plus, "how about a few answers too now and again to 'put back' what you get".
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:43
  • 24
    @BSMP Presumably he asked them if they had accounts, and they said no.
    – Servy
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:50
  • 14
    @Servy - Yes, but that doesn't mean they were being honest. If I had an account on a site I wished to remain anonymous on, I wouldn't tell the people I know in real life that I have an account there. That defeats the purpose of being anonymous.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:52
  • 10
    @BSMP Most people using pseudonyms online are doing so so that people that they interact with online and don't know in real life won't know who they are, not so that people they know in real life won't know who they are online. There are exceptions, but the latter is far less common than the former.
    – Servy
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:55
  • 16
    @BSMP I look at their screens when they use SO and they are not logged on. I also ask them, and they say they haven't got accounts. I think that pretty much covers it.
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 17:01
  • 23
    Because they're no-good, dirty rotten takers who care for nothing except for their own hides. Well? You asked me to look into their souls and tell you about all the black stuff inside. Then again, I might have absolutely no idea why 100 different individuals have not signed up for a website they use occasionally.
    – user1228
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 17:07
  • 46
    I can personally say that I know someone who's convinced the only questions they'll ever have are ones that'd be off-topic for the site. I asked them for examples and all of them were either recommendation questions or too broad. And they're not confident enough of their abilities that they believe they'd be able to answer anything but trivial questions.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 17:16
  • 6
    ... The no-good, dirty rotten takers!
    – user1228
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 17:24
  • 226
    Do you contribute to Wikipedia?
    – TaW
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:11
  • 14
    I asked some of my co-workers the same question a while ago (none of them have accounts), and their reply was simply that they'd never needed to ask a question. Heck, the only reason I have an account is because I had some spare time two years ago and felt like answering some questions.
    – Dave
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:39
  • 26
    @Taw Yes. Although most contributions I've made were reversed (no matter how accurate they were), including reversing the post of a rare photo of someone whose wiki page didn't have a photo at all because although the photo was mine and I said so, I didn't give the correct licence to it, so it was removed. Rather than fix the problem, their moderator was an anal-retentive a@@h@@@, so I don't bother contributing any more.
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:54
  • 6
    @Dave I signed up because I found a solution to a problem that didn't have a question and wanted to publish both. I was cut down because I didn't post them separately (posted answer in the question). I still carry a small scar over that rebuke.
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:58
  • 13
    That's strange, all the developers at my job have an account. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 1:06
  • 8
    I created my account here when I was still in college not to ask a question but to upvote an answer to a problem that is been bugging me for two weeks.... And after that, I show simple courtesy of upvoting every solutions that also helped me.
    – Gideon
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 1:22
  • 21
    The guy who sits next to me at work is extremely bright, I can see him rake up 200 rep points a day easily. I see him use stackoverflow very often, so I bug him: "Why don't you register and contribute?". His answer is along the lines of "I don't want to get addicted", he is being half joking, but there is some truth to it.
    – Akavall
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:26

24 Answers 24


Why do so many people not consider signing up, let alone contributing?

Because most of them never need to. They have no reason to sign up. They can find the answers to the problems that they have by searching through questions already asked, and never need to ask new ones.

What are we doing wrong, or not doing?

We're not doing anything wrong. We're doing something very right. We're creating so much useful and accessible content that most developers never need to create an account to ask questions, they can find everything they need to know by searching through the existing knowledge base.

What are we doing or not doing, that results in people not creating new accounts, we're doing everything possible to make sure that the useful content that is created when a question asked becomes available and easily accessible to everyone else in the entire world, instead of forcing (or encouraging) every single person that has the same problem to ask a new question.

  • 35
    Hmmm... ya got me there. Your logic is spot on.
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:48
  • 4
    The reason I DID join was that so many of my questions were answered here (Thank you Google), that when I couldn't find an answer anywhere else, this seemed the best place to ask. I think Servy has the right answer. If/when those other developers run into a question and can't find an existing answer, they'll know where to turn to ask.
    – TecBrat
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 21:41
  • 3
    I only joined because I needed to ask a question, other than that SO has all the answers I need and even if I want to try to give back I don't have the time or ability to get 15 rep from just looking up answers to question (besides maybe edits, but that's a lot of time for some)
    – DeadChex
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:34
  • 27
    I actually didn’t sign up for a looong time but frequently got to this site via Google when I needed to solve some of my own problems and I still do. But at some point I did sign up, not because I needed to ask a question, but because at some point I realized that I got to this same “StackOverflow” site so often and I wondered what else this site had to offer, e. g. what this “Questions” link up there was for. Then I discovered that StackOverflow was a huge community and I discovered that I could also contribute. So basically, I signed up for answering questions. Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:46
  • 3
    This answer is really spot on. When SO was first available, I was on my Computer Science course, usually having trouble with coding. At that time, I googled the error, and SO came in the result. Without knowing what SO was actually about, I just browsed and tried the code from the answers. Problem fixed, move on.. Long story short, I graduated, and after learning many things from here and there, I felt I could answer some of the questions just for fun (I still didn't really think about "contributing" seriously). Thankfully, the first answer was received well, and I started to contribute more.
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 1:02
  • 2
    This is spot on. I was "one of those" users for years, getting answers to questions that had already been asked, no need to have a registered account (or so I thought at the time). I only recently decided to sign up and start giving back to the community, and I'm glad I did! Now I can thank other users with an upvote when one of their answers helps me, and I can also help out with the massive task of cleaning up the bad content so that the good content is more visible. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 4:50
  • 2
    While I agree with everything else, I don't with "Because most of them never need to". If I find a good answer, I make it a point to log in and upvote, possibly comment, so that somebody else can find the answer as well. need should not be limited to being selfish, solving your problem, and not contributing.
    – xyz
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 7:58
  • 10
    This is a Nice answer, but it assumes contributing to the site can only be done by asking. Contributing is also up and down voting and answering. I know lots of developers who don't to even up vote a great answer that just saved them a full day of work. What about that? Are these people just selfish? Don't they see the impact SO made on their (I dare to say) career and skill?
    – Rolf ツ
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 10:41
  • 5
    Also it's very hard to jump in and contribute good content, especially in question form. There's a significant learning curve (you can't ask broad/opinionated/suggestion questions, you have to put all your code in the question itself, you have to use the right tags, you have to ask a question that hasn't been asked here before, etc.).
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 13:46
  • 2
    @Servy I disagree at some level. I asked one question in all these years where i actually need help and received only one answer. I am sure there are plenty capable and experienced developers with an answer but hasn't signed up yet and would never answer my question. Even if they stumble upon my ques, they won't bother to sign up just to answer my question. So i am not getting enough feedback and they are not signing up.
    – Priyank
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 13:50
  • 2
    Servy, nice answer and agreed to your point but that doesn't stop someone to signup and start answering/offering help to others. If that's so; then whatever we have made will be at loss; I mean if people start thinking like that and very less people starts contributing then over a time no more good answer to the question would be found here. Is this what it should be??? From your answer, I see that's what you are referring.
    – Rahul
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 13:54
  • 2
    To all of the comments above related to answering, the meta question seemed to be referring to why people aren't creating accounts to ask questions, it wasn't asking about people creating accounts to answer, so I considered that out of scope . SO does do a lot of things to encourage those people who are interested in answering questions online for free to want to come here, but that's really a whole different question, so I didn't go into it here. It's also worth remembering that it only needs to make up a very small percent of SO's user base; most people don't need to be answerers.
    – Servy
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 14:01
  • 2
    To your point "We're creating so much useful and accessible content that most developers never need to create an account to ask questions, they can find everything they need to know by searching through the existing knowledge base." - You are talking about questions properly answered and I am talking about questions which are not. Both are accessible content, mine is just not useful and you can't create duplicate either.
    – Priyank
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 16:30
  • 3
    Exactly. Let's not be another Quora and "require" people to sign up to view answers. (Quoted, because some ad-blocks remove the sign-in overlay.)
    – user3373470
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 19:01
  • 1
    @shevy Voting is one of the most important systems of the site. It's how people are able to provide feedback on the quality of posts, something so many other sites lack, and the quality of the content suffers greatly. That you would rather just not know when you're providing unhelpful content might make you feel better, but it would make the site worse.
    – Servy
    Commented Sep 17, 2018 at 13:33

