Some time ago, I answered this question :
At that time (sept. 2014) there was no official release of Java SDK 8 for AIX. But now there is (since march 2015).
I already did a 'late edit', see my answer, but I don't find this ideal. I'm confused on what should be done to have a real quality answer:
- Rollback my answer without the 'late edit' => Leave it to its "initial time context"
- Rewrite completely the answer because, if I were to answer it today, I would not say what I said before (since Java SDK 8 for AIX exists) => Loose the "initial time context".
- Leave it as-is.
My question/problem is really:
How should an answer match the time context of the question?
And to focus an the rewriting:
Should we rewrite an answer that is no longer valid?
For information, my answer (which is the only answer suggested) was not choosen by the OP.