A few moments ago, I accepted a suggested edit to a pretty poor question.
Looking at it, I felt that while the question still wasn't perfect, the edit was an improvement and perhaps could aid to drawing an appropriate answer. After clicking accept, I went back to the question to leave a comment to the OP of the post as well.
That's when I realized the question had already been closed, and suddenly I regret my decision because I started to realize that while the edit was an improvement, it didn't really make the question any better for SO. I made a mistake, and it wasn't until I saw other users close the question as off topic that it hit me.
I believe it would be helpful if reviewers could see the status of a question if it has been put on hold, as well as the reason why. As a reviewer, it's not always black and white to me whether or not to approve edits on certain questions that were originally poor; A good question asked in a poor manor can easily go unnoticed on the forum, so any edit to improve that question could be helpful.
In this particular case, while the edit improved the question, I don't think it made it any more worthy of being reopened. This is something I overlooked, and I know I am not the first or last person to do so. However, had I seen some sort of signal that the question had already been closed, I likely would have asked myself if the edit was beneficial enough to change that.
Does anyone else think that the status of a question should be included in the edit review queue (if necessary)? Are there other benefits, and is there a consequence to having that extra information?
I am open to the discussion of whether or not I should/shouldn't have approved that edit, or if I am approaching it the wrong way, but I hope that the feature request can be independent of this example.