Since starting LQP reviews, I've run across a number of auto-comments along with votes to recommend deletion that seemed careless and inapplicable. Then I read a screed that recommended flagging these sorts of incorrect auto-comments as Not Constructive, per Brad Larson ♦'s answer. Great! I immediately began doing exactly that; running into two such flatly-wrong comments, I flagged them both and hit Looks OK on the answers. A couple days later… I have two shiny new declined comment flags. This decline rate is unprecedented for me; I hardly ever get two declined per week, much less in one day and for the same exact reason. Never mind that those are the only two comments I've flagged that way!
Isn't this actually an answer, however wrong it might be, and however plausible the (assumed) reason for the error as given in another comment? And how about this (10k only), given that it gives not merely a link to a tool (already definitely not NAA) but some further details about its use?
A third flag since then, on an even more blatant case (code-only answer with link-only auto-comment on it) got a helpful marking. Hurray! The comment has not (yet?) been deleted, though. So… I'm getting a distinctly negative vibe here: 0 for 3 on actually getting wrong comments removed.