If a user asks about 25 questions in a month, which are good enough to earn them 1000 rep, then how useful is that person for the community, if they have never answered any questions?
1 Answer
Questions are the seeds of all content on SO. No questions, no "Q&A". Good questions help everyone, specifically people with the same problem which will find these questions in the future with their respective solutions. That's exactly what SO is for.
If a user is able to post such great questions that they accumulate 1000 rep with 25 questions, that user is very valuable for seeding the knowledge base with useful material.
1Not only do they help people with the same problem, they also bring people to the site who enjoy answering questions. I would probably answer more questions if I could find more good ones. And I would most definitely have more fun answering if more of them were of high quality. So the everyone in your first paragraph is really key. Commented May 23, 2015 at 6:10
(note: not to scale)