I was looking at the badges when I noticed that a good number of the recent ones were the Yearling one. I checked them and found that many of them were awarded to people for the n-th time, which is correct according to the badge description:
Active member for a year, earning at least 200 reputation. This badge can be awarded multiple times.
From that description, I would understand if a user gets the badge after 12 or more months (once every year if you make 200+ points, or whenever you get 200 points after more than 365 days), but there would not be a possible way of getting it more than once a calendar year. Something like this user, that has been getting the badge every year on the same day for four years:
But then, looking at the dates in which the badge was awarded, there are things that do not make sense. Many of them have been awarded and there's not a year between the dates. For example:
- This user got it 6 times in 3 years (once in 2012, twice in 2013 and 2014, and once more in 2015).
- This other user got it 4 months ago and today again.
- And like that, there are many other examples.
Is there a bug in the way the badge is awarded?