I have a disagreement with an automated evaluation of my review as "incorrect". Normally, I try to see why I was deemed "incorrect" and just let the judgement slide if I disagree. But, in this case, I have been banned from reviewing for 2 days.
Here is the review audit failure, and here is the (now-deleted) question itself:
Take from both sides thing from : [PHP]
I have:
Loerum upsum damn da da, Loreum upsum.
Loreum upsumLoreum upsum
test1 : value1
test1 : value1 asdasdasd
asdasdas test2 : value2
test3 : value3
Loerum upsum damn da da, Loreum upsum.
Loreum upsumLoreum upsum
And how i can take from : both sides? it from both side to array: (exp: key=test1; value=value1)
deleted by Bill the Lizard♦ Mar 6 at 15:14
I chose to mark the question as "Should Be Improved" because the desired functionality is not clear, there is no stated "problem", and there is no evidence of an attempt to solve a problem.
However, there is a request to achieve some functionality. It seems that the OP wants to split text that is separated by a colon into key/value pairs. In my opinion, that request just needs to be clarified and, ideally, an attempt at a solution should be made.
The system claimed that I failed the review audit because the question is clearly non-sensical and cannot be improved (I'm paraphrasing). However, I am fairly confident that I understand the question, and it is not non-sensical at all. I just think it needs to be clarified (i.e. improved).
The same user has posted a similar question here, and it has not been removed. In fact, it has been answered and the answer has been up-voted and accepted. Clearly, this new post is an "improved" version of the original post that was deemed "un-improvable".
I realize that my ban is not based solely on that one review audit. Still, in general I feel that I often (not always) disagree with the automated determination of failure.
Is there any recourse for removing my two-day ban?
The comment debate over the validity of the OP's original question has become irrelevant. However the amount of debate should draw attention to the subjectivity of the review process.
I am not looking for the question to be re-instated or un-deleted. I'm looking for a human to look at my ban and say, "Hey. I can see how that's subjective," and to remove it. Automated bans do not account for the subjectivity inherent in the review process.
If my ban cannot be removed, I'll just wait it out. And I'll try not to let it sour my interest in reviewing posts or participating in the community at large.