There is no official api for chat.
I wrote a transcript parser for the Python chat room. We use it to record meetings; you can see it in action here. The code is a bit scattered, the relevant portions are here and here.
The individual message code contains my opinion of the wonderful world of "friendly" timestamp parsing without an api.
def html_load(cls, element, room_id, ts_date=None, update=True):
"""Create a message by id and update it from scraped HTML.
:param element: message element from Beautiful Soup
:param room_id: needed for fetching "see full text" messages
:param ts_date: date parsed from page containing message. If None, the timestamps are assumed to have the full date, filling in missing fields with today's date.
:return: instance
id = int(['id']).group(1))
o = cls.get_unique(id=id)
if not update and o.ts is not None:
return o
o.room_id = room_id
user_url = element.find_previous('div', class_='signature').find('a')['href']
# don't try to re-cache existing users, since they may be loaded for multiple messages
o.user = SEUser.se_load(ident=user_url, update=False)
# Yam it, these are the dumbest timestamps ever.
# Not every message in the transcript has a timestamp, so we just give all those messages the closest previous timestamp.
# A timestamp can be:
# hour:minute period, in which case you need the timestamp from the transcript page, or the current day if this is the starred message list
# yst hour:minute period, in which case subtract one day
# weekday hour:minute period, in which case treat today as the last day of the week to calculate and subtract an offset
# month day hour:minute period, in which case you need to get the year from the transcript or the current day
# month day 'year hour:minute period, hooray, the only thing wrong with this is the 2 digit year!
# I know they have the full, seconds resolution, timestamp somewhere, because you can see it when hovering the timestamp in the recently starred list
# if this is the transcript, the day was parsed and passed in, otherwise it's the chatroom and we start with the current date
ts_date = ts_date if ts_date is not None else datetime.utcnow().date()
# find the closest previous timestamp and parse it with a crazy regex to handle all the cases
ts_data ='div', class_='timestamp').string).groupdict()
# at least there's always a time, instead of "5 minutes ago"
hour = int(ts_data['hour'])
minute = int(ts_data['minute'])
if ts_data['month'] is not None:
# there was a month, so this will replace the start date
# if there's a year, use strptime to handle 2-digit years as sanely as possible
# otherwise, use the date we started with to get the year
year = datetime.strptime(ts_data['year'], '%y').year if ts_data['year'] is not None else ts_date.year
# get a month's number by name
month = months.index(ts_data['month'])
day = int(ts_data['day'])
# build the new date
ts_date = date(year, month, day)
elif ts_data['weekday'] is not None:
# instead of the date, we got a day of the week in the starred list
if ts_data['weekday'] == 'yst':
# or even dumber, we got "yesterday"
offset = timedelta(-1)
# to figure out the offset for a given day relative to the current day
# remember the days of the week start on monday and are zero based
# go back 6 days
# get the number for the day of the week
# get the number for the current day of the week, treat that as the last day of the week by subtracting from 6
# add the last day offset to the normal day number, wrapping around if we overflow the week
offset = timedelta(-6 + ((days.index(ts_data['weekday']) + (6 - ts_date.weekday())) % 7))
# modify today's date with the offset
ts_date += offset
if ts_data['period'] == 'AM' and hour == 12:
# 12 AM is actually 0 in 24 hour time
hour = 0
elif ts_data['period'] == 'PM' and hour != 12:
# hours after 12 PM are shifted up 12
hour += 12
# build a utc timestamp from the date and the time
o.ts = datetime.combine(ts_date, time(hour, minute))
if element.find(class_='partial') is not None:
# this is a "see full text" message, load the full unrendered message
o.content = requests.get(full_text_url.format(room_id, id)).text
o.rendered = False
# normal full message
o.content = element.find('div', class_='content').decode_contents().strip()
o.rendered = True
stars_elem = element.find('span', class_='stars')
o.stars = int(stars_elem.find('span', class_='times').string or 0) if stars_elem is not None else 0
return o
A bunch of us asked for a chat api during the annual survey. SE devs, hear our cries for help. :(