nor can I see any reason how any of these questions wouldn't be opinion-based"
Maybe you are fortunate to have never encountered some of the really terribly naming conventions I've seen.
Sometimes yes. Often times though people make arbitrary decisions about naming something, only to pay the price later because they didn't follow common naming conventions for their language/framework.
There is solid rationale behind many naming conventions. They sometimes avoid ambiguity, avoid conflicts between language elements that often appear in the same context but have different semantics, improves the readability/intuitiveness of an API(e.g. in C# not naming your custom collection class with a plural name, but name variable/property instances plural).
For example, if you have a namespace which is also the name of a class in C#, this is perfectly fine from a compiler standpoint, but it causes you to have to often fully qualify where it would otherwise be unnecessary, and some IDE features and code analysis tools will completely choke on this scenario.
Sometimes questions revolve around naming conventions that help an API fit into the nomenclature of common patterns/practices. For example, naming various language elements involved in a factory pattern.
I agree that there are some scenarios where there is no guiding rationale, and thus the answer is simply something along the lines of "It is an arbitrary choice, but you should follow(or agree upon) the conventions established by colleagues on your team." I think the question is probably still legitimate. Note such an answer is not an opinion. It is a statement of the fact that there is no guiding rationale in this particular case. It is only an opinion if the answerer actually suggests a particular naming convention without supporting rationale.
C# has a book, I won't plug the name, but it was written by members of the .NET Framework team. It has a large part of it dedicated to naming conventions. Some of it is arbitrary, simply establishing a convention, but most of it has very specific rationale for choices made, and there's lots of anecdotes of pitfalls of not following certain naming conventions. Lots of lessons learned where they made a bad decisions naming something in a way that later made it very hard to use the API in some scenarios.
I think it is short sighted to automatically assume such a question can only have an opinion based answer. I don't intend to sound adversarial. My point is that these questions should be evaluated on their own merits. I've seen a couple individuals going around and applying some action all over SO with very poor judgement regarding the actual question at hand, and using a meta post to justify their actions.
Additionally, I don't think all questions are appropriate for code review. If the answer is "You should not have a class name nested in the hierarchy where a namespace has the same name." is very generalized naming convention, and doesn't apply to a particular code example.