I regularly check the sitecore tag and when I just checked it seemed as if all questions in the last 24 hours have been downvoted, seemingly for no reason. The questions are valid, do not appear to be offtopic, and the downvoting appears to be systematic across posts by multiple users, on multiple Sitecore-related topics.
3 Answers
Disclaimer, I haven't looked at those specific questions.
But there's no such thing as "invalid downvotes", and that's what I want to address in my post. People are free to use downvotes as they see fit. People have various reasons for downvoting a post. Often, it's because it breaks a rule or shows no research effort.
The only exception to this is serial downvoting (or upvoting), where someone is targeting a particular person, often in retaliation for some perceived slight. That situation is covered in the Help Center.
9"The only exception to this is serial downvoting (or upvoting), where someone is targeting a particular person" Here, someone appears to be targeting a particular tag. What do you think about that?– RadiodefCommented Apr 27, 2015 at 13:35
5@Radiodef I don't think the tag will be offended. Perhaps someone thought there's some pertinent details left out of those questions. It's hard to know. Do we really want to try to get into the mind behind everyone's downvoting?– masonCommented Apr 27, 2015 at 13:37
11"I don't think the tag will be offended." What about the users who posted these apparently reasonable and on-topic questions?– RadiodefCommented Apr 27, 2015 at 13:40
3@Radiodef If it's a single user downvoting questions on a tag, then the effect per user is pretty insignificant. And if it affects a single user too many times, it will be serial downvoting and get reversed.– masonCommented Apr 27, 2015 at 13:42
3@Radiodef There are many justified reasons for a user to "target a tag". It could be the user is familiar only with that tag and doesn't feel comfortable voting on posts without that tag. And who's to stay those posts don't deserve the downvote? Maybe there is some new information that renders old answers "not best practice" anymore. Etc.– ryanyuyuCommented Apr 27, 2015 at 13:53
Thank you for the help folks... It just seemed like a 'spam' activity that should be flagged in some way, or be able to be reported. I am not personally impacted by this in any way, but seeing multiple users being downvoted just for participating in a community on Stack Overflow seemed rubbed my moral compass the wrong way. I'll leave it be and let the voting chips fall where they may– Jay SCommented Apr 27, 2015 at 15:50
1@mason Please don't tell people there's no such thing as invalid downvotes, then tell them there is an exception for serial downvotes. Some people only read for the answer they want to read.– C BauerCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 11:13
Let's think about the people who are actually able to read. The other folks will either never get it right or learn someday that words have meaning by themselves. Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 11:18
@CBauer If someone reads only part of my answer, that's their problem and they are beyond our hope.– masonCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 13:19
1This is not the attitude that a 10k user should take on a meta post with 15+ upvotes and an answer with 30+. This is something that will be referenced by future users and found in search results. I know we want users to always do the right thing, but if you're in IT (I presume you are), you know how infrequently they will do that. I wouldn't give them an opportunity to make that mistake.– C BauerCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 13:25
@CBauer 35 people agreed with my wording or felt it wasn't bad enough to detract from the post. There is no such thing as an invalid downvote. There's only serial downvoting. I chose my wording carefully. If someone only reads the first part, they'll leave here thinking there's no such thing as an invalid downvote. Which is just fine, because that's true. I've seen people try to control how others choose to use their votes. That's not right. If someone serial downvotes, well the system fixes that for us so it's not a major concern.– masonCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 13:38
1"There's no such thing as invalid downvotes, except for this case in which there are invalid downvotes." If that's the post you want to keep, by all means. I was just trying to advise you against making a contradiction.– C BauerCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 13:40
@CBauer I am certainly fine with it. It's sort of a contradiction, but it conveys strongly the important part that people should walk away with if they only read part of the answer. Like I said, we can easily fix serial downvoting. Fixing people's mindsets, well that's not nearly so easy.– masonCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 13:42
@mason The point is somewhat moot now that I've changed the title to reference "suspicious" instead of "invalid". The answer here no longer requires to point out invalid versus valid anymore. The important piece is the part about the serial downvoting.– Jay SCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 13:50
Glancing at the last half dozen or so sitecore questions in the last day, I think the reason most have been downvoted is that the downvoter probably thinks the question is not a programming question. Rather, they suspect that it's a configuration question having to do with setting up a sitecore site. Unless the question is actually about how to program a plugin, etc. for sitecore, it's not a valid question for SO.
Personally, I would probably have downvoted most of those questions as well.
For reference:
Sitecore WeBlog Comment moderation enabled, but comments are posted before approval
I don't understand how this is a programming question.
Moving sublayout that contains another sublayout from one placeholder to another
This question appears to be about an editor tool used with this product, and I am having difficulty understanding how it relates to programming.
Sitecore WeBlog Comment moderation enabled, but comments are posted before approval
Pretty sure this is pure configuration and has nothing to do with programming.
Sitecore WeBlog Blog Feeds with Custom Entry templates
This one is a bit more borderline -- only because it uses the word "XPath" -- but it still seems dubious to me and I'm not sure that the solution will involve any programming.
Sitecore ContentSearch by field and relevance
This one might involve programming -- or it might not. Still seems to me more of a "how do I use Sitecore" question, and not about how to code something.
1Just to comment on this, while Sitecore is a standalone CMS product it is mostly delivered as a platform for CMS implementation. Most questions require programmatic customization to achieve a result (such as search sorting which is a Lucene IQueryable implementation). While some configuration actions can be done to solve some questions, it is almost always necessary to target a Sitecore developer to answer these types of questions.– Jay SCommented Apr 28, 2015 at 8:29
and decided to blow some steam on SO?