I can't count the number of simple errors in questions that a glance at the preview would highlight for the person posting them, such as
- HTML not showing up because it hasn't been marked up
- Code not marked up and so shown as word-wrapped text
enter code here
And yet, even though they have to scroll past it to click the [Post Your Question] button, new users don't seem to look at the preview at all. I suspect it's partially because the preview isn't called out in any way, it just looks like text on the Ask Question page, and as we know People Don't Read, they just scan for the nice button.
For instance, right now, this what the page is showing me:
But this is what I see:
Perhaps we could highlight and identify the preview, to at least increase the odds of the user taking notice of it before they click? Something like:
Label the preview "Preview - This is what your question is going to look like" (excellent wording improvement from deceze).
Set it off from other text with a background (or something).
Add "Read the Preview above before posting" with a list of things to check. Most people won't read this, but hey, we can hope for some.
Obviously that's just an initial draft, we'd want design it properly and road-test it.
And a follow-on specific to new users: Require new users to check the preview before posting