What's an efficient and pragmatic way of letting a user know how to improve a question?
I'm thinking specifically of things like:
- Adding background info
- Posting actual code instead of pseudocode
- Including actual and expected results
- Copy-pasting the above rather than paraphrasing or translating
You can ask for these things which is simple enough, but if the user doesn't know why it's helpful or important, they're less likely to understand what exactly to tell you, and they'll be less likely to volunteer that info in the future.
For example, if you ask about the error message, it's not at all obvious that "it says there's no such file or directory" is much less helpful than cat: file : No such file or directory
(trailing space in the filename!) or cat: No such file or directory
(PATH is not a good name for a variable!) or : No such file or directory
(the script has carriage returns!)
Ways that aren't awesome include:
- Repetitively explaining why these things are helpful on a case-by-case basis
- Burdening the user with the esr smart questions guide
- Wishfully thinking that the user will just pick it up by linking to a great example
My first thought would be to take an existing or write a new high quality question, and annotating it with what each part is and (importantly) what makes this specific part helpful. You can then say "Can you please include the output you're getting and the output you expected? See the example [here]."
It would be both a good example for how to post, and allow a user to compare it to their own question with a focus on the right aspects.