While looking for information on the software product Glympse, I discovered that they're among the third party vendors who provide a link to a Stack Overflow tag alongside the "official" support channels on their site. Looking through the questions tagged with their tag, I noticed that number of them appear to be low quality and off-topic for SO.
One that specifically jumped out at me was this question: it's clearly not an answerable, on-topic Stack Overflow question, as the user is essentially asking if Glympse can expedite their request for an API key. Should be a slam-dunk case for closure, right?
I wasn't sure how exactly to handle these sorts of cases, so I browsed around on Meta looking for information on what to do about questions that should have been submitted to a third party support channel. I found this Meta discussion where someone had suggested a specific flag reason for this type of question, and saw that Brad Larson had instructed them thusly:
If something is clearly a customer support request that cannot be answered by a standard user on Stack Overflow, feel free to close it using a custom off topic reason.
Perfect! I flagged the question with the following flag message:
This should be removed, as it is not a programming related question but rather a customer service request for Glympse. They're misusing Stack Overflow by linking to it as their "developer forum" on the Glympse developer web site.
However, my flag was declined with the standard message:
declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention
Can a moderator (or anyone else) clarify if and why this flag was inappropriate? I thought I was following pretty clear instructions. I've also got another pending custom flag drawing attention to particularly inappropriate answers posted by Glympse's reps, so I'm curious to see the fate of that flag as well.