What do I get once I hit 100,000 reputation? I'm getting close.
I remember Telerik was handing out licenses at 10,000.
One email , a T-Shirt (with stack overflow logo), one coffee cup, few Stack Overflow stickers....and of course six digit rep
By the way, this is what the coffee cup looks like:
object responsible for filling itself with coffee? Unless they really do have mugs that can do that on their own, in which case… why didn't they send me one of those mugs? Do I need 200K?
Some months ago I was hoping to reach the 100k barrier, and yesterday i realized that received the "You're killing it" e-mail similar to that described by Andy E.
It’s not often we get to reach out and thank someone individually for their contribution to a site, but we wanted to take this time to congratulate you for reaching 100,000 reputation on Stack Overflow! To be in the top, top rankings among the millions of Stack Exchange users puts you in some really elite company.
Hitting a milestone like this is a great opportunity to take a step back and remember what the points are really about. It’s not just the tens of thousands of community members who took the time to upvote your posts; it’s the uncounted millions of people — yes millions — who have also learned (and will continue to learn) from what you’ve given so selflessly.
Once again, thank you for generously contributing your time, your passion, and your knowledge. You’ve made the Internet better for all of us.
And for that, you should feel incredibly proud.
but without including this part :-( :
Words cannot express how much I appreciate what you've done for this community. You've worked hard, and you deserve a lot of credit for what you accomplished. I hope you've found the experience rewarding in your own way. But getting a big ole box of cool stuff from our sites is also a fun way to mark the occasion, so I put together a collection of swag for you. It's just a small token of our appreciation for everything you've done.
Click here to tell us where to send stuff.
Well now I just can say that I am very proud of this achievement, but missing to show to my colleagues a coffee cup of this great site that helps everyone around the world to build extraordinary things!
Well today I wrote to Stack Overflow's community support, mentioning that I hit threshold, expecting big news :-)
This answer by a CM states that the swag queue is slowly being backfilled.
Personally, I got an email on August 5, a bit over a year after reaching 100k reputation on Stack Overflow, inviting me to fill in a form with my preferred delivery address, T-shirt size, etc.
Still waiting for the actual delivery, though. I hear they are collecting a pile which will eventually be delivered.
The current offering does not include the mug (drats) but there are socks, and a 250k swag set to look forward to.
Update: Arrived on Sep 28.
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