I have a moderately customized install of Auto-Review Comments. Only about half of them are for questions, and not all of them are intended for posts I'm about to flag, either. But the more important thing is that I can and do customize those before posting; one or two, in fact, flat-out don't work without my typing something else in the box, while several others are frequently tweaked on application, often by removing chunks that don't apply or adding in conditional clarifications. Comments that overlap with the autocomments the site inserts at various points (close reasons, VLQ) or that just rehash the readily-available guidance — without really engaging what parts are relevant and why — are a lot closer to noise, but I've had some good results with a number of these.
Here's the most common templates:
###[A] Answers just to say Thanks!
Please don't add "thanks" as answers. Invest some time in the site and you will gain sufficient [privileges](http://$SITEURL$/privileges) to upvote answers you like, which is the $SITENAME$ way of saying thank you.
###[A] Nothing but a URL to answer (and isn't spam)
While this may answer the question, [it would be preferable](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/8259) to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.
###[A] Nothing but a URL to tool (and isn't spam or NAA)
Generally, links to a tool or library [should be accompanied by usage notes, a specific explanation of how the linked resource is applicable to the problem, or some sample code](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/251605), or if possible all of the above.
###[A] Attempts to clarify
This should have been a comment, not an answer. With a bit more rep, [you will be able to post comments](http://$SITEURL$/privileges/comment).
###[A] Adding a new question as an answer
If you have another question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](http://$SITEURL$/questions/ask) button.
###[A] Another user adding a related question as answer
If you have a new question, please ask it by clicking the [Ask Question](http://$SITEURL$/questions/ask) button; you may want to include a link to this one for context. Or you may star this question as a favorite to be notified of any new answers. Once you have sufficient reputation, [you may also upvote](http://$SITEURL$/privileges/vote-up) it.
###[A] Another user adding a 'Me too!'
Please don't post "me too" as an answer. Instead, you may star this question as a favorite to be notified of any new answers. Once you have sufficient reputation, [you may also upvote](http://$SITEURL$/privileges/vote-up) it.
###[Q] Missing info
Please [edit] your question to [type here]. Thanks for improving the question's reference value and making it more answerable!
###[Q] Needs reduction
That looks like more code than strictly needed. Can you reduce the code further until no code can be removed while still running into the problem?
###[Q] Self-answers in a comment/question
You should post this as an answer and accept it so others can see that your problem was solved, especially if you solved it yourself.
###[Q] No code in question
Please [edit] to add meaningful code and a problem description here. Posting a [Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example](http://$SITEURL$/help/mcve) that demonstrates your problem would help you get better answers. Thanks!
###[Q] Website is "broken", no code in question, just link to site
Please [edit] your question to add meaningful code and a problem description here. Don't just link to the site that needs fixing - otherwise, this question will lose any value to future visitors once the problem is solved. Posting a [Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example](http://$SITEURL$/help/mcve) that demonstrates your problem would help you get better answers. For more info, see [Something on my web site doesn't work. Can I just paste a link to it?](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/125997/) Thanks!
###Wrong language
[$SITENAME$ generally works in English](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/07/non-english-question-policy/); please make sure your post is as useful as possible to others by translating it.
###Don't just fiddle
In the future, please include all relevant code in your post and **don't** just include a link to a code hosting site. Your post should stand alone from any other resource; consider what would happen if that site went down in the future!
###[A] Code-only
Generally, answers are much more helpful if they include an explanation of what the code is intended to do, and why that solves the problem without introducing others.
button on a terms of service when installing new software. How many people actually read it vs. how many just click and go?[ask]
becoming How to Ask.