As I understand the main purpose of tags is to categorize content. Some tags target a generic language like SQL, and can (and in many cases should) be qualified with the specific product (and version if applicable) that the question refers to.
Tags also determines the badge progress you can make if gaining points on from an answer and my question is what the policy on adding more tags to a question with the intent of making the question more searchable, as the side effect (which might be desired) is to gain badge progress.
I have a vague memory of reading that fewer tags are better, and I'm not sure I agree with this. Surely using as many as possible of the five tags would increase a questions visibility and possibility to be found in tag limited a search?
Note that I'm not talking about adding dubious tags, but rather tags that should be part of a hierarchy if SO had that design feature (like SQL -> SQL Server -> SQL Server 2012 -> TSQL).
Is it ok to add tags when you stand to gain badge progress from doing so?