The problem of scope
Why Q/A aimed at doing a Fact Checking not welcome on StackOverflow ?
Let's have a look at the help center (emphasis mine).
What types of questions should I avoid asking?
You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of our site and push other questions off the front page.
Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much.
Now, let's have a look at the first sentence of the question, together with the title:
What is the performance difference between gawk and …?
The question often comes up about whether to use gawk or mawk or C or some other language due to performance so let's create a canonical question/answer for a trivial and typical awk program.
Even without looking at the rest of the question, this doesn't seem like a question that is reasonably scoped. Also, it's very open-ended: new programming languages get created every other day, and some of them survive more than the first year. Where does one stop? At what point can one actually accept a definite answer?
Trimming down the number of languages
But let's say that there are finite languages that one is interested into, e.g. G, G++, Chilli, Lama, Snake and Mocha (not sure whether those are real languages). Now the question has a much smaller scope. Only 7 total benchmarks. Or so one might think. There are still several unknown parameters. What language versions are going to be compared? Who decides what algorithm actually passes the test? Is a fast algorithm that has UB better than a safe one that doesn't expose UB?
At this point we're slowly transitioning from a objective measurable problem into a subjective one, as long as the complete requirements to the code aren't posted. Are new language variants, e.g. Snake 5.x allowed, although Snake 4.x is more common? What about G++-1994? Which version of gawk should compete against which version of GCC (Glorious Chilli Compiler)? Even though we managed to get a rather low number of programming languages, we still need to cover a lot of ground for a complete answer.
Getting a question to scope
The question would have been reasonably scoped, if it instead asked for a very specific comparison, or – even better – for a comparison between two programs, e.g.
Why is my Ruby version of the following awk program so slow?
I've written the following script in Ruby to perform an awk-like operation on a large (10M) file:"file").readlines.each do |line|
line.gsub(/(hit)\s[0-9]*0\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)/) { puts "#{$3} #{$1} #{$2}" }
On my machine, it takes ~10s. However, the following awk call, which does the same, takes only ~3s.
awk '/hit [[:digit:]]*0 / { print $4, $1, $3 }' file
Is there some kind of bottleneck in my Ruby code?
That's a reasonable question (but also a candidate for the code review SE).
So, what now?
Is there a recommended place for this?
As we've seen, SO isn't really a place for such questions. Indeed, you could probably write a paper comparing all different implementations. So if you're really interested in this problem, what can you do?
Check, whether other pages provide a) the brains and b) the brawn to host such a comparison, e.g. a common hardware that actually provides some means to make those benchmarks comparable.
If there isn't one: congratulations, you just found a new project you can work on.
Is it not a candidate for community wiki?
No, since a community wiki must still hold the stackoverflow rules.
If a question can have more than 100 (valid) answers, where each is of equal value as others, it's too broad.
it's too broad
has so far been able to suggest a way to clarify it without completely changing the intent and/or limits of the question. It's like they're reading what they expect to see in it rather than what it actually says.