Signing up for an account and then contributing also means you need to put yourself out there, and risk saying something stupid/wrong - or asking a dumb question and ending up on the programming humor subreddit ;)

Most people I know are pretty scared of being publicly embarrassed or one-upped. @Servy is right that because Stack Overflow works so well at giving great answers to most users, there's little reward to compensate people for the social risk of exposure/humiliation that inherently accompanies contributions.

  • 10
    Although you can be quite anonymous on SO. You can even change your display name and effectively change your identity if you wish!
    – MrWhite
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:09
  • 1
    That's true. In that case the apathy explanation does make more sense.
    – Katie
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 22:16
  • 15
    Notwithstanding the potential for anonymity, in psychological terms it's still pretty easy to feel exposed to the potential of ridicule, especially as a new user. I suspect most high-rep users forget what it was like to answer their first question, and breathe a sigh of relief when an upvote came in :-).
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 7:51
  • 3
    While I understand your concerns I would like to point out that these risks are attributable to virtually any public activity. At the beginning downvotes are usually taken quite personal, after a while you understand that this is a part of the game. And it's a game indeed. You race to give a correct answer first. So people come here to get an answer and then become entangled into reputation race. In my case, rep stopped matter after 3K threshold. Now, sometimes, I rather leave a comment with a hint then go for a full-blown answer.
    – PM 77-1
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:45
  • @katie - Also your "see our work" button on the dune8 page doesnt work: dune8.com/#see-work it redirects you to the current page! It should be going to dune8.com/#our-work not see-work. This is quite embarrassing I should place it on reddit :-p
    – JonH
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:36
  • @JonH yikes - really embarrassing. I deserve to be on that reddit now ;) Appreciate the note!
    – Katie
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 19:51
  • 2
    @JonH: Ah, reddit. Where dignity goes to die.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 5:33
  • 4
    Being scared to contribute by asking questions (for whatever reason) is a real thing. I have over 30k in rep but I know at least twice I had a question to ask that I felt really shameful for not knowing (& didn't want to taint my rep)... and so I created anonymous accounts to ask a question.
    – scunliffe
    Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 11:14
  • 3
    @halfer That's how it was for me, when I put something out there, I feel like it's a representation of some part of me because I thought it up and crafted the question and answer. Even if I have no idea who these people are and their comments have no tangible effect on me in any way possible, it still affects me to see that product of my mind ridiculed. Even though I just walk it off and move forward because of my upbeat personality, I can understand why to a lot of people that would be a deterrent to contribute.
    – Davy M
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 2:57
  • I recently reflected on how negative feedback to my answers on SO, along with other participation and positive feedback, has helped me as a developer. Getting downvoted stings. So does being told you're wrong. But it's worth it. SO participation has helped me to grow and learn. Commented May 6, 2019 at 17:49

I wouldn't call it apathy, necessarily.

It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime, so where's the motivation? And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now...

Oops... Sorry. Got carried away there.

Anyway, here's how it breaks down...

The vast majority of people visiting Stack Overflow are there to find an answer to their problem. This might actually account for 90 to 99 percent of all traffic. Of the remaining traffic (in progressively smaller percentages):

  1. Some will ask a question without reading the Help Center, conclude we're just a bunch of grouchy in-types, and leave.

  2. Some will ask a good question.

  3. Some will contribute answers.

Those who contribute answers have both expert knowledge and the desire to contribute. There's a sweet spot between not knowing enough to contribute and being an expert in the field who is presumably too busy (or otherwise unmotivated) to contribute. The percentage of such people in that sweet spot is quite small, and the percentage of such people who contribute substantially is disproportionately smaller than that.

If you look at the user accounts on Stack Overflow (half of them are rep 1), you should find that the level of participation at your workplace pretty much follows the same pattern (you might find one person in a workplace of 100 that is an active participant), for the same reasons that not everyone is a plumber or electrician, and not every plumber and electrician has a blog.

  • 1
    You mention the sweet spot between novice and expert. I think another limitation of too much expertise is that the questions and opinions an expert has on a topic will be too highly specific to be useful to most people. This makes the tool good for learning a technology, but not necessarily discussing it. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:34
  • 1
    @Elisa James Lu signed up just 25 days ago. It looks to me like he's doing well for himself!
    – Kevin
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:22
  • 2
    @ 1. but you are a bunch of grouchy in-types. Even if you read the help section and every post that was ever written about wrting good questions. You still can end up with your questions beeing heavily downvoted/closed without any feedback or any feedback that makes sense. First few questions I asked were closed with quotes from the help section, the same lines that I read and thought, "ok my question seems to be ontopic". The help section is often horribly ambigous and every sentence can mean 2 different things depending in who reads it. SO is very greedy when it comes to feedback. Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 13:23
  • 3
    SO can be compared in hostility to 4chan. And on 4chan users don't have the power to close questions or ban other users, so in some sense, SO is even more hostile. On 4chan people can only insult you, on SO people can close your questions and get you banned without even having to talk to you. Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 13:26
  • 2
    @HopefullyHelpful: It's not that hard to figure out what Stack Overflow is about and participate in a way that fulfills that. People who do that seldom have any trouble with the in-types. Commented Sep 12, 2015 at 19:35
  • 2
    The more I contribute, the more I feel that SO is in fact made up of a bunch of grouchy in-types that actively discourage new contributors. Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 21:58
  • In my experience, SO does in fact seem like a den of extremely grouchy in-types to new contributors, perhaps even more than Wikipedia at times. I've seen a number of new, perfectly legitimate and focused questions by new users be closed as duplicate by someone who clearly didn't read or understand the question, referencing other questions which were different. By contrast downvotes/upvotes always seemed fair. The fact that they require a mass of people to agree rather than one authority figure who already has shown a propensity for the game-ified aspect of SO.
    – Kafein
    Commented May 29, 2020 at 14:34

I'm going to take the opposite stance of Servy's answer here. It reflects conversations I've had with close colleagues and coworkers when I bring up Stack Overflow.

Why do so many people not consider signing up, let alone contributing?

Most people don't consider signing up because they're terrified to. They have no willpower to sign up; although their question is not answered or they don't know of any other place to find an answer to their question, they are absolutely terrified of falling foul of the community. They've seen what happens to those poor, misguided souls that do dare to ask a question here that isn't up to snuff.

As sad as it was, a friend of mine remarked that Stack Overflow has done a job of teaching developers not to ask questions on it. This may be due to the sheer volume of questions previously answered, or the tendency of the community to react as if someone put pineapple and sauerkraut on their pizza if a similar question is asked.

