Feature summary
I would like to suggest adding a Should be Improved by OP/Author option on Triage to address the issues caused by users that don't know when is correct to select the "Should be Improved" option, the effort that is currently wasted when close flags get disputed by minor edits (by other people rather than the OP) and to help reducing the garbage sent to other queues and ultimately from the site.
This feature is not the same as the one asking to rename the "Should be Improved" button.
One of the main points of my request is to clearly differentiate questions that need improvement and can be improved by anyone from those that if not improved by the OP/author can't be answered at all.
By having this differentiation, close flags prompted by this button won't get disputed unless the OP edits the question.
The objective is to effectively close those questions that are posted and then abandoned by the OPs, but that can't be answered because they need to add additional information. Currently they remain open longer than they should (in many cases) because someone edited them to add an arguably "good" edition and as consequence rendering useless all the close flags in place (getting them disputed).
"Implementation" Details
Add Should be Improved by OP/Author option to Triage.
When this option is selected by the majority it will cause the following things:
- Notify the user he needs to improve his post or it will be closed.
- Automatically close the question after a grace period. (maybe 3 days? a whole weekend and a bit more?)
- Edits by users other than the OP won't dispute this "flag"/state.
- Less wasted effort on disputed flags by conflicting edits.
- Less garbage on other queues, a post that needs additional information by the OP doesn't need to be reviewed by others until it doesn't get added.
- Less garbage on the site. Questions posted by OP's that don't care to add additional information will be cleaned automatically.
- Existing confusion about "Should be improved" solved.
Other possible benefits
Less questions/discussion on Meta about the "Should be improved" option.
Less questions/discussion on Meta about "Disputed flags". I think this is very likely. Almost all my disputed flags were disputed by edits done by other users on questions I reviewed on triage. I am just one person, but I think many people experience the same.
If done properly can actually be more friendly for new OPs than the current system. Getting a notification saying, "Your question can not be answered without additional information, if you don't add it before XX it will be automatically closed. You will be able to later re-open the question if you add the required information", could be better received than automatic closing.
- Users may wonder what is the difference between "Should be improved" and "Should be Improved by OP". This could be solved with a good help description, or maybe changing the name of "Should be improved" to "Could be improved by others", or some other name.
- OPs that opened the bad question that got closed by this system may complain here. But they are likely already complaining.
Reasoning behind it
This will make a clear distinction between:
- Needs improvement (rephrase, etc)
- Requires additional information (that only the OP can provide) to be a good, answerable question for SO.
Currently many users mark questions as "Should be improved" when they are actually bad questions that should be closed. That happens even after reading the help box for it, since it is not clear:
Should Be Improved for questions where edits by the author or others would result in a question that is clear and answerable
As it has been widely discussed this help is rather misleading and only after reading the many meta discussions you learn that Should be improved is for a limited kind of questions.
Also, even after reading the meta discussions, questions that are marked as Should be improved, for example following these guidelines could go unanswered and be useless for other people if the OP doesn't add the information suggested by the bullet:
Might be missing a few things, but there's enough there to suggest the author could / will fix that if it's pointed out to them politely
Not only that, but currently a lot of effort goes wasted by flags being disputed for minor edits done by people that are trying to improve the question quality, but ultimately are useless because without the additional information the question can't be answered. I, personally, don't edit a question if it is not answerable and needs to be closed, but in many cases users edit questions that should be directly closed, and get everyone else's flag disputed, potentially leaving a lot of garbage on the site.
Other thoughts
- Instead of closing the question after 3 days, the question could be automatically closed telling the user it got closed because it needs additional information, and once added it can be reopened. However I feel it would be better to have a period of grace.
- The current "Should be improved" could use a different name. Even now if you change the name to something like "Send to low quality post queue" or so, people would consider more carefully what they are selecting as "Should be Improved".