It seems a lot of questions on Stack Overflow are considered off topic but still hold valuable information. For example, a lot of questions like Recommended Java maths/stats library [closed] are closed because they focus on resources instead of the actual programming language.
What if instead of being closed down, they were simply migrated to another site on the Stack Exchange network or a subdomain of Stack Overflow specifically for these types of questions?
I recognize that many questions that I linked to are regarded as not a fit by the mods. I know better than to suggest changing that. My main reason for inquiring is that, despite such questions not being an ideal fit for Stack Overflow, I still think they are valuable information, and I think closing them to discussion has drawbacks. Thus the motive for creating a separate area for them.
Clearly others do not think so, but I am interested in knowing why. I've read through several of the other questions along these lines and didn't really find a definite conclusion to the issue. I don't mind the negative votes, but I honestly would be interested to know why.