They've got a point, though; a lot of developers that I know who have good questions are just really afraid of breaking any unforeseen taboo or violating any policy that may be present when others are monitoring the site. I've had a few people swear off the site because of the needless wave of, "What have you tried", or the senseless negativity because they didn't understand the predicament they were actually in.

Those were the people trying to get help, and they thought that struggling through their problem would be better than asking.

I hope to see some more of my friends and coworkers contribute to the site, but their fears are that what they know isn't applicable to the site as a whole, or is too archaic. I have a friend that has worked exclusively with Perl and FORTRAN for quite some time, and he's afraid that if he were to contribute here, his contributions wouldn't be valued so highly. I'm working with them on that; it's likely a confidence/typing/eloquence issue more than a community one, but I hope they can contribute here some day.

I'll throw in my perspective. I'm not keen on asking a question here myself. Call me jaded, but it's either been asked here before, or I haven't expressed myself eloquently enough to get an answer or any acknowledgment of why I might be confused. This is why I ask so few questions; I know how some of those may be received.

What are we doing wrong, or not doing?

I can't really answer that. Rather, I'm not sure if I should be answering that, since it's a problem that's a lot deeper than a few twiddles of a knob can address.

It boils down to molding a contributor into something ideal. The problem is, I'd say, no one has really defined what that ideal contributor is yet. Is it someone that does their research? Yes, absolutely. Is it someone that expressed themselves clearly? Sure. Are both of those things still subjective enough? Yes, since "research" and "clarity" are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and not by the same people all the time. Some are more lenient, and other are more strict. No one has a good barometer for this.

A lot of my stance when helping these guys out has been to look at things carefully and objectively, and not to make the same mistakes as people who I often downvote/close. This has helped, but I'm not confident that the community is tolerant of a few mistakes. This can sap a new user's confidence straight away; if they're going to be penalized for a few mistakes, why would they bother if they can keep hitting Google for other resources?

  • 9
    Should new members be given a (high rep) "coach" for a week, who they can chat with and who can help draft their questions/answers? Like when you get an older kid assigned as your "bug buddy" (or whatever they call it) when they start school.
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 23:02
  • 2
    I like the idea, and I've been filling that role with the close group of friends/coworkers I have whenever they want to post here. The problem with it in general is that it assumes that the high-rep person and the user both have the time to meet up, and that the high-rep user has the area of expertise that the user is looking to get guidance in. Notwithstanding that a high-rep user can easily point out common SO pitfalls, if the user is looking for help in something very complex, tricky or esoteric, it's tough to say that "Jon Skeet" would be the best candidate to help them out.
    – Makoto
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 23:06
  • 1
    That's not to say that it wouldn't be helpful, though. Someone giving a question a once-over to be sure that it could be objectively answered would help.
    – Makoto
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 23:06
  • 7
    "they are absolutely terrified of falling fowl of the community" Falling fowl? You mean they're chicken? :) Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 1:03
  • 5
    I find this answer much better than the accepted one. It's probably not the end all, be all of the whole issue, but it addresses a real problem we have on this site: the constant tension between pushing users for high quality content and responding to low quality too harshly. @Bohemian Wasn't that what the whole dead idea of Stack Overflow Academy was?
    – jpmc26
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 1:38
  • 1
    // , Unfortunately, there is a downside to making knowledge into a competition. Certain hierarchies based on positive feedback loops get set up of the sort that make the technical field so annoying in general. There is a place for Quiz Bowl, and there is a place for actually helping people. They are supposed to be separate places. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 2:30
  • 1
    // , A stack exchange, or any forum, really, that falls prey to this sort of dynamic may become another of the many parts of our culture of an audience of many and performance of the few. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 2:55
  • 11
    @jpmc26 this is my 2nd favorite answer. The accepted one does answer the question (ie there is no problem - it's an expected outcome if the site is working well). However, this answer best answers what drove me to ask the question - ie my suspicion that we are neither "welcoming" to, nor tolerant of innocent blunders made by, new users. I suspect it's exacerbated by the sheer volume of flags (2K+ per day) in the SO flag queue that leads to an Attila the Hun "non-nonsense" approach to out-of-line posts (just kill the post and move on to the next flag), which wounds many a new OP
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 4:30
  • 2
    I have anecdotal experience of a good programmer who believes that the Stack Overflow community is fierce and arrogant. I think he's wrong, and that he should give it another go, but since it is the reason why he's not signed up and contributing, I guess we should listen to stories of this kind. I still think the atmosphere (in the tags I frequent) is mostly fine, and pushing for good quality content is a laudable aim. Maybe the mentoring/pairing thing would help here?
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 7:49
  • 1
    @KevinB you're right about not enough high reppers. This query (that I just wrote) shows just how the numbers thin out as rep climbs
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:13
  • 6
    Yup, this answer is consistent with what I've observed in real life. They're terrified of being pounced on and shamed in public. And I've also heard "SO's arrogant and petty." I have to admit, when I see the 100th meta question asking something like "should we punish users for (insert innocent action)?" and then it gets 198 upvotes from keen Overflowers, smugly pointing out that SO is the highest quality resource on the internet - I just groan to myself. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:08
  • 1
    @BlasSoriano I assume the reason Bohemian accepted the other answer to the question because it actually answers the question. It is frequently the case when intended question and actual question as written don't end up being the same - most people will simply say "these #### can't even understand simple question I wanted to ask" and downvote everything, some actually accept the fact that question turned out to be different from the goal and accept/ask new question. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:47
  • 6
    I agree more with this answer than the accepted. Personally, I was nervous about setting up a StackOverflow account despite having used other code sites before and working in the industry for a while. For other students, including Graduate level, the fear of reprisal because they just don't know has been given as why they don't sign up. I will say that a few of them who signed up have found SO to not be "so scary" due to Chat - where active members (of all levels) really seem to act as "mentors" who guide and help (according to them/also what I've seen). Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:48
  • 1
    I get the same sort of feedback from some of my friends. Being mostly an answerer myself, I find that most of the things with which I could get some help are in areas I know less, typically for which I'm unsure about the terminology. I often end up finding better places to get answers to my question (e.g. project forums, which are typically a bit less judgemental or often know much better about how their own project works anyway). I would also once in a while have questions that are at the fringe of development and sysadmin (e.g. is what I'm doing making any sense in terms of deployment).
    – Bruno
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 19:14
  • 3
    Building on some of the comments here... what if we had a review queue for first-timers that permitted private feedback before a question went live? No formal mentor/mentee pairing, but the opportunity for the new user to receive help wrt community standards for questions without the public shaming?
    – Mogsdad
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 22:32

I have the same experience (only account around me), and for a long time didn't have an account myself.

The problem? There was no value to having an account. I suspect this is the primary issue for most people, and worst of all, it affects the very users we want to attract the most. To start with, there were two reasons I made my account:

  1. I had a question.
  2. I wanted to comment on other peoples questions (partially because I didn't "get" the whole system yet).

This affects us getting valuable users (the "experts") because they are really good at research, and so don't ever need to ask a question. We are victims of our own success here, we are so good at curating knowledge that they can find it! Which was the point, but it makes an account far less valuable.

As to the second motivation, you have to want to participate in the site for it to be a motivating factor. Most don't, they just want their answers (again, this is disproportionately true for expert users).

Can we fix it? I don't see any way to under the current system.

