I regularly come across Stack Overflow comments which take this form:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com
This has always bothered me. I've read the Stack Overflow help center. I've read the Code Review help center. Nowhere in either does it suggest that questions which would be on-topic at one site are automatically off-topic at another site.
Consider this query:
OPEN Cross-site duplicate questions by same user.
This query returns questions posted to Stack Overflow AND Code Review by the same Stack Exchange account with identical titles and only questions that are OPEN on both sites.
There may be some false positives (identical titles don't inherently mean identical bodies...but I did some spot checking). There may be some questions that slipped through cracks and legitimately need to be closed on one site or the other.
But, there are 304 questions in this result set, which currently is more than 1.3% of all of Code Review's questions.
Even if there are some false positives and some questions that got missed and need to be closed on one site or another, if there is just one that is legitimately open on both, doesn't this suggest that for any question, being on-topic elsewhere doesn't automatically make it off-topic here?
Now consider that very rarely do the Code Review regulars peruse and make the sort of comments suggesting the question is better suited for a different website. Usually, it's Stack Overflow regulars making this comment, people who aren't necessarily familiar with the scope of Code Review, beyond the site's title.
Are questions that might be on-topic at a different Stack Exchange site necessarily automatically off-topic for Stack Overflow?
If yes, and the question doesn't fit any specific off-topic reason as defined by Stack Overflow's help center, would the appropriate action be to vote to close (VTC) with a comment like "this belongs on Code Review", or would it be better to simply flag for migration?
If no, what should be done with vote-to-close comments suggesting that the question is off-topic purely for the reason that it might be on-topic elsewhere? Simply leave a comment to the commenter explaining that this isn't a valid VTC reason? Or would flagging the comment be appropriate? And if so, how should I flag?