Different questions (with different levels of relevance):
C++11 Compiler: Closest to the standard and how close?
Compilers that support C11
C++11 compiler for windows
c++ compiler not installed on this system
How to install the GNU Fortran 77 compiler or g77 on Ubuntu 14.04
How to install a compiler on Windows? (For a Matlab program)
How to install cross compiler (on ubuntu 12.04 LTS) for microprocessor SA1100?
Is it possible to install a C# compiler without Visual Studio?
Install any version of ruby with RVM on mavericks
PHP Interpreter is not Installed (Linux)
How to install Python interpreters on Linux in a fully automated way
All those questions share the same theme: How do I get a tool that provides X in my system. Are all those questions to be closed?
Since you brought the issue, how is this answer of yours not recommending a tutorial?
I look at the rules in the site, I read them and I get an understanding of the spirit: this is not a place to be asking for recommendations or to have others do your research work, but having been there before a couple of months back and not managing to get an implementation of Concepts TS up and running, I do find the question and answer extremely valuable.
An important note that might not be quite understood by people outside of the C++ community is that this question is not asking for a recommendation for a tool to solve a problem, but for an implementation of a proposed document so that the language itself can be verified. This was never a question along the lines of: how can I setup a web server and a wiki and... but closer to questions asking about where the documentation for a particular feature of the language.
Where the Concepts TS may be ambiguous the reference implementation by the author (the one Dietmar talks about in the answer) is the complement to show the intent of the author. The intention at this point, where there are no production compilers with support for the feature, is to help tailor the document that will become standard, remove ambiguities... Where there multiple implementations, the ability to compare the results would lead to requests to improve the wording of the document to clarify intentions.
The question is quite niche and I understand that it can seem as what is the best web server type of questions, that is the main reason for the comment I added in the original question. This is not what it may seem if you are unaware of the standardization process.
Even if it is literally asking for (the existence of) a tool, and by the letter it is against the guidelines, this is a guide dogs that I strongly believe should be allowed where pets are not.
if you don't understand, you should stop reviewing
basically means I've been here longer, look at my huge swinging package. It's elitism at its finest, which you'll see every now and again on SO. You learn to read between the lines. The fact is, you're here attempting to better your understanding of the SO ecosystem, and as far as I'm concerned that's better than 100% of the robo-reviewers that scour the site.