  • 8
    It would be interesting to see some data on whether reasonably high rep accounts (maybe 1000+? 500+?) first posted a question or an answer. I know for my case, I actually happened across a question I felt I could post an answer of value first, and it would be interesting to know which case is more common.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 0:55
  • 1
    @jpmc26 No overall statistic of course, but I remember opening an account and answering questions because I wanted to ask a question and have a feel of what it was like to be on the other side before doing so. That said, my first question was not great at all.
    – Bruno
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 19:19

There's a stigma surrounding 'signing up' for something, mostly due to how horribly nuts other sites unnecessarily complicate the process. I seldom sign up for things these days even when I stand to gain something by doing so, because the site fails to convince me that I won't lose anything like:

  • My privacy
  • My time, in figuring out how to unsubscribe from the dozen junk emails they're just waiting to send me

Even now that I've grown quite fond of just using Google or Twitter to register, the process of figuring out what I'm actually allowing something I just met to do with those services is usually sufficient for me to pass on registration.

People don't know we're not evil because all the evil sites run around saying (wait for it) .. WE'RE NOT EVIL!

It then becomes a question of:

  • Convince the user that they have nothing to lose
  • Entice the user by showing them what they can gain.

Come, join us, help us accomplish small units of work in order to make life better for every developer in the world does go a long way, but that makes the assumption that everyone has that kind of time. You hit the site, you find your answer, and you go back to furiously fiddling with things in your editor to the tune of that grinding sound of a deadline drowning out everything else.

The way to get more is to do more stuff that encourages long-term orientation starting at the first interaction (which is a page view by someone we don't know). Then you have to figure out how to not be annoying as you do that.

We've got some folks set to tackle that problem, and more when it comes to the experience that new users have in general - that's going to be the only thing they care about for quite a while. I'm really excited about it, because it's a very interesting and difficult problem to chew on.

Well, it's not really a problem in a practical sense, but we feel like we should be doing much better in that area, so that's what we're endeavoring to do.

  • Well, as this query shows, 60% of users never post (have rep 1), so a lot sign up without needing to - that's good. It also shows over 90% have rep < 100 - again good, because a lot signed up without need to post much. You may be able to provide stats of how many unique visitors sign up - I suspect it's of the order of 1%
    – Bohemian Mod
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:05
  • 5
    having 1 rep could also mean they made a post, got downvoted, and decided not to try again, right?
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:18
  • // , Or that they read this bit about stackoverflow's creeping authoritarianism and lack of humor: michael.richter.name/blogs/… Commented Jun 27, 2015 at 20:39

I can't log in at work as my network access to Google login is blocked. I can get Stack Overflow though, so during my workday it's read-only.

Also as a relative newcomer it can be quite difficult to not get a shed ton of negative reputation points for asking a duplicate question or making a simple mistake. There is a high tendency to bite the newcomers as Wikipedia phrases it.

  • 10
    You don't need to use a Google login. You have several to pick from.
    – Mysticial
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:31
  • 2
    My account is linked through Google though, why would I sign up twice?
    – Po-ta-toe
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:32
  • 5
    @CarlSixsmith You don't have to sign up twice. You can actually add multiple login methods to your single account. Just go to your settings on your profile, then to the My Logins option to add a new one. For instance, I have two methods: Yahoo, and the Stack Exchange Open Id
    – Kendra
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:34
  • 2
    @CarlSixsmith You can have multiple logins to the same account. Profile -> Settings -> My Logins -> Add more logins... Perhaps the other login types are not blocked at work? Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:35
  • 13
    @DavidPostill see, this sort of info should be more visible. I've been read only at work for 18 months doh!
    – Po-ta-toe
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:36
  • See what I mean? A -1 for no real reason. Lets drive the the newbies away.
    – Po-ta-toe
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:40
  • 2
    Why do you assume it happens for no real reason?
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:41
  • 2
    Because the person that did it hasn't bothered to admit it. Imagine you're a new person to the site, and all of a sudden you're told your contributions are neither valued nor welcome.
    – Po-ta-toe
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:42
  • 2
    I've been using stack overflow for years on and off. And only recently found out there was a meta site. People are expected to know the etiquette and foibles of the site without it being made clear. This can be intimidating and off putting.
    – Po-ta-toe
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:44
  • 6
    @CarlSixsmith Actually, people are expected to take the tour then read the help center and learn the etiquette of the site through that. Since the help center mentions Meta, they can also come here after reading that and read through posts here to learn more.
    – Kendra
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 16:47
  • 3
    I see a big, orange button that says "Take the Tour" when I go to an SE site I don't have an account on. Do you not see that? Try something like woodworking.stackexchange.com
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 17:12
  • 1
    You're already a member at SciFi. There's a big banner at the top of SE sites where you don't have an account that contains a big button for the tour.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 17:16
  • 1
    @Carl: You've been a member for over 3 years, the tour might not have been thrown in your face in quite the same way, way back then.
    – Ben Voigt
    Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 21:58
  • 4
    meta is for discussion. A downvote doesn't necessarily mean "your contributions are neither valued nor welcome". It primarily means "I disagree." Do with that what you will. Presumably, somewhere, somehow, we're allowed to have discussions where not everyone agrees with your opinion. On SO (not meta) perhaps a downvote is a little closer to "your contributions are neither valued nor welcome", but I would suggest it still means something else: "not useful, unclear, etc.". It's part of a feedback mechanism to improve content, and signal bad content. SO is not a free-for-all. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 0:41
  • 1
    @ChrisJester-Young - I never suggested that SO users should have to go to another site to see the tour.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 13:04

In my opinion, skilled developers don't sign up because they already get a lot of benefit out of Stack Overflow, and they don't think the reward/effort ratio is high enough to contribute.

Rewards are different and better than what lurkers think

Before I was a contributor to Stack Overflow, I thought the rewards would be:

  • Showing off my skills and perhaps getting a job. This never actually happened.

In reality, these are the purely selfish rewards that I got that I did not anticipate:

  • I have posted questions, and I have had them answered. This is by far the biggest benefit, and you need 0 reputation points to begin doing it.
  • Several times, I have used my favourite search engine to look for an answer to a question, only to find that I had already answered it on Stack Overflow. It turns out, making notes in public where Google can search it comes back to reward me in the future. Answering requires 0 reputation points, so you can start investing in this immediately.
  • Similarly, I have come across answers that I have already upvoted. This saves me the trouble of re-reading all the answers if I know which one I found best last time. You only need 200 reputation points before you can upvote questions everywhere, even on Stack Exchange sites other than Stack Overflow.
  • Again similarly, I have come my own comments that turned out to be useful to me later on. Again, you only need 200 reputation points before being able to do this on all sites.
  • My wrong answers get corrected, for free.
  • My mediocre answers get improved, for free.

Basically, Stack Overflow is like my personal list of notes about technology I'm learning, except Google can search these notes, and I have a huge community helping me to improve them.

Effort is not as high as lurkers think

The reputation system makes the bar look a lot higher than it is. In reality, you only need 200 reputation points before unlocking 100% of the useful privileges on all Stack Exchange sites. You don't need to compete with the top 1%.

Here's how to get to 200 rep: just post questions that are selfishly useful, and post answers that are selfishly useful. In a few months, you'll have gathered 20 upvotes, and since you're only posting selfishly, you'll be reaping benefits even before that point. Be pragmatic and don't join the race unless you find it fun.

