I believe the tag recycle-bin(194 questions) is not useful, because:
It contains many unrelated questions. Most of them are about deleting files or putting them in the recycle bin, be it on Mac OSX, Google drive, Windows... I believe this is a 'meta-tag' because of this.
Some examples:
These tags are used for all kinds of different things, and I don't think they are terribly useful for finding or answering questions.
Some other similar tags I came across and which are of questionable usefulness are
- garbage (200, most of these should be retagged to garbage-collection),
- recycle (135),
- recycling (100),
all of which are somewhat ambiguous, and can relate to various things.
Maybe more specific tags should be created for some of these tags, the questions edited ( and the bad ones closed ), and then the tags could be burninated ?
What do YOU think ?