There are currently two different tags that refer to the exact same technology.
dmx - 37 questions
dmx512 - 8 questions
Both tags also have the same description:
DMX512 (Digital MultipleX) is a standard for digital communication networks that are commonly used to control stage lighting and effects.
Although there is no official variant of DMX512-A (E1.11 - 2008, USITT DMX512-A) it would make sense to merge any questions from [dmx512]
to the more general [dmx]
tag and remove the [dmx512]
tag to avoid fragmented questions across both tags and the need for users to include both tags in their question.
It would be simple to manually edit the 8 questions in [dmx512]
but i furged this is a question for the meta.
for the lighting protocol and use[dmx]
for Data Mining Expressions (the MSQL protocol) edit: Disregard[dmx-ssas]
exists. it just seems the auto tagger is mis tagging.