  • 1
    The last part of your answer is interesting. The 200 rep boundary you point out is effectively the limit between "user-oriented" privileges (vote, leave comments, set bounties, etc.) and the "community-oriented" ones (review, tag, close, delete, etc.). That you deem the first category "useful" but not the second meshes with your "selfishly useful" and "for free" concepts, and leaves the impression you're only here to take, not to give. (These are just my two cents, of course.) Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 14:20
  • 2
    @Flimm - good question! according to the rules on this site, you should know why it's being downvoted, or you should go read the help center to find out. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:44
  • 4
    @FrédéricHamidi - To be fair, Flimm is addressing people with little to no rep and the privileges <= 200 rep are the ones that people complain about not having access to most often.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:49
  • Would we make SO a better place by making the privileges that appear at that 200 point threshold easier to obtain? Or worse? Purely subjective question, I realize. Still, if one was to ask + answer "selfishly useful" questions that survived the community's oversight, would that not be an improvement over non-participation?
    – Mogsdad
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 2:24
  • 1
    @Mogsdad: I don't think we should change the 200 point threshold, rather I think we should explain and advertise posting in SO for its selfish benefits.
    – Flimm
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 8:51
  • @FrédéricHamidi So we don't want users who don't use their moderation privileges? Well, there goes 90% of active users who have them, the selfish takers. The OP was about the threshold between reading SO and participating on it, not participating and moderating. To be honest, I don't care about the latter and don't know what point you were trying to make (if not simply throwing shade). I think the point made here is that, even before one considers altruistic motives, there's a lot to be gained from participating (and this is not well enough known). Teaching is a good way of learning, etc.
    – Frank
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 17:34
  • @Frank, I honestly wonder where you read that in my comment. I was trying to explain a downvote, not deciding who we "want" and who we don't. Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 17:38
  • @FrédéricHamidi Ah, ok. I just see a rambling comment that starts with "interesting" and ends with [paraphrasing] "I reckon you're here to take, not to give" (where giving means using "community-oriented" tools). That conclusion makes no sense to me as a reason to downvote (like "down with takers!"?), but of course no explanation for a downvote is needed.
    – Frank
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 17:46
  • @Frank, I see, so e.g. leaves the impression or my two cents did not soften anything after all. I'll remember that in the future. Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 17:54
  • 1
    @FrédéricHamidi Heh, yeah, for me "leaves the impression" does not. It just makes it look like you're stating your opinion but trying to disassociate yourself from it. Also, reclaiming the opinion as your "two cents" undermined the disassociation a little for me. Finally [editing in], "you're only here to take" looks awfully ad hominem.
    – Frank
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 17:57

Why don't people sign up and contribute?

Short answer:

As Servy said, "Because most of them never need to."

Long answer (check TL;DR at the end):
First we need to find out what people cannot do without registering. We could just see Why should I create an account?, or ask ourselves:

Why people would like to sign up?

  • To ask new questions
  • To give new answers
  • To give thanks for an useful answer (by voting)
  • To add suggestions on answers (by commenting or suggesting edits)

The first two cases could be expected later, when people would like to feel more involved in the community. The last two cases are, in my opinion, more suitable for newcomers at first.

Then we need to find out how easy it is to do those things after signing up:

  • To ask new questions or give new answers, it is needed just to sign in, so 1 reputation point is enough to create posts.
  • To give thanks for an useful answer (by voting), 15 reputation points are needed to vote up
  • To add suggestions on answers an user could:
    • Suggest an edit, 1 reputation is enough in our model, but it requires much more effort to do it well enough to avoid rejections than just a comment.
    • Add a comment, allowed since 50 reputation points to comment everywhere

I know why the system is currently this way. I'm not questioning if it is OK so or if it should be another way.

Now, we should think about this model: if the advantages of the current system compensates the amount of people not signing up, then the answer could be:

Q- Why don't people sign up and contribute?

Otherwise, we could think about the body of your question.

I am the only person I personally know who even has an account. Why is that? Why do so many people not consider signing up, let alone contributing?

Me too. So I asked some people around me (all them working as programmers), and got 13 answers:

1 - I don't bother, my time is precious.
4 - I don't feel myself confident enough to ask/answer in English.
8 - I scare of being ashamed if somebody search and find me with low reputation or even worse if I make a big mistake.

I ask myself: Did I scare to participate even if I was using Stack Overflow for long to get answers?

My answer is: Yes, I love user-content driven sites, but also I refrained to participate due to the possibility of being ashamed by my workmates/friends if I failed to do the right things at the start; the reputation system was the main reason, in the same way as I almost do not use any social network: everything you write (in public) is kept forever (for glory or shame).

That also gives me some clues to answer now your last question:

Q- Do other people find the same level of apathy amongst your co-workers?
A- I find the same level of refraining, but I think it is not apathy.

What are we doing wrong, or not doing? Or is this just "the way people are"? I would add: Could something different be done to encourage more participation?

First, we need to know a bit about how this site is working now, by studying the participation levels. I'm searching for a recent answer in meta with graphics and data on the subject, but I cannot find it now. I'll retry later, but for now this is what I remind: most users keep with 1 reputation forever, and a very low amount of users contributes a lot.

This phenomenon is known as participation inequality, with just very low amount of users accounting for most the action while a very high amount of users never or rarely contribute.

There are a lot of articles about the subject, but I would like to chose an old article by Jacob Nielsen, The 90-9-1 Rule for Participation Inequality in Social Media and Online Communities.

In the last paragraph How to Overcome Participation Inequality, he answer You can't, but I find useful the choice about how you shape the inequality curve's angle.


All this wall of text is a non-sense. The answer to this question is 42. If you prefer a more serious specific answer, chose one of these two answers:

Q- Why don't people sign up and contribute?
A2- The advantages of the current system do not compensate the amount of people not signing up.

  • // , Have you had a chance to read Michael Richter's bit on Stackoverflow's creeping authoritarianism and lack of humor? It's a bit from someone who came to some of the same conclusions about StackOverflow as Makoto had: michael.richter.name/blogs/… Commented Jun 27, 2015 at 20:45
  • 1
    Yes, I've found it interesting, and that's why I linked it. Have you gone directly to the TL;DR part on my answer? :-) Commented Jun 29, 2015 at 6:29
  • // , <.< DON'T JUDGE ME. Commented Jun 29, 2015 at 6:58

I don't think Stack Overflow is doing anything particularly "wrong." Nothing is perfect and I'm sure there are improvements that may foster more participation. However, there are some fundamental points that I think might possibly perchance in some conceivable way be influencing a developer's decision on whether or not to sign-up.

  • Developers are inherently antisocial. I was discussing this with a colleague just the other day. Most developers I know (and I know several hundred) are very picky about who they talk with and socialize with. They like hanging out with friends, but they don't like the idea of communicating with people they don't know. My theory is that it's a conditioned response from having grown up thinking in first-order boolean logic. It makes us hard to relate to for most people. "But that's not what you said," should probably be carved on every developers' headstone from constantly picking apart the ambiguous statements everyone else constantly uses to communicate with.
  • Developers value their time more than McMillon values money. At work, we're pressed for time in a big way. At home, we typically are tinkerers -- always wanting to create some program, robot or death ray. Or we want to challenge our brains with the latest video game. Something, anything, other than signing up to tell people over and over, "Post your code and then tell us what you are really trying to do." It's not that developers don't want to be helpful -- we do. We just don't want to feel like we're wasting our time on morons when we could be doing something far more interesting like solving the world's energy crisis, or helping others forget their worthless existence by making the next Angry Birds.

I realize these are generalizations. But based on my experience, they hold true for most (not all) developers.

