I was browsing the Help Center when I came across this page. It gives an example of a message someone would see when question banned:
We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more.
Later in the page I see the detail:
The only way to end a posting block is to positively contribute to the site; automatic bans never expire or "time out".
It seems to me that the message should tell the user about that so they don't just leave and come back a month later expecting it to be gone. My suggestion would be to make it say:
We are no longer accepting questions from this account. This ban will not expire automatically. See the Help Center to learn more and find out how to get it lifted.
We are no longer accepting questions from this account. This ban will never expire.
I've never been question banned, but if this ever greeted me I would stop reading right there, leave and never come back.We are no longer accepting questions from this account. This ban does not time out and can only be lifted by positive actions from you.
And then the help center link. Then they know it doesn't time out, but it's more obvious that it can be lifted.What constitutes a positive action?
so maybe that part would need to be rephrased