Personally I love those kinds of questions and many of my bookmarked favorites fit in that category. They are uber broad. Asking how to implement a leak detector in general is so, so broad. Might as well ask how to implement an operating system while we're at it.
But they are a type of bait that can sometimes lure some expert answers very unique to this site if we're lucky. Of course they could also yield junk.
Yet sometimes they yield pearls. It's like if someone asks how Doom 3 was implemented in the laziest, broadest kind of way, there might be some off-chance that John Carmack himself writes an answer and then we have a magnificent pearl. And that type of pearl is so magnificent in ways where no question posting an MCVE of broken code can ever rival. I found a similar broad question on gamedev asking how Dangerous Dave implemented the scrolling on such limited hardware (Apple II) where John Romero actually appeared to make a quick account just to write an answer on how the tiling worked where he also wrote about how it was all done in 6502 and how it was tricky for EGA graphics in the DOS version.
And in the few times I get to write a very detailed answer given my narrow and limited expertise that challenges me to really think of how to answer it well that combine all my years of experience in that one area where I happen to have some experience, it's usually a very broad question. For example, I have yet to encounter questions asking about the intricacies of implementing a production renderer to give me an excuse to write about it. But I have encountered some very basic questions like how to implement a raytracer where I can find an excuse to share my experiences. And I like sharing my experiences as a learning process predominantly, not a teaching one, since putting my thoughts and experiences out there might invite people who teach me better ways to deal with the problems. I'm kind of validating my own experiences through the process of attempting such answers.
I like them even if the site doesn't. That said, I'm still probably a misfit on SO. I tend to find I resonate more with Software Engineering which allows more of those kinds of questions to some degree, but I haven't really found a "home" for finding those kinds of detailed experienced answers which often require a either a sufficiently broad question on many people's minds if it's asked by someone without much experience, or an extremely advanced question by someone which often has the risk of turning into a tumbleweed because only people who have poured years into the exact same problem can answer those ultra advanced questions, so they tend to barely get any views and get lost in the shuffle.
Anyway, one thing I'm always wondering about is whether the question or the answer is more important. Since that question has fortunately been kept open and protected. But it obviously violates the guidelines. But these exceptions often make me wonder what the site really wants. If I go by community guidelines I'd downvote that question and vote to close as OT again. But I love the answers too much.