Please help me improve it and let me know where am I lacking?
First, the folks casting the downvotes may be different than the folks casting the close votes. There's no way to tell why someone downvoted sans them leaving you a comment and telling you.
If you click on the Close(3) link, you will see three people voted to close because:
Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must
include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the
shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself.
Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other
I think that's partially due to:
"but while creating the adapter class I am facing some issues..."
In the above (and the remainder of the question that follows), there's not really a clear problem statement.
You did say:
"but in the constructor I was not able to pass them all."
But that not clear and it's not easy to understand.
Then you provide:
"I get an error that Cannot resolve method super(...)"
In this case, it's not clear what the error is. You should provide an exact error message, and not blank out relevant information with elipses.
So I think you could improve the question by clearly stating what the problem is, and clearly stating what error you are encountering.