  • 1
    // , Often the sort of developers who, as you say, have a life outside of StackOverflow are much better than the humorless authoritarians who want to lecture at "morons": michael.richter.name/blogs/… EXCELLENT ANSWER. Commented Jun 27, 2015 at 20:46

Just an example to confirm Servy's answer. I had used Stack Overflow for a long time just as a reader without an account. Because I used Google as the primary source of information, and soon found that Wikipedia and Stack Overflow both contained high-quality articles, Stack Overflow was being my reference as a Q&A site.

And one day, the proposed solution was not enough for my requirements (was about Dojo Toolkit). After digging in reference material and days of tries, I found a solution that was better for me. As I thought it could be useful for others, I decided to create an account and post it. Then, as I had received a lot of help from Stack Overflow, and as I had an account, I then begun give back help to other Stack Overflow users by answering questions. But without that first post on a detailed problem on Dojo Toolkit, I should not have an account today.


You specifically mention the workplace in your question.

Plus, "how about a few answers too now and again to 'put back' what you get"

I'd like to point out that getting the information that you need to do your job is what you get paid for. On the contrary, helping others with their problems outside the company is not what you get paid for.

If you are planning to spend some time answering questions during work time, you should talk to your boss about it. It's good to be able to justify why you want to spend time on solving other people's problems outside the company during your work time. One solution could be to create an "official" account, associated with the company and write off a certain amount of work hours as support answering questions on Stack Overflow or the Internet in general. I have seen it a few times when people complain about a product in forums and the next post is from an employee from the manufacturer of that product, providing support and contact information to solve the problem. This can have the effect of people thinking more positively about the company, because your support reaches out and tries to solve problems, even if not explicitly asked for. (Of course you could fake this, too.)

If you cannot come up with a reason, your boss might be inclined to ask why you are not using other resources to solve your problem, that do not demand you to "put back" anything.

Personally, I created an account (not this one) for work, but I am only asking questions there and am not answering other questions. I did this because I was under the impression that you have to provide an email address anyway, even as a guest user. I decided to create a regular account, which I can justify as it helps me getting answers to my questions, whereas I could not justify answering other questions.

  • 1
    Do you plan to re-assign your work SO account to your boss when you leave his or her employ? If not, maybe you should just have one account, and limit your leisure usage of Stack Overflow to a reasonable level. (I'd say an account that shows you are willing to help as well as take it gives a better view of you as a user/contributor).
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:10
  • 1
    @halfer no. And I don't think that I should. There is no value in that account, it's like one you have to create to download drivers/documentation/whatever. There is not value in those accounts. They (including the one on SO) are only created to gain or simplify access to stuff that I need at work.
    – null
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:36
  • That's interesting, but I think maybe doesn't answer the broad point I was making. I guess I don't see sufficient justification for operating two accounts, and I do see plenty of justification for operating one: namely that people will see you all a contributing member, and not someone who (inadvertently) appears to be here just for his/her own benefit.
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:01
  • (For clarity, I am not advocating that you should give up one of these accounts. In fact I'd recommend you contact a moderator and ask the accounts to be merged, so as to benefit in the way I describe above).
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:02
  • @halfer I understand your point and even agree. The metric for being good on SO is reputation, not the ratio of questions asked to answers given. Reputation doesn't ask what you've got it for. After all, every answer needs a question. Asking a good question is a way of contributing to this site. My work place does not permit other ways like answering. While my work account is rarely used and has low rep, it is not one of the many 1 rep accounts. My work account acts selfish, but this is not considered to be a bad thing by the community, as it gained reputation for its actions.
    – null
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:16
  • I think it's right to say that the Meta community considers rep as somewhat flawed, though the advantages of gamification probably outweigh the downsides. Even the help docs say that reputation is a rough estimate of how much the community trusts you - it's not perfect. There are other metrics too, like accept rate (sadly no longer displayed in sig cards, but still somewhat visible in profiles) and general comment interaction between OPs and helpers.
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:12
  • It's true the site needs questions as much as it needs answers, but - speaking personally here - I tend to be unimpressed by genuinely selfish accounts, where help is always sought and never given, and answers remain unacknowledged. Your work account might be judged by people to be like that, even though here we agree that's an unfair assessment, since you have another one where you volunteer too.
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:14
  • The core problem here seems to be an excessive authoritarianism at your workplace, where - even in five minutes of downtime - you are explicitly forbidden from answering a question on a Q&A site?
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 18:16
  • @halfer let's call it work ethic =). At work, one is explicitly paid for doing one's job and that means implicitly that one should not do other stuff (online or elsewhere). And there's a mental/psychological aspect to this, too: when there is a downtime, it's there for a reason: one is stuck with a problem and needs to take a step back, take a break from thinking. Just imagine you are at the brink of flipping the table because of some persisting problem and somebody pops in to ask "why info.php is not working" . I can't and don't want to write answerss at work, they wouldn't be good.
    – null
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 19:12

I feel the sign up aspect has been covered in other answers, but let me take a new look at contribute, from my own perspective.

When I first signed up with Stack Overflow, it was for my own needs. I didn't care about helping the site, I cared about the site helping me. For a bit, the site was this cool new thing for me, like many things in my life are.

Then I discovered this site was just one of many- This site was what I needed for work, but there were sites I could enjoy for my personal life as well, such as Arqade. Now my history on Arqade is far different than my history on Stack Overflow.

When I created an account on Arqade, it wasn't to help myself. Indeed, I have asked zero questions over there- When it comes to gaming, I can usually find the answer or figure it out myself simply because I have far more experience in it than in programming. So instead of wanting to help myself, finding this site that focused on something I was interested in and not just something that I (at the time) was only interested in for work really made me rethink the Stack Exchange network as a whole.

Though I'm currently not active on Arqade, due to a lack of time to game and a lack of time, at home, to access the site really, Arqade made me realize how important these sites all were, and how much work we should be doing to help take care of them.

Since then, my focus when I come to Stack Overflow, or, more often, Meta Stack Overflow, has been "What can I do to help improve the site? What can I learn more to keep myself from hindering the site?"

While I don't feel I can really answer many programming questions, I've become decently active on Meta. Through participating here, I'm learning how better to contribute to the site, both to help me and the other users who find things I've done.

How does this answer why people don't contribute? Well, at least for some people, it's because they don't care to. Stack Overflow, to them, is just a means to an end. It's a site to get an answer to that small issue that's holding up their project. To them, the site is not "their community" like it is for some of us here on Meta. They don't see how important this site really is, and for a number of people like this, they likely never will. But for some, when they realize there's more to the network than just Stack Overflow, they may dig deeper and see there's more to Stack Overflow, and Stack Exchange as a whole, then just "Ask question, get answer, don't care about anyone else."

As a side note, one of my coworkers had no interest in the Stack Exchange network, creating an account that is, until I told him about the plethora of other sites with other topics. While he still might not ever create a Stack Overflow account, he may just decide to join up on one of the smaller sites that interests him, so that is always a step in the right direction.


I rarely have a need to ask a question on Stack Overflow because I usually find the question has been asked already, or since I'm a proficient programmer the random hints I find on related questions are more than enough to help me solve my query.

Often however, I have a useful comment on an answer that I'm unable to contribute because I have less than 50 reputation.

So why not answer a few questions to earn that 50 reputation? Well, there is rarely a question I find particularly worth bothering to answer. If it was worth bothering to answer it would probably require a fair bit of research to meet my own personal standards.

But most stuff of the unanswered/new questions I find are "homework" style questions, or very specific one-off questions that probably have little use to anyone else but the original poster. In addition, any attempt to write an answer to these questions I usually find somebody else gets there first, usually someone with a huge reputation score, and probably a lot more time on their hands than me. What's the point?

