In the question Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?, today I see the active value is today, so I click the [today] and it moves to no-where.

I want to know Why and When clicking on today moves to no-where?

Edit :

I found the list of activities And the fedorqui answer to the list:

Id | Name                             | No-Where
---+---------------------------- ... -+----------------
1  | Initial Title                    | 
2  | Initial Body                     | 
3  | Initial Tags                     | 
4  | Edit Title                       | 
5  | Edit Body                        | 
6  | Edit Tags                        | 
7  | Rollback Title                   | 
8  | Rollback Body                    | 
9  | Rollback Tags                    | 
10 | Post Closed                      | 
11 | Post Reopened                    | 
12 | Post Deleted                     | for reputation < 10K
13 | Post Undeleted                   | 
14 | Post Locked                      | 
15 | Post Unlocked                    | 
16 | Community Owned                  | 
17 | Post Migrated                    | 
18 | Question Merged                  | 
19 | Question Protected               | 
20 | Question Unprotected             | 
22 | Question Unmerged                | 
24 | Suggested Edit Applied           | 
25 | Post Tweeted                     | 
31 | Discussion moved to chat         | 
33 | Post Notice Added                | 
34 | Post Notice Removed              | 
35 | Post Migrated Away               | 
36 | Post Migrated Here               | 
37 | Post Merge Source                | 
38 | Post Merge Destination           | 
  • 1
    related feature request, that edits to deleted posts should not affect the last modified time: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/271978/…
    – Tanner
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 9:58
  • @Tanner my question is not just about deleted posts, If in list of activities the only no-where is that I highlighted, note that ;).
    – shA.t
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 10:12

1 Answer 1


This is because it points to a deleted answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29942941

If you have >10K reputation you can see it. For those who don't, I have taken a screenshot:

enter image description here

  • Thanks, And is this the only situation of moving to no-where?
    – shA.t
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 9:25
  • 1
    Checking What does active mean? I see that "Active" shows when the post was last active. Active means that it has a change: an edit, an answer, an edit to an answer, bumped by Community♦ etc... So I can just imagine this happening when any of these was done on a deleted answer.
    – fedorqui
    Commented Apr 30, 2015 at 9:31

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