It sounds like you've had a frustrating go at it. I'm not sure if another explanation will help, but I do want to take a stab at explaining why Stack Overflow is so picky about the quality of its questions.
First, programming is hard (you may have already noticed this), and following advice on Stack Overflow can be tough when you're starting out. This isn't new, and I can guarantee that literally everyone on this site has been frustrated like you at some point (including myself). All I can do here is encourage truly understanding the snippets in the answers as much as possible, because things like variables etc may be renamed, and it's really easy to miss something simple.
Similarly, writing good questions that a fellow programmer can actually help you answer can be hugely difficult. This is why we have so much advice about how to ask them. We selfishly want the questions and answers to be useful to other people in the future, not just for your immediate need. This is why we close things that end up being, for example, a missing semi-colon.
I'd also like to take just a moment to point out that Stack Overflow is not a guaranteed answer machine - everyone answering questions on this site is volunteering their time to take a look at your questions (including this one), so although you may be frustrated with your particular problem, it still pays to be polite.
You seem to have taken some offense that people have commented asking for clarification, or that an answer might not work right off the bat. Especially when you're starting out, it can take a few stabs before you get to the real meat of what the problem was (like the accidentally set breakpoint in this now deleted question). And this is why it's a good idea to address what people have asked in the comments - they don't think that you're stupid, and they're not being lazy, they just don't yet fully understand your problem, and are asking for more context.
All of that said, you do run into the occasional snarkasaurus, and I've already edited one of the answers that was unduly so.
Note also that deleted questions still count towards stuff like question-banning, even though you may not see them on your profile anymore. Unfortunately I don't have better advice here than to be patient, and maybe take some time to go back and see if there is something you can improve.