  • Excellent answer, and probably very close to how it appears to most "lo-rep" contributors. You may want to read How do new users start on SO? - although the consensus appears to be "have patience, Grasshopper". Still: all contributions are appreciated. Most of all, you should not feel intimidated and shy away if a High Rep User answered a question you felt like answering. They just may be wrong, or you may be able to provide a valuable different point of view.
    – Jongware
    Commented Jul 3, 2015 at 23:32

"I'm wondering why people don't get a little rep (15) to be able to upvote to give a stronger indicator of which answer works plus as a thanks to the posters - to "give back" to the site."

Because "get a little rep (15)" actually takes quite a bit of effort. You can't just sign up and upvote - even if you really want to.

I get that there are (probably good) reasons for that. But it also puts a big barrier in the way of contribution. And if you don't have any rep and want to upvote something, there's actually nothing you can do immediately to change that. So not only is there an effort barrier, but investment is required. I need to invest time now, in the hope that in the future that investment will be rewarded to the extent that I can upvote. And I know that when that happens the Q/A I wanted to upvote will likely be long forgotten.

That's quite a lot to ask, when all I want to do is say "thanks" or "nice one". The investment I make in signing up is decoupled from the "reward" I want: the ability to upvote.


I've used Stack Overflow as a non-registered user for three years and a half before signing up and here's why:

  1. At first I didn't even think about it. That's just that simple.

You know, I do a lot of searches, and I don't always sign up on whatever website/forum/board I find the answer I was looking for. What made me sign up to Stack Overflow is that I eventually ended up here 80% of the time (20 are Linux-related questions to which finding the answer is easily done, because it has great official documentation).

  1. I didn't think I was able to contribute (and still feel a little that way).

Let's face it, except if you're super fast or just hitting F5 on newest questions, you can't really answer easy questions because someone already did it five seconds earlier. And not being able to answer easy questions leaves you with unanswered ones (hard ones) and those are the ones I'm afraid I can't really help with.

I'm yet a student, and I don't really have a vast and deep experience on any language (I do have some though -o-) yet and for the much I know, someone here probably has more skills than I do to answer tricky questions. Introducing my third point:

  1. I didn't feel like signing up just to upvote at first.

And when I did, I noticed I had to earn reputation by.... answering questions. I know there's asking too, but 99.9% of the questions I'm asking myself already are answered here (one way or another) and that's precisely why I come to Stack Overflow. Because answers are here.

Just my two cents, hoping it can help you understand one's reasons.


For the past 6-7 years I've been exactly like the people described above. I have used stack overflow, found the answer to hundreds and hundreds of questions, and been a huge fan but I've always just taken the answer and run with it as a guest/lurker.

Why did I finally sign up? I found the answer to such an obscure programming question that had zero votes. I felt obligated to sign in and thank the answer giver with an upvote and possibly a thank you comment so that others would know the answer was valid.

Fastforward several months to now and I have now just enough reputation to make this post. I've been unable to upvote answers to my questions that helped or solved my issue, and I believe the community suffers from it. It might not be a solution to get people to sign up for stack overflow, but I think the community needs to consider a better way to retain the users when they do sign up.

Not being able to vote or comment made me abandon the thought of contributing and not log back in for months - and I'm sure it has made others give up as well. I know my posting risks getting downvotes and losing my chance to contribute as soon as I get it. But, I really have grown to enjoy stack overflow - and think we should encourage new users to stick around (and, employ other means for hunting down trolls and spambots)

  • Thank you for your answer! It's unfortunate that you want to "give back" but need a minimal amount of reputation to vote up or comment, but the reason is clear: without such a basic defense, SO would be a prime target for trolls, spammers, and all other kinds of low-life that derive pleasure from disturbing online communities. The bar has been kept pretty low, but nevertheless: the key is to participate more, not less. Keep asking questions when you need to, and answering when you can, and pretty soon you'll find you have enough of a reputation to move around with confidence.
    – Jongware
    Commented Jan 14, 2017 at 14:25

I won't remark on the general case as I think existing answers cover it fairly well.

To summarize my answer: it's possible some small portion of the 90-99% (lurkers) are unable or not authorized to contribute for one reason or another, including:

  • Technical limitations (such as an old computer with an old browser, where development machines are not connected to the internet)
  • Language limitations (for example, barely able to read English)
  • Policy-based limitations (not allowed to access social media from work)
  • Pedantic/incompetent IT policies, especially those created as knee-jerk responses to every security threat no matter how severe

The organization I work for has a large number of engineers working for them (on the order of 10k+). Historically developers here didn't have access to the Internet, let alone anything as valuable as Stack Exchange sites. As a consequence, most "good practices" (::cough::) came from books written in the 1980/1990s or word-of-mouth, etc.

Not long after Stack Exchange sites became a usable resource for us, a variety of things (including intentional or incompetent network policies) have rendered many websites mostly or entirely useless (for example, only able to browse a given site). It seems that when someone doesn't know how to make stuff work correctly, their solution to making it safe/secure is to render it useless.

I'm trying to change the developer culture within our group (for example, getting people to read books like Code Complete, doing regular training on technical topics, encourage developers to become regular contributors to Stack Exchange sites, etc.), but this is just one of the many stumbling stones we've hit along that path.

Supposing these problems were magically resolved overnight I wouldn't expect an influx of new accounts/contributors from our organization (whether because they expect stuff to be broken, or they're conditioned to lurking). Nevertheless, it's an answer to your question.


People don't sign up because they don't care about maintaining their record. When they have a question that needs to be answered and they can't find the solution with search option they will ask, get an answer and leave till the next time.

It's the same thing as for example if you are looking to identify a song. You might ask 1, 2, 5, or 10 requests for identification in a music forum, but you wouldn't really care how the users there rate you or if thous four questions will be related to an account or not.

Normally people are registered to sites for two main reasons:

  1. They want to.
  2. They are forced to.

It's better that sites will encourage the first type rather than the second type. Sites like Mailinator.com were invented because of the second type. They allow a fast "Register and Forget" method.


Gamification doesn't appeal to everybody.

Some just want the practical benefits that don't need an account.

  • 1
    Being able to ask a question is a practical benefit.
    – Jongware
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 20:17
  • // , One would tend to think that, @Jongware. Commented Jun 29, 2015 at 7:03

Some people don't know how to ask. If they get any issue, they will search through a search engine. They will apply the solution if they got any. If they don't get any solution or are not solving it with the available solution, they will change the problem (will use another method/technique/library). So they won't ask any question.

  • 4
    It's not too clear what point you're trying to convey here...
    – Lix
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 12:24
  • 6
    @Lix - They're just saying that some people would rather change how they're doing something than ask a question about their problem on Stack Overflow because don't feel they're able to ask a good question.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 14:50
  • 3
    This is my point in a nutshell - if a person doesn't know how to articulate their question, they'll keep looking elsewhere for a solution. You do highlight a huge concern in the industry though - cargo cult programming in which someone believes that a perfect solution exists on the Internet and can be placed into their program, which shouldn't be the goal of any site out there.
    – Makoto
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:14
  • // , Plus, many questions are "questions about the question". I'm sure we've all run into problems where we don't even know "where to start". This happens a lot when users do not understand the terminology they're using. Then ANY question is automatically "wrong". Commented Jun 27, 2015 at 20:53

Personally, I find the upvoting / downvoting system to be really frustrating. I signed up, but I've stopped asking questions because my questions would get downvoting with absolutely no commentary as to why. Which is silly and pointless -- it's a system where the "in" crowd can play their little points game, but those on the outside find frustration in guessing what gets a downvote and what doesn't. I even tried emailing the site admins and still got nowhere. So I've given up trying to be a contributor on this site and am happily lurking. In my opinion, if you want more contributors, you need to make the point system more transparent and less subjective. Downvotes should be treated as another way to help someone, not as a method for excluding people who are just trying to contribute.

