How should I format compiler errors when I want to put them in code?
Should they be in a code section:
dk2.cpp: In function 'int main()':
dk2.cpp:29:28: error: no matching function for call to 'callIfToggled(const bool&, std::vector<bool>::reference, A&)'
dk2.cpp:29:28: note: candidate is:
dk2.cpp:13:6: note: template<class T> void callIfToggled(bool, bool&, T&)
Or in a block quote?
dk2.cpp: In function 'int main()':
dk2.cpp:29:28: error: no matching function for call to 'callIfToggled(const bool&, std::vector::reference, A&)'
dk2.cpp:29:28: note: candidate is:
dk2.cpp:13:6: note: template void callIfToggled(bool, bool&, T&)
Or something else? Note that code sections sometimes try to add syntax highlighting which is wrong since that is a compiler error.
Or should I use <pre></pre>
? But what about escape sequences then, it seems I need to escape < and > myself.
As for quotes, they mess-up the lines, and everything becomes a single line unless I go and manually split them into paragraphs.