  • 4
    A downvote isn't a positive thing if the recipient can't figure out why it's happening. Positive means there's feedback, not a big guessing game of what sequence the monkey has to press the buttons in order to get a treat. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 14:59
  • 9
    @devlin, a downvote without explanations is perfectly legitimate if the user can figure out what's happening by reading the help center. We cannot possibly spend all our time copy-pasting the site rules under the questions of new users. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:04
  • 4
    I'm not asking for a babysitter to hand feed me. I have read the help center / FAQs on asking a good question. If a smart person with reasonably good communication skills can't figure out how to ask a "proper" question, I think that's a good indication that the downvoting isn't a positive learning tool. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:10
  • 5
    See things from our side of the fence: a large proportion of users turn up with badly formatted, poorly phrased, unresearched questions. A surprising number of them ask for whole tasks to be done for them, or demonstrate they've not read any of the guidelines at all. Helpers on the main site, who are volunteers, get somewhat tired of the avalanche. Then, when these sorts of questions appear on Meta, we get hostile posts like yours, which dismiss the community as exclusionary cliques who play silly games. We try to remain positive throughout all this, to varying degrees of success.
    – halfer
    Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:17
  • 10
    @devlin, believe it or not, it's pretty tricky to understand exactly what you asked in that question. The fact you had to repeat your first sentence in a comment should strike you as odd and prompt you to put more emphasis on that part. From the rest of your question, it looks like you had trouble dumping the actual objects (you got help in the comments), and don't know how to extract an object value from its key (which can be interpreted as lack of research effort). Oh, and your "finally, an intelligent response" comment under the answer probably did not play in your favor. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:28
  • 1
    I spent years as a volunteer admin on another, similar site, so I understand that sites like this get a bunch of crap questions, and duplicates. But the point system seems to be targeting that group of questions, at the expense of questions that are reasonably formulated and where the author has taken due diligence in trying to find the answer before asking the question. Back when I was still posting questions, I always did it as a last resort after spending a good chunk of time trying to find the answer myself. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:29
  • 1
    @FrédéricHamidi - shouldn't this be a two way street? you said earlier that users should be able to figure out what's happening without having their hands held. Shouldn't the same be true of those who are responding to questions? And, I'd just like to point out that no one here really knows why that question was downvoted. So far, we're guessing that it could be a duplicate, or the first sentence in the question wasn't in bold with a question mark behind it. Next? Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:36
  • 1
    @canon - I'm not saying it's not a possible duplicate. I'm saying I always look for answers to my questions before posting. Sometimes, especially when someone is new to a topic (I was just learning php at that time), they don't know the right key words to use. For me, I didn't know I was trying to get the property of an object. I thought of it as an array of strings... try searching for answers from that perspective? Oh, and to bring things back to my point... the point system is not at all helpful if it takes this to get some feedback. Most users are just going to give up. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:40
  • 3
    @canon - YES! and that's the problem! the system is hinged on the "drive by" voter. It's easy to tag a completely bad question, and rightly so. But there is this whole other arena of potential contributors who are victims of the drive by voter. The system should require the same level of due diligence from the voters as it requires from those asking questions. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:49
  • 1
    actually, the help center does provide a clear explanation for common reasons for downvotes. but that doesn't help people who are legitimately attempting to ask well thought out questions. drive by voters will still mindlessly click the downvote. it's so easy to do! oh, and hey! it looks like i've gained get another downvote on that question! Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 16:01
  • 1
    yeah, i do. it's a reasonable question. and i know i wasn't being lazy in asking it. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 16:32
  • 1
    Make it easy for people, ask a question with a question mark. It's astonishing how many people don't understand that. That said, I don't think it deserved downvotes. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:16
  • 1
    @S List - i have several other examples, with question marks. i'm not going to post them here because, well, the click happy downvoters are just going to keep up their happy downvoting sprees. i'll at least make them go through my profile to find their prey... that should deter a mindless drive-by clicker or two. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 17:23
  • 4
    @devlincarnate - feedback on your SO post: note that you aggressively ignored request for information "exactly what is the correct format according to you" and claim that people never commented... Which did not make question easier to understand and additionally made more people to reconsider usefulness of adding comments when downvoting. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 20:29
  • 2
    @devlincarnate no, first sentence says "array of strings so that I can use it as a dataset for jquery autocomplete" - it implies that it is somewhat special form of array. I think you imply two opposite things about people on SO - they are complete idiots on one hand but on other hand should be able to understand any question exactly as poster wnated to ask... If you'd target your question to just "complete idiots" and provide all details it may be received much better... Explaining problems to other people is hard... Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 21:52

They went and moved my very pertinent to the question comment to "chat." And they did so by gutting the comment and only copying over one part of it, and displaying that out of context. Behavior that reenforces my comment, and reveals that no one on SO/SE is truly interested in addressing any of the issues that are undermining it. LOL and sad.

Just discovered that, after posting my comment on on the original question, someone went and downloaded several of my questions. Just more proof of what I state--Mean and nasty is why people are shying away from creating accounts on SO and SE.

Mean and nasty.

  • 2
    I've just compared the deleted comments to the contents of the chatroom. Nowhing was gutted or partially copied that I can see. That process is entirely automated. And you were not participating in that extensive discussion. Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 7:26
  • 1
    // , Welcome to StackOverflow, home of the developers who don't have anything better to do: michael.richter.name/blogs/… Commented Jun 27, 2015 at 20:47

The behavior of the moderators are the biggest deterrent to those possibly interested in opening an account, and maybe even later contributing.

I know several people that have signed up, asked a question, and then were pounced upon by the moderators. After two or three times of that, they just bail.

I have started seeing blogs and other comments on the Internet lamenting the behavior of the moderators on Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow as well.

A friend of mine started using Stack Overflow as he began to teach himself Python. He made the mistake of responding to the moderators' questions thinking they had his best interest in mind. Boy was he wrong about that. He was more and more targeted each time he asked a question.

Then he tried to contribute by answering a question, and then the very next question he asked was attacked so fiercely it was almost funny. One moderator marked it as a duplicate, even though the supposed original question had nothing to do with my friend's question. Then my friend made the mistake of pointing that fact out. The next time he tried to ask a question, he found a warning that he was "In danger of being banned from asking questions."

He logged out and has never logged back in again.

Just as he had develop enough knowledge, and felt an obligation, to contribute himself, he was prevented from doing so by self-righteous and self-serving moderators. A real shame.

People see the nastiness when using the site, and they discuss it with each other as well, and the result is to turn many away.

  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat. Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 13:02
  • 2
    Moved my very pertinent to the question comment to "Chat." Just reenforcing my comment, and revealing that no one on SO/SE is truly interested in addressing any of the issues that are undermining it.
    – JayJay123
    Commented Jun 25, 2015 at 4:52
  • 1
    // , You dare insult the moderators!!!!!!!! PREPARE FOR CONDEMNATION. Commented Jun 27, 2015 